9 Nisan 2012 Pazartesi

Bir insana karsi neler hissettiginizi ya da  aslinda , birsey hissedip hissetmediginizi anlamak istiyorsaniz gitmesine  musade etmeniz gerekiyor.
His bazinda bisiyler varsa ve o donerse, ala... yine birsey hissediyorsaniz ama donmuyorsa durum boktan...

Diger opsiyonu ise yazmaya bile degmez..

Gunun anlam ve onemini belirten ufak bir nottu sadece.  : )

You would like find out - How or  -What you actually feel about someone  ?  You had better let  this person go.
If there are any feelings  coming out  and if this person is  back ,it is splendid ...you still feel something but the person is not coming back, that is crap.

It doesnt even worth to write the 3rd option ...

This was a little , tiny note to tell the meaning of today.  : )