12 Aralık 2011 Pazartesi

Kitap çalmak , stealing a book

Kapidan  iceri girdigimde, o gune  kadar hic gormedigim  kadar  cok kitapla  karsilastim.
Sekiz  yasimda olmama ragmen hala dayimin elini tutuyordum. Kapidan usulca suzulup iceri girdik beraberce.
Kitaplari oldum olasi sevmisimdir,turune gelince iste o konuda biraz maymun istahliyim. O zamanda durum boyleydi..
Universitede ingilizce okutmani olan dayim,hemen kendi alani ile ilgili kitaplarin oldugu kisma dogru yonelmisti. Kucuk,kara gozlerini kitaba dikmis,adeta dunya ile baglantisini kesmisti.Kivircik saclari dusunceli alnindan dokuluyordu.Benim ona baktigimi sezmis olacak ki kafasini  yavasca kaldirip,gulumseyerek bana bakti  'Gel yanima , sana birsey soyleyecegim '
Yanina gidince tek elini omzuma koydu,gozlerimin icine bakarak ' Bak simdi , çalmak çok kotu birseydir,ayni zamanda gunahtir  ama ,inan bana kitap çalmak gunah degildir' Beraberce kikirdadik.
O, ingilizce kitaplarina,  bense mitoloji kitaplarina gomuldum,bilmiyorum kac saat daha kaldik orada.
Ne ben, ne o da kitap calmamistik tabiki.

Bu guzel gunun uzerinden yaklasik sekiz yil gecmisti.Bu sefer baska bir kutuphanedeydim,dayimin kutuphanesinde..! Sadece ingilizce degil,edebiyat,antropoloji, hukuk,Tip, Sosyoloji vs. ne aranirsa bulunabilecek zengin bir kitaplikti sahip oldugu.

Dayim, o gun evde yoktu,benimse  onu bekleyecek kadar vaktim yoktu. Birden gozume en sevdigim yazarlardan birinin kitabi ilisti.Hayiflandim,dayimin kacta eve donecegini bilmiyordum.
Senelerce once bana ettigi nasihati (?!) hatirladim ve hic tereddutsuz kitabi cantama koydum.
Yuzumde  hinzirca bir gulumse ile hizlica bir not yazip,masasinin uzerine biraktim :
'Dayicigim, nasilsa kitap calmak gunah degildi ya ..xxxx kitabini aldim,bilgin  olsun. opuyorum ' :)

Ehh nasihati veren o da olsa, soz konusu olan kendi kitaplari olunca nasihatin gecerliligi kalmadi tabi.
'Kitaplarimi calmana gerek yok,benden istedigin zaman veririm' dedi kitabini elimden alirken ve birkac dakika sonra kitabi bana geri uzatti.Beraberce gulustuk.

Boylesine parlak zekali,humanist,sevgi dolu bir insana psikoz teshisi konulup,okutma hakkinin elinden alinmasina senelerce anlam veremedim,hala da veremiyorum.

Bazen, insanlari saglikli tutan tek seyin ,ellerinden alinmasi, sistemin bozuklugundan mi  yoksa 'eskiya dunyaya,hukumdar olmaz' soyleminin canli ornegi mi ,emin olamiyorum... : (

I entered from the door  it was the first time for me that i saw soo many books all together.
I was eight years old but i was still holding my uncle's hand. We entered together quietly.

I always love  books but what kind? that's it is what i am a bit fickle  about ! I was the same by the time.
My uncle who was an English teacher at the university ,just headed forward to section of his interest.
His small, dark colored eyes was staring at the book, he almost looked like disconnected from the world. Curly hairs were touching to his thoughtful forehead. Probably he felt that i was looking at him, so he called me  with a smile  'Come  over  here, i will  tell  you something' . He put his hand on my shoulder  when i was next to him  'Listen, stealing is  really bad  and biggest  sin  BUT believe me, stealing  a book  isn't  a  sin  at  all !  '  We giggled together.
Then he was again into his English books  while i sunk into myth books. I  don't  know how many hours more ,we stayed there. And  Of course we didn't steal any book ! :)

Eight years passed after that beautiful day.  I was  then in another library ,in  my  Uncle's  Library !
It was such a rich library he has :not only  English books  but  also   Literature, anthropology, Law, Medicine, Sosyology  etc. whatever could  be  found.

My Uncle wasn't  at home  yet and  i didn't have enough to time for waiting. Suddenly ,i  noticed one of my favorite author's book  was  there. I worried because i didn't  know  what time he was coming back. Then i remembed the  advice (!)  he told me,many years ago and i put the book into my bag resolutely. I wrote  him  a note with a wicked smile on my lips :
 ' My dear uncle,  since stealing a book isn't a sin  i  take your  xxx book ,Kisses ' :)

Well, even  he was the one  give me this  advice and  since it was his book ,the advice wasn't valid anymore of course. he said  ' No need to steal my book,you can ask me then i give you'   while he was taking away his book from me and  then gave me back the book. We together chuckled.

 i was  and still  unable to understand for years, His diagnose as  a psycosis:  who is brillant, humanist ,so  fond  person  and taking away his right 'to Teach '.

I am not sure ,is this result of a  broken system or  is it an example for   the statement  of  ' no sovereign for a bandit world'  , taking away the only thing  that keep some people healthy... : (