Babamin vefatini da olmadan once hissetmistim ...

Her ne kadar beklenen birseyde olsa cok uzuldum...
Bazen, sevdigin insanlardan uzak olmanin getirisi bu sanirim..hala yasiyorlarmis gibi,gittiginde gorecekmissin gibi hissediyorsun.
Millet parayi pulu guzel seyleri medyumvari hissederken ben niye Olum Melegin'in sekreteri gibi,olecek olanlari hissederim bilmem...
Nur icinde yat Buyukannecigim,...senin kaybettigim icin gercekten cok uzgunum.
Karbeyazi saclarini,gulen cocuk gozlerini komik kahkahani ,gozunden dusen gozluklere sesli gazete okudugun hallerini gercekten ozleyecegim.
Not long time ago maybe a month ago,i said to myself loud - I think i am gonna lose my grandma' before the year is over.I also felt my dad's death before it happened...
Unfortunately. we lost our snow white haired ,sweet grandma.
Even it was expected i am really sorry to lose her.
Sometimes,it's a good thing to live far away from the people you care, you feel like they are still alive and you gonna see them when you go there.
While other people are having visions like a medium about money,stuff or some good things why i feel like a grim reaper's secretay and can guess about people's death time...
Respect in Peace Grandma' ..i am really sorry to lose you
i will really miss your snow white hair,smiling childish eyes, your funny laugh, then remembering you as : glasses're almost falling from your eyes while you were reading a newspaper loud.. ..Kisses
.Hep boyledir zaten... iyiler once gider,,bir boka yaramayan ama isi gucu baskasini uzmek olan insanlik fukarasi tiplerde daha uzuuuuun yillar Dunya nufusunda yerlerini korurlar.