23 Aralık 2011 Cuma

Oğlumun stiliyle mütalaa -Dictum in my son's style.

-Anne, bu insanlar daha bu kadar kocaman sapkalar giyip,saclarini boyle yapiyorlar  (Ortodoks yahudilerden bahsediyor).
-Hmm, inanclari geregi boyle giyiniyorlar oglum
-Ama neden?
-Emin degilim.
-Aha ben anladim.Bu kocaman siyah sapkalari takiyorlar boylece Allah  onlari yukardan  kolayca gorebilir !
-!! Bu da bir bakis acisi tabi oglum

-Anne,Istanbul'da ki tavsanimizla ,Almanya'dan aldigimiz tavsani ayni eve koyalim,arkadas olsunlar.
-Tabi,neden olmasin..
-Ah ama bir sorunumuz var
-Neymis o
-E Istanbul'da ki tavsanim Almanca bilmiyor,bu tavsan Turkce bilmiyor,nasil anlasacaklar?
-Bence onlarin konustugu tavsan dili vardir,anlasirlar  merak etme.
-Tavsan dili nasil?
-Ne yazik ki tavsanca bilmiyorum ,o yuzden ornek veremeyecegim canim.

-Anne,ben seni cok seviyorum
-Bende seni oglum
-Ama bazen senin cilgin oldugunu dusunuyorum
-Hmm bencede cilginim..haklisin oglum
-Ama seviyorum seni, endiselenme

-Aa bak kiziyorum ama ben sana diyorum neden dikkat etmiyorsun,,azcik dinle ogretmenini,oraya bak buraya bak kendini derse vermiyorsun bunlar kolay seyler senin icin
-Annneee,azcik susar misin lutfen burada kitabimi okumaya calisiyorum..lutfen..
(Bendeniz usulca kenara cekilip,isimi yapmaya devam ettim)

Kizkardesim soruyor:
- Ne oldu senin sesine canim,hastamisin,sesin degisik cikiyor.
-Hayir teyze,buyuyorum da o yuzden sesim degisiyor... (6 yasinda oldugunu belirteyim)

 Daha verecek ornek cok ama bunlar yakin zamanda olanlar oldugu icin,bu kadarcik yazabildim.
Bazen,sadece birkac dakikaligina bile olsa,olaylara ufak bir cocugun gozunden bakmak,mavi bir gokyuzunu mavi degilde,rengarek ve isiltilar icinde gormeye benziyor.

Seni cok seviyorum oglum..

-Mom,why these people  are wearing huge hats and making their hair like that (He is talking about Orthodox Jews)
-Well.. because of their beliefs, Son .
-But why?
-I am not sure .
-Ah i think i got it.They are wearing these big hats.So God can see'em from top easly!
- !!That's your  point of view too.

-Mom,Why not bringing our rabbit from Istanbul  and putting him to the same cage  with the rabbit we got from Germany,So,they can be friends.
-Sure,Why not.
-Oh we got a problem
-What it is?
-Well..my rabbit in Istanbul,doesn't know  German and this rabbit doesn't know  Turkish.How they will communicate?
-I think,they have a rabbit language that they can understand each other,don't worry about it.
-So how is that rabbit language?
-Well..unfortunately i don't know rabbitISH so i can not give you any examples  dear..

-Mom,i do love you very much.
-Me too Son.
-But i am thinking sometimes that you are crazy .
-I think too that   i am crazy ,you are right,Son.
-But i still love you,don't concern  about it.

-Look,i am  getting upset this time ,i am always telling you,why don't you pay attention a bit.Listen to your teacher a little bit. You are looking at here,there, you don't give full attention to your lessons.These are very easy stuff for you
-Moooom,can you please be quiet a little bit,i am trying to concentrate here to read my book..please
(Me,your humble servant, just moved to other corner quietly  and got busy with my stuff)

 My sister is asking over the phone:
-What happened to your voice sweetie, are you sick? your voice changed a bit.
-No aunt, i am growing up.Thats why my voice is changing ! (He is 6yrs old)

  There are a lot examples but these are fresh memories thats why i could write so little.
Sometimes,to look  at events with a little child's perspective is like seeing  sky so colourful and sparkling instead of seeing it blue,even for couple of minutes,

  I love you very much my son...