Ruya tabiri kitaplarini kaale almam zira ruyalarin tamamiyle bilincalti ile alakali oldugunu dusunurum.
Buna ragmen...hayatimdaki belli insanlarla resmen ruyalar araciligi ile haberlesirim.Saka gibi ama gercek !
Herkesle olmuyor...velhasil bu kimsenin akrabam ya da cok uzun yillar tanidigim kisi olmasinada gerek yok.
Hayatlarinda gerceklesen iyi ya da kotu bir takim degisiklikler, ruyalarima misafir olmalari icin kafi. :) Bazen ,bahsi gecen degisiklikler olmasada oylesine ruyalarimda gozuktukleri zaman,bilirim ki karsilikli birbirini dusunme soz konusudur.Telepati yani..
Hele bir iki insan var ki hayatimda,ayni anda ayni ruyayi gordugumuzu anlayinca urkmusktuk hakli olarak.
Bir defasinda cok sevgili halacagim beni arayip- neredesin,nisanlin (o zamanlar) geldi yurtdisindan sana ulasamiyoruz hadi eve gel..diye bana ciyak ciyak bagirdigi ruyami yine ayni halamdan gelen telefon bolmustu ve bana aynen soyle demisti. 'Kizim,nisanlinin kardesi geldi yurtdisindan(e azcik hatlar karismis ama habersiz bir ziyaretti yinede )kac gundur sana ulasamiyoruz,hadi gel' deyince,hicbirsey soylemeden telefonu kapamistim.
Seneler once bana ,hafif kacik medyum kilikli bir hatunun 'sende ucuncu goz cikacak,ruyalarina sezgilerine guven' deyisi geldi aklima (Gerci bende ona 'ne ucuncu gozu bana iki goz yetiyor' demistim ama..)
Simdi ne alaka ise..Boks sinifindan bir arkadasim ruyama girdi.Gecen sefer onu ruyamda gordugumde bes senedir beraber yasadigi sevgilisinden ayrilmisti.Ay hayir samimide degilim ki sorayim :))
Bakalim bu sefer neler olmus,kokusu cikar yakinda :)
I never took seriously books about " oneiromancy" because i always thought dreams are subconscious .
Yet i communicate with some people in my life via dreams.Sounds like a joke but true!
It isn't happening with everyone..after all, i don't have to know this person for years neither need to be relative to me . It is enough for me to make'em guests of my dreams when something bad or good is happening in their life . :) Sometimes,even if there are no any changes in their life but still appearing, then i know we are thinking of each other mutually.Telepathy is called.
Especially one or two people in my life ,we even dreamed the same dream together.Of course we freaked out :)
Once, i woke with the call of my dearest aunt was telling me 'daughter,the sister of your fiancee just arrived from blahblah country,we couln't reach you,come home ' i was speechless because i just dreamed about my aunt was telling me the same thing except fiancee instead of the sister (well,lines could be messed up but it was still unexpected visit ).
i remembered ,many years ago a bit insane medium look like lady told me once 'you're going to have the 3rd eye,pay attention to your dreams and intuitions' (despite of me replying as 'what 3rd eye,i have two,it's good enough for me :))
What's it got to do with it but i dreamed about a friend of mine from my previous Boxing Class. Last time i dreamed about him,he broke up with girl friend of five years.I haven't very close with him,so i can not even ask :))
Let's see what happened ,soon to be transpire :)