19 Nisan 2012 Perşembe

Duydugun seyler , duymak istemediklerin olunca ne kolay oluyor bahanelerin ardina siginmak.
Gorsen de ,gormek istemezsin , bir de "gercekci " olmamakla itham edilirsin.

O yuzden ,bu "gercekci " olmayan beklentilerin bile mutlu ettigi,azcik umitlendirdigi kisilere bazi seyleri  dayatmiyorum.Gulumseyip,sirtlarini sivazliyorum.
Bana da aynisinin yapilmasini istedigim icin sanirim :)

It is easy to hide behind the excuses when you hear what you wouldn't like to hear.
Even if you see some facts,you just don't want to see. Then, you might be accused to be "unrealistic" .

That's why i am not forcing some people whoever is happy or hopeful with their  "unrealistic" expectations.
I smile while i slap on the back.
That's because i prefer to have same  ,i guess. :)