Bu senenin son kaydi..
Bir senelik bir parca ama yeni yila boyle veda edecegim,cok sevdigim arkadaslarimla ve ailemle dans ederek ! ( Bir gecelik DJ olmaktan kimseye zarar gelmez).
This is last writing of this year.
Ok its a year old this song but i will be leaving this year behind me with the song while i will be dancing with mu dearest friends and family ( It doesn't hurt anyone to be DJ for one-nite :)
Once Again.. Happy new year to everyone.
Bir kez daha.. .Herkese iyi yillar
Ein gutes neues Jahr
С Новым Годом
שנה טובה
새해 복 많이 받으세요
laimingų Naujųjų Metų
E gudd neit Joër
Gott nytt år
Щасливого Нового Року
Feliz año nuevo
Bonne année
Gelukkig nieuwjaar
Languages,based on visitors of my blog,Thank you all..
30 Aralık 2011 Cuma
29 Aralık 2011 Perşembe
Yilbasinda evde olmayacagim ve kuvvetle muhtemel internete baglanmayacagim icin,yeni yil ile ilgili duygu dusuncelerimi simdiden paylassam fena olmayacak.
Efenim, ardimda biraktigim yil ile ilgili fazla soyleyecek birsey yok.Surda su oldu bu oldu,bundan ders aldim bundan bisiy almadim tarzinda geyige girmeyecegim.
Bir yil daha gecti gitti iste..
Giden yilin ustune,ayni bu resimde goruldugu gibi ustunde boyami cekiyorum (kimisi cizgi ceker tabi) :)
Yeni yilin, oncelikle bana :P ve aileme bol sans,huzur ve saglik ; Dunya'ya baris getirmesini,tüm kalbimle diliyorum.
Herkese iyi yillar !
2012'de sansiniz,sagliginiz ve saadettiniz bol olsun Dostlar.

I am not gonna be home in the new year eve. and most likely, won't be connecting to internet as well.So, it would be better to share my feelings and thoughts about the new coming year.
Well..There is not much to say the year we are leaving behind.
I won't be bullshitting as blahblah happened,blahblah gave me a lesson,blahblah didn't give anything. etc.
Another year is about to be finish.
And i would like to paint over the previous year ,like : in this picture :)
Hope that the new year will bring a lot of luck,,peace and health ,primarily to me and to my family :P
Again wishing Peace for the World with all my heart.
Happy New year to you all !
I hope you folks will have luck,happiness and healthy days in 2012.
Efenim, ardimda biraktigim yil ile ilgili fazla soyleyecek birsey yok.Surda su oldu bu oldu,bundan ders aldim bundan bisiy almadim tarzinda geyige girmeyecegim.
Bir yil daha gecti gitti iste..
Giden yilin ustune,ayni bu resimde goruldugu gibi ustunde boyami cekiyorum (kimisi cizgi ceker tabi) :)
Yeni yilin, oncelikle bana :P ve aileme bol sans,huzur ve saglik ; Dunya'ya baris getirmesini,tüm kalbimle diliyorum.
Herkese iyi yillar !
2012'de sansiniz,sagliginiz ve saadettiniz bol olsun Dostlar.

I am not gonna be home in the new year eve. and most likely, won't be connecting to internet as well.So, it would be better to share my feelings and thoughts about the new coming year.
Well..There is not much to say the year we are leaving behind.
I won't be bullshitting as blahblah happened,blahblah gave me a lesson,blahblah didn't give anything. etc.
Another year is about to be finish.
And i would like to paint over the previous year ,like : in this picture :)
Hope that the new year will bring a lot of luck,,peace and health ,primarily to me and to my family :P
Again wishing Peace for the World with all my heart.
Happy New year to you all !
I hope you folks will have luck,happiness and healthy days in 2012.
28 Aralık 2011 Çarşamba
Seksilik ile basitlik arasindaki ince cizgi- the tiny line btwn sexy and vulgar
Ilk once seksilik nedir;
Bana gore , ayrintilarda gizlidir ama basit olmayan hersey seksidir !
Evet ciddi soyluyorum.
Kicini basini acip dikkat cekmeye calisan bir kadin kadar itici birsey dusunemiyorum.
Ha, dekolteyi bende severim ama bokunu cikarmadan.
Hadi onu gectim ama bir cift bacaga, goguse tav olan adamlara ne demeli...Al birini vur otekine..
Sene bilmemkac..cok hosuma giden bir cocuk var.Uzun boylu,yapili (ben boyle adam seviyorum ne yapayim) sempatik,akli fikri uckurunda olan birine benzemiyor,muhabbeti guzel..
Arkadas olduk.
Gel zaman git zaman birbirimizden hoslanmaya da basladik..ee buraya kadar guzel..Sonrasinda internette yaptigim kucuk bir arastirma ile bu zatin myspace sayfasini buldum. Yine absurd bisiy yok amaaaa o da ne..
konustuklarimizdan hatirladigim bir isim carpti gozume....biri eski sevgilisi digerleri bir zaman beraber takildigi hatunlar.. yazdiklari uc bes kelime ile ne mal oldugunu sermisler ortaya..
Tamam,bana ne sevgililerinden ama -boyle kadinlardan hoslanan bir adam mumkunse benden hoslanmasin dedim !
Dusuncemi soylemedende edemedim ve ona kisaca soyle dedim - ,iliskilerden bahsediyorken...eski sevgililerine bakilirsa ben sana birkac numara buyugum .Sen benim gibi biriyle yapamazmissin sana daha -kolay tipler lazim...
Boylece, birseyler baslamadan bitti tabiki :) Bu arada, sayfasina gonderilen msglara bakilirsa ,yatakta iyiymis (Allah kahretsin!) :))
Basit erkek var tabi,yok mu... Ornek ?
Sagda solda kac kadinla yattigini ovune ovune anlatanlar,
Erkekligin sadece yatakta iyi is cikarmak oldugunu sanip okuzlukte tavan yapanlar..
Sirf yatmak icin ona is atan her kadinla ama her kadinla yatanlar...
Bilmemkac model jaguar'inda -aman dikkat et.o bozulursa ne kadar pahali biliyor musun diye odu kopanlar ( tamam,bu bir öküz ama pahali?! bir arabanin basit öküzü!- bu olay gercekten olmustur,hayal urunu degil!).
Kadinlarda basitlik ;
dikkat cekmek icin neredeyse sicarsacina kahkaha atanlar
guzel popo, guzel gogus aman hepsini ortaya cikarayim dusuncesi ile giyinenler... (diyorum ya guzel yanlarini vurgulumak farkli , herseyi ortaya sermek farkli )
yataktan ya da cinsellikten baska birseyi konusma kapasitesine sahip olmayanlar..
Boyle adamdan hoslanan kadin ve boyle bir kadindan hoslanan adam da basittir.
Bana zararlari yok ama mumkunse kapsama alanima girmeye calismasinlar zira oldukca hassas bir midem var..
Seksilige gelince...
Sadece, basit olmayan degil,kucuk ayrintilarda gizlidir seksilik..' bence tabi '
icten davranan bir kimse seksidir : icten davranan ve konusan.
Asagilamadan yapilan laf sokma seksidir..
Akilli espriler seksidir...
Baştan çıkarmak isteyen ama baştan çıkarmaya calismadan baştan çıkarmak seksidir (karisik oldu ama tam cumle bu)
Guzel bacaklara giyilmis fileli corap seksidir ama baska dekoltesi yoktur...
kirmizi ruj seksidir ama geriye kalan makyaj varla yok arasidir..
Icten,guzel bir gulus ,gulumseme seksidir...
guzel bir koku (parfum degil sadece, temizlikten bahsediyorum)
Anlamli bakan gozler seksidir..
Bunlar gorunuste seksi olan seyler.
ama ..
bence, en seksi sey,
.ister kadinda olsun ister erkekte..seksi olma cabasinda olmayandir...
First what is sexy? Sexiness is hidden in details, in my opinion
but whatever isn't vulgar, is sexy!
Yeah i really mean that.
I can not think anything more vulgar than a woman who is trying to get attention with extreme ass-breast show.
What about the men who is slaver for seeing ANY women's breast or legs.
I also like revealing some parts of my body but without exaggerating.
In blahblah year there was guy i liked a lot.:Tall,big ( i like this kind of guys,so what..)
Funny, seemed like not someone who always think about sex, chatty .
We became friends
Later on,started to like each other...
Everything was fine up to then.
Later on when i made a search about him via internet (you never know what kind of pyscho you may meet...) found his MYsPace account .There was nothing absurd on his page but!
wait a second! What is it?
i catched a name , a name i heard from him when we were chatting
It was his ex gf.- and others, i can easily say he slept with them.
Not even one exception but they were all so cheap and vulgar with the msg'es they left on his page.
I of course don't give a damn about his Ex.'s . but i said to myself "if this guy likes this kind of women i prefer him not to like me! "
So,i couldn't hold myself and i told him - Speaking of relationship, i am "a bit too much " for you, based on your ex-girl friends.. you can not make it with me, you need more easy-going types!
in the meantime we didn't get involve romantically of course :)) and probably, he was good in bed, based on the msges on his page (damn it). :))
Of course there are also vulgar men .Example?
who is talking about "how many women he slept with "
who excelled for a being boor with the way of thinking: masculinity is based on how you are good in bed.
men, who is sleeping with whoever is hitting on to them but whoever..!
Scaring as something gonna happen to his blahblah model jaguar's stuff and saying -Be careful do you know how much is that if its broken? ( ok, this is a boor but a cheap boor owning an expensive !Jaguar-This is really happened,i swear).
Vulgar women?
who is laughing so hard (like shitting in the bathroom) just to get attention.
nice ass ,nice breast so let's show everything : wearing in this intention.
(As i mentioned before :highlighting nice parts is different than showing everything off !)
Who has no capacity of talking anything else but only sex and bed ( A.k.a Bed and Breakfast..lol )
men,who likes this kind of women or women,who likes this kind of men :they are as vulgar as them.
They don't harm me but it would great if they try not to get involve with me, forasmuch i have a sensible stomach..u know what i mean ?
Speaking of sexiness..
vulgarity is Not sexy,,sexiness is also hidden in little details. !Again.it's my opinion"
Someone who is sincere,is sexy : speaking and behaving sincere...
Uninsulted sarcasm is sexy..
Making smart jokes is sexy..
Wanting to seduce but seducing without trying to hard to seduce.(Sounds a bit complicated but this is the exact idea!)
Fencenet hosiery on nice legs but nothing else revealed...
There is minimal make-up but only red lipstick...
A beautiful, sincere smile is sexy,..
A beautiful smell (not only perfume but i am talking about cleanliness)
meaningfully eyes are sexy...
These are sexiness in appearance
i think,the most sexy thing is either in men or in women,whoever is not trying to be sexy.
Bu fazla ciddi seksilik aciklamasindan sonra hayli seksi ama basit bir klip ile olayi sulandiralim :))
Hatunlara cok tav olmayin, transseksuellerden hoslaniyorsaniz o ayri tabi zira kliptekilerin hepsi transseksuel..saka gibi ama gercek :D
After having this serious ! sexiness explaination, let's dilute the subject with a hot but vulgar song ..:))
Don;t fall for these chicks unless if you like transsexuals because..all of them are Transsexual.
Sounds like a joke but its true . :D
Bana gore , ayrintilarda gizlidir ama basit olmayan hersey seksidir !
Evet ciddi soyluyorum.
Kicini basini acip dikkat cekmeye calisan bir kadin kadar itici birsey dusunemiyorum.
Ha, dekolteyi bende severim ama bokunu cikarmadan.
Hadi onu gectim ama bir cift bacaga, goguse tav olan adamlara ne demeli...Al birini vur otekine..
Sene bilmemkac..cok hosuma giden bir cocuk var.Uzun boylu,yapili (ben boyle adam seviyorum ne yapayim) sempatik,akli fikri uckurunda olan birine benzemiyor,muhabbeti guzel..
Arkadas olduk.
Gel zaman git zaman birbirimizden hoslanmaya da basladik..ee buraya kadar guzel..Sonrasinda internette yaptigim kucuk bir arastirma ile bu zatin myspace sayfasini buldum. Yine absurd bisiy yok amaaaa o da ne..
konustuklarimizdan hatirladigim bir isim carpti gozume....biri eski sevgilisi digerleri bir zaman beraber takildigi hatunlar.. yazdiklari uc bes kelime ile ne mal oldugunu sermisler ortaya..
Tamam,bana ne sevgililerinden ama -boyle kadinlardan hoslanan bir adam mumkunse benden hoslanmasin dedim !
Dusuncemi soylemedende edemedim ve ona kisaca soyle dedim - ,iliskilerden bahsediyorken...eski sevgililerine bakilirsa ben sana birkac numara buyugum .Sen benim gibi biriyle yapamazmissin sana daha -kolay tipler lazim...
Boylece, birseyler baslamadan bitti tabiki :) Bu arada, sayfasina gonderilen msglara bakilirsa ,yatakta iyiymis (Allah kahretsin!) :))
Basit erkek var tabi,yok mu... Ornek ?
Sagda solda kac kadinla yattigini ovune ovune anlatanlar,
Erkekligin sadece yatakta iyi is cikarmak oldugunu sanip okuzlukte tavan yapanlar..
Sirf yatmak icin ona is atan her kadinla ama her kadinla yatanlar...
Bilmemkac model jaguar'inda -aman dikkat et.o bozulursa ne kadar pahali biliyor musun diye odu kopanlar ( tamam,bu bir öküz ama pahali?! bir arabanin basit öküzü!- bu olay gercekten olmustur,hayal urunu degil!).
Kadinlarda basitlik ;
dikkat cekmek icin neredeyse sicarsacina kahkaha atanlar
guzel popo, guzel gogus aman hepsini ortaya cikarayim dusuncesi ile giyinenler... (diyorum ya guzel yanlarini vurgulumak farkli , herseyi ortaya sermek farkli )
yataktan ya da cinsellikten baska birseyi konusma kapasitesine sahip olmayanlar..
Boyle adamdan hoslanan kadin ve boyle bir kadindan hoslanan adam da basittir.
Bana zararlari yok ama mumkunse kapsama alanima girmeye calismasinlar zira oldukca hassas bir midem var..
Seksilige gelince...
Sadece, basit olmayan degil,kucuk ayrintilarda gizlidir seksilik..' bence tabi '
icten davranan bir kimse seksidir : icten davranan ve konusan.
Asagilamadan yapilan laf sokma seksidir..
Akilli espriler seksidir...
Baştan çıkarmak isteyen ama baştan çıkarmaya calismadan baştan çıkarmak seksidir (karisik oldu ama tam cumle bu)
Guzel bacaklara giyilmis fileli corap seksidir ama baska dekoltesi yoktur...
kirmizi ruj seksidir ama geriye kalan makyaj varla yok arasidir..
Icten,guzel bir gulus ,gulumseme seksidir...
guzel bir koku (parfum degil sadece, temizlikten bahsediyorum)
Anlamli bakan gozler seksidir..
Bunlar gorunuste seksi olan seyler.
ama ..
bence, en seksi sey,
.ister kadinda olsun ister erkekte..seksi olma cabasinda olmayandir...
Monica Bellucci
First what is sexy? Sexiness is hidden in details, in my opinion
but whatever isn't vulgar, is sexy!
Yeah i really mean that.
I can not think anything more vulgar than a woman who is trying to get attention with extreme ass-breast show.
What about the men who is slaver for seeing ANY women's breast or legs.
I also like revealing some parts of my body but without exaggerating.
In blahblah year there was guy i liked a lot.:Tall,big ( i like this kind of guys,so what..)
Funny, seemed like not someone who always think about sex, chatty .
We became friends
Later on,started to like each other...
Everything was fine up to then.
Later on when i made a search about him via internet (you never know what kind of pyscho you may meet...) found his MYsPace account .There was nothing absurd on his page but!
wait a second! What is it?
i catched a name , a name i heard from him when we were chatting
It was his ex gf.- and others, i can easily say he slept with them.
Not even one exception but they were all so cheap and vulgar with the msg'es they left on his page.
I of course don't give a damn about his Ex.'s . but i said to myself "if this guy likes this kind of women i prefer him not to like me! "
So,i couldn't hold myself and i told him - Speaking of relationship, i am "a bit too much " for you, based on your ex-girl friends.. you can not make it with me, you need more easy-going types!
in the meantime we didn't get involve romantically of course :)) and probably, he was good in bed, based on the msges on his page (damn it). :))
Of course there are also vulgar men .Example?
who is talking about "how many women he slept with "
who excelled for a being boor with the way of thinking: masculinity is based on how you are good in bed.
men, who is sleeping with whoever is hitting on to them but whoever..!
Scaring as something gonna happen to his blahblah model jaguar's stuff and saying -Be careful do you know how much is that if its broken? ( ok, this is a boor but a cheap boor owning an expensive !Jaguar-This is really happened,i swear).
Vulgar women?
who is laughing so hard (like shitting in the bathroom) just to get attention.
nice ass ,nice breast so let's show everything : wearing in this intention.
(As i mentioned before :highlighting nice parts is different than showing everything off !)
Who has no capacity of talking anything else but only sex and bed ( A.k.a Bed and Breakfast..lol )
men,who likes this kind of women or women,who likes this kind of men :they are as vulgar as them.
They don't harm me but it would great if they try not to get involve with me, forasmuch i have a sensible stomach..u know what i mean ?
Speaking of sexiness..
vulgarity is Not sexy,,sexiness is also hidden in little details. !Again.it's my opinion"
Someone who is sincere,is sexy : speaking and behaving sincere...
Uninsulted sarcasm is sexy..
Making smart jokes is sexy..
Wanting to seduce but seducing without trying to hard to seduce.(Sounds a bit complicated but this is the exact idea!)
Fencenet hosiery on nice legs but nothing else revealed...
There is minimal make-up but only red lipstick...
A beautiful, sincere smile is sexy,..
A beautiful smell (not only perfume but i am talking about cleanliness)
meaningfully eyes are sexy...
These are sexiness in appearance
i think,the most sexy thing is either in men or in women,whoever is not trying to be sexy.
Bu fazla ciddi seksilik aciklamasindan sonra hayli seksi ama basit bir klip ile olayi sulandiralim :))
Hatunlara cok tav olmayin, transseksuellerden hoslaniyorsaniz o ayri tabi zira kliptekilerin hepsi transseksuel..saka gibi ama gercek :D
After having this serious ! sexiness explaination, let's dilute the subject with a hot but vulgar song ..:))
Don;t fall for these chicks unless if you like transsexuals because..all of them are Transsexual.
Sounds like a joke but its true . :D
27 Aralık 2011 Salı
Run Sttiretella Run..!
Bir zamanlar bir kitapta okumustum 'Erkeklerin canlari birseye sıkılırsa magaralarina cekilirler,rahat birakin!' diye.
Bende, canim sıkıldıginda magaraya degil,baska bir ulkeye kacmak istiyorum (sehirde olabilir,sorun degil..yeterki yalniz kalayim).
Gecen sene yine boyle bir dellenme aninda Dort gunlugune Ispanya'ya kacmistim.Dusuk sezonda gittigim icin bilet fiyati da,otel de hayli ucuza gelmisti.Yanima cep telefonu ya da bilgisayarda almamistim.Oglumu da babasina birakip Murcia'ya kactim ?!
Tek basima,daha once hic gitmedigim kimseyi tanimadigim bir sehirde yalnizdim... eski sokaklarini, yeni caddelerininde gezdim,tehna bir kosedeki lokal restoraninda yemegimi yedim,sehrin gobegindeki kalabalik bar'da sarabimi ictim,gecen zamana ragmen tum ihtisami ile hala ayakta duran oryantal esintili katedralin icinde dusuncelerimde gezindim.
Edindigim tek kotu tecrube,yedigim yemegin boga kuyrugu yagindan yapilmis oldugunu ogrenmek oldu,gerci kotu degildi ama farkliydi tabi.
Kesinlikle harika bir tecrubeydi.Fevkalade dinlenmis,mutlu umutlu bir sekilde donmustum bu tatilden..
Simdilerde yine gidesim var ama bu sefer gitmek istedigim yer oyle Ispanya filan degil,Hindistan !
Bu yaz Hindistan'a gitmek gibi bir planim var..tabi bunun icin simdiden para biriktirmem lazim.
Ola ki gidebilirsem, bir Budist olarak donmeme sasmayin :)
Hint mutfagini severim,Budizm'e karsi ilgim var ..gerci gitmeden asi olacak olmam pek ic acici degil ama tamamdir..bu senenin rotasi Hindistan ! ondan once birkac gunlugune yine bir yerlere kacsam fena olmayacak yalniz...
I have read in a book saying 'men goes into their cave when they feel distracted, leave 'em alone there'
I am the same but instead of a cave i feel to run away another country (another city is ok. too, just being alone is enough).
Last year,i felt the same way and i ran away to Spain for four days.Since it was low season,tickets and hotel didn't cost much.I didn't take my cell phone neither my computer .I left my son with his dad then ran away to Murcia !
I was all alone in a city that i never been before without knowing anyone.
I walked around in Murcia's old street,yet new avenues,ate in a quiet local restautant, stopped by in a crowded bar in the city center and drank some wine... visited my thoughts in the cathedral with some oriental influences, which was still standing magnificently after all these time.
The only bad memory i had :learning that i actually ate tail fat of a bull.Wasn't bad but...different let's say.
It was definitely great experience.I was back so happy,hopeful yet rested from that vacation.
Now i feel again to run away somewhere else but this time nothing like Spain .I would like to go to India!
I must save some money as of now, to go to India this summer.Maybe if i will go, i might come back as a budist,don't be suprise ! :)
I always like Indian kitchen,interested in Budism but having some vaccinations before going is the only Cons .Anyway, next year's route is clear, its India... but i should run away somewhere anyway before going to India.. u know..
Bende, canim sıkıldıginda magaraya degil,baska bir ulkeye kacmak istiyorum (sehirde olabilir,sorun degil..yeterki yalniz kalayim).
Gecen sene yine boyle bir dellenme aninda Dort gunlugune Ispanya'ya kacmistim.Dusuk sezonda gittigim icin bilet fiyati da,otel de hayli ucuza gelmisti.Yanima cep telefonu ya da bilgisayarda almamistim.Oglumu da babasina birakip Murcia'ya kactim ?!
Tek basima,daha once hic gitmedigim kimseyi tanimadigim bir sehirde yalnizdim... eski sokaklarini, yeni caddelerininde gezdim,tehna bir kosedeki lokal restoraninda yemegimi yedim,sehrin gobegindeki kalabalik bar'da sarabimi ictim,gecen zamana ragmen tum ihtisami ile hala ayakta duran oryantal esintili katedralin icinde dusuncelerimde gezindim.
Edindigim tek kotu tecrube,yedigim yemegin boga kuyrugu yagindan yapilmis oldugunu ogrenmek oldu,gerci kotu degildi ama farkliydi tabi.
Kesinlikle harika bir tecrubeydi.Fevkalade dinlenmis,mutlu umutlu bir sekilde donmustum bu tatilden..
Simdilerde yine gidesim var ama bu sefer gitmek istedigim yer oyle Ispanya filan degil,Hindistan !
Bu yaz Hindistan'a gitmek gibi bir planim var..tabi bunun icin simdiden para biriktirmem lazim.
Ola ki gidebilirsem, bir Budist olarak donmeme sasmayin :)
Hint mutfagini severim,Budizm'e karsi ilgim var ..gerci gitmeden asi olacak olmam pek ic acici degil ama tamamdir..bu senenin rotasi Hindistan ! ondan once birkac gunlugune yine bir yerlere kacsam fena olmayacak yalniz...
I have read in a book saying 'men goes into their cave when they feel distracted, leave 'em alone there'
I am the same but instead of a cave i feel to run away another country (another city is ok. too, just being alone is enough).
Last year,i felt the same way and i ran away to Spain for four days.Since it was low season,tickets and hotel didn't cost much.I didn't take my cell phone neither my computer .I left my son with his dad then ran away to Murcia !
I was all alone in a city that i never been before without knowing anyone.
I walked around in Murcia's old street,yet new avenues,ate in a quiet local restautant, stopped by in a crowded bar in the city center and drank some wine... visited my thoughts in the cathedral with some oriental influences, which was still standing magnificently after all these time.
The only bad memory i had :learning that i actually ate tail fat of a bull.Wasn't bad but...different let's say.
It was definitely great experience.I was back so happy,hopeful yet rested from that vacation.
Now i feel again to run away somewhere else but this time nothing like Spain .I would like to go to India!
I must save some money as of now, to go to India this summer.Maybe if i will go, i might come back as a budist,don't be suprise ! :)
I always like Indian kitchen,interested in Budism but having some vaccinations before going is the only Cons .Anyway, next year's route is clear, its India... but i should run away somewhere anyway before going to India.. u know..
26 Aralık 2011 Pazartesi
Gunun anlam ve onemi belirten karikaturler
Ox is a slang in Turkish, we use for Boor people.
-Who is the head of this house?
-Ugh *
* A nonsense word,we believed it used by Native american equal to -Yes..or tell me..
-Dear Diary,we nibbled some grass also today !
-It is important to laugh at yourself,me for example i laugh at myself a lot...
-I also laugh at Cows a lot.
- You..You..You are an Ox (boor)
- So ?
-Who is the head of this house?
-Ugh *
* A nonsense word,we believed it used by Native american equal to -Yes..or tell me..
-Dear Diary,we nibbled some grass also today !
-It is important to laugh at yourself,me for example i laugh at myself a lot...
-I also laugh at Cows a lot.
- You..You..You are an Ox (boor)
- So ?
25 Aralık 2011 Pazar
Dengesiz olmak mi,olmamak mi ?- to be unbalanced or not to be ?
Dengesiz biri ile beraber olmanin avantajlari;
Gelelim dezavantajlarina ;
Pros of Having a relationship with someone unbalanced or moody
Now here comes Con's :
- Surprizlerle doludur, her ne kadar kimisi bunu -sağı solu belli olmayan diye tanimlasada...
- Surprizlerle dolu olmasi, onu yatakta yaratıcı yapar,sınırları yoktur.
- Cılgındır,birden bire sokak ortasinda dans etmeye baslaması ya da markette alışveriş arabası ile ucmasi ?! muhtemeldir.
- Hicbir zaman size karsı olan duygularından emin olamadiğiniz icin ,kaybetme korkusu sizi de yaratıcı olmaya sevkeder.
- Degisik bir espri anlayisi oldugu icin komiktir.
- Size olan askini,sevgisini alışılmadık bir sekilde ifade eder: boylece rutin sevgi gosterilerine maruz kalmazsiniz.
- Cocukla cocuk oldugu icin eglenceli bir oyun arkadasidir.
- Artik dengesizlik mi seytan tuyu mu bilemiyorum ,insanlara iliskisi iyi oldugu icin,arkadaslarinizin,ailenizin kalbini kolayca fetheder.
- Sosyaldir,kolayca arkadas edinir.
- Onunla sıkılmanız, neredeyse olanaksizdir.
Gelelim dezavantajlarina ;
- Duygusal inis cikislari sizi yorabilir.
- Size atactan bir yuzuk yapip evlenme teklif edebilir
- Bugun sizi sevebilir,yarin sevmeyebilir,das dusebulur ayi cikabulur
- Cabuk sikilmasi arkadaslik iliskilerinde de kendini gosterir..omur boyu suren dostluklar kuramayabilir.
- Aileniz ya da arkadaslarinizdan ondan ayrilmaniz icin baski gelebilir zira toplum kendinden farkli olani dışlamaya hayli meyilli ve heveslidir.
- Yatakta yaraticiligin bokunu cikarip,sevisirken suratiniza bir şamar atabilir °°
- Ola ki ondan ayrilirsaniz,sonraki beraber olabileceklerinizde ayni ozellikleri ararsiniz ama bulamadiginiz icin bir baska dengesiz sevgiliye yelken acabilirsiniz ( :
Pros of Having a relationship with someone unbalanced or moody
- While some describe as temperamental,she / he is full of surprises.
- Being full of surprises will make the person very creative in bed with no boundaries.
- may be crazy. You may find her/ him dancing on middle of the street or it is possible to fly ?! around in a supermarket with a shopping trolley.
- You are never sure about her/his feelings ,which will motivate you to be more creative not lose her/him.
- having a different sense of humor makes him/her funny
- You may never face routine demonstration of love because of showing the feelings in a unconventional way.
- Being childish makes her/him an amusing playmate.
- I don' know if it is about being unbalanced or devil's luck, she/he may win your friends,family's heart easily.
- Social one,makes friends easily as well.
- It's never dull with'em , you never get bored !
Now here comes Con's :
- You may get tired with her/his emotional unbalance.
- It is possible to get a marriage proposal with a paperclip-made ring.
- May love you today but not tomorrow.Anything is possible.
- Bored easily might show itself in friendship;she/ he may never get a lifelong friendship.
- You may get some pressure from your family or friends to break up with him/her .Society lean and keen to eliminate whoever is different than them!
- May make a mess of being creative in bed and it's possible for you to get a slap on your face while having sex.
- if you break up with her/him :you will be looking similar qualities in your next partner and if you don't find then you will start looking for someone unbalanced. ( :
dengesiz insanlar,
unbalanced people
23 Aralık 2011 Cuma
Oğlumun stiliyle mütalaa -Dictum in my son's style.
-Anne, bu insanlar daha bu kadar kocaman sapkalar giyip,saclarini boyle yapiyorlar (Ortodoks yahudilerden bahsediyor).
-Hmm, inanclari geregi boyle giyiniyorlar oglum
-Ama neden?
-Emin degilim.
-Aha ben anladim.Bu kocaman siyah sapkalari takiyorlar boylece Allah onlari yukardan kolayca gorebilir !
-!! Bu da bir bakis acisi tabi oglum
-Anne,Istanbul'da ki tavsanimizla ,Almanya'dan aldigimiz tavsani ayni eve koyalim,arkadas olsunlar.
-Tabi,neden olmasin..
-Ah ama bir sorunumuz var
-Neymis o
-E Istanbul'da ki tavsanim Almanca bilmiyor,bu tavsan Turkce bilmiyor,nasil anlasacaklar?
-Bence onlarin konustugu tavsan dili vardir,anlasirlar merak etme.
-Tavsan dili nasil?
-Ne yazik ki tavsanca bilmiyorum ,o yuzden ornek veremeyecegim canim.
-Anne,ben seni cok seviyorum
-Bende seni oglum
-Ama bazen senin cilgin oldugunu dusunuyorum
-Hmm bencede cilginim..haklisin oglum
-Ama seviyorum seni, endiselenme
-Aa bak kiziyorum ama ben sana diyorum neden dikkat etmiyorsun,,azcik dinle ogretmenini,oraya bak buraya bak kendini derse vermiyorsun bunlar kolay seyler senin icin
-Annneee,azcik susar misin lutfen burada kitabimi okumaya calisiyorum..lutfen..
(Bendeniz usulca kenara cekilip,isimi yapmaya devam ettim)
Kizkardesim soruyor:
- Ne oldu senin sesine canim,hastamisin,sesin degisik cikiyor.
-Hayir teyze,buyuyorum da o yuzden sesim degisiyor... (6 yasinda oldugunu belirteyim)
Daha verecek ornek cok ama bunlar yakin zamanda olanlar oldugu icin,bu kadarcik yazabildim.
Bazen,sadece birkac dakikaligina bile olsa,olaylara ufak bir cocugun gozunden bakmak,mavi bir gokyuzunu mavi degilde,rengarek ve isiltilar icinde gormeye benziyor.
Seni cok seviyorum oglum..
-Mom,why these people are wearing huge hats and making their hair like that (He is talking about Orthodox Jews)
-Well.. because of their beliefs, Son .
-But why?
-I am not sure .
-Ah i think i got it.They are wearing these big hats.So God can see'em from top easly!
- !!That's your point of view too.
-Mom,Why not bringing our rabbit from Istanbul and putting him to the same cage with the rabbit we got from Germany,So,they can be friends.
-Sure,Why not.
-Oh we got a problem
-What it is?
-Well..my rabbit in Istanbul,doesn't know German and this rabbit doesn't know Turkish.How they will communicate?
-I think,they have a rabbit language that they can understand each other,don't worry about it.
-So how is that rabbit language?
-Well..unfortunately i don't know rabbitISH so i can not give you any examples dear..
-Mom,i do love you very much.
-Me too Son.
-But i am thinking sometimes that you are crazy .
-I think too that i am crazy ,you are right,Son.
-But i still love you,don't concern about it.
-Look,i am getting upset this time ,i am always telling you,why don't you pay attention a bit.Listen to your teacher a little bit. You are looking at here,there, you don't give full attention to your lessons.These are very easy stuff for you
-Moooom,can you please be quiet a little bit,i am trying to concentrate here to read my book..please
(Me,your humble servant, just moved to other corner quietly and got busy with my stuff)
My sister is asking over the phone:
-What happened to your voice sweetie, are you sick? your voice changed a bit.
-No aunt, i am growing up.Thats why my voice is changing ! (He is 6yrs old)
There are a lot examples but these are fresh memories thats why i could write so little.
Sometimes,to look at events with a little child's perspective is like seeing sky so colourful and sparkling instead of seeing it blue,even for couple of minutes,
I love you very much my son...
-Hmm, inanclari geregi boyle giyiniyorlar oglum
-Ama neden?
-Emin degilim.
-Aha ben anladim.Bu kocaman siyah sapkalari takiyorlar boylece Allah onlari yukardan kolayca gorebilir !
-!! Bu da bir bakis acisi tabi oglum
-Anne,Istanbul'da ki tavsanimizla ,Almanya'dan aldigimiz tavsani ayni eve koyalim,arkadas olsunlar.
-Tabi,neden olmasin..
-Ah ama bir sorunumuz var
-Neymis o
-E Istanbul'da ki tavsanim Almanca bilmiyor,bu tavsan Turkce bilmiyor,nasil anlasacaklar?
-Bence onlarin konustugu tavsan dili vardir,anlasirlar merak etme.
-Tavsan dili nasil?
-Ne yazik ki tavsanca bilmiyorum ,o yuzden ornek veremeyecegim canim.
-Anne,ben seni cok seviyorum
-Bende seni oglum
-Ama bazen senin cilgin oldugunu dusunuyorum
-Hmm bencede cilginim..haklisin oglum
-Ama seviyorum seni, endiselenme
-Aa bak kiziyorum ama ben sana diyorum neden dikkat etmiyorsun,,azcik dinle ogretmenini,oraya bak buraya bak kendini derse vermiyorsun bunlar kolay seyler senin icin
-Annneee,azcik susar misin lutfen burada kitabimi okumaya calisiyorum..lutfen..
(Bendeniz usulca kenara cekilip,isimi yapmaya devam ettim)
Kizkardesim soruyor:
- Ne oldu senin sesine canim,hastamisin,sesin degisik cikiyor.
-Hayir teyze,buyuyorum da o yuzden sesim degisiyor... (6 yasinda oldugunu belirteyim)
Daha verecek ornek cok ama bunlar yakin zamanda olanlar oldugu icin,bu kadarcik yazabildim.
Bazen,sadece birkac dakikaligina bile olsa,olaylara ufak bir cocugun gozunden bakmak,mavi bir gokyuzunu mavi degilde,rengarek ve isiltilar icinde gormeye benziyor.
Seni cok seviyorum oglum..
-Mom,why these people are wearing huge hats and making their hair like that (He is talking about Orthodox Jews)
-Well.. because of their beliefs, Son .
-But why?
-I am not sure .
-Ah i think i got it.They are wearing these big hats.So God can see'em from top easly!
- !!That's your point of view too.
-Mom,Why not bringing our rabbit from Istanbul and putting him to the same cage with the rabbit we got from Germany,So,they can be friends.
-Sure,Why not.
-Oh we got a problem
-What it is?
-Well..my rabbit in Istanbul,doesn't know German and this rabbit doesn't know Turkish.How they will communicate?
-I think,they have a rabbit language that they can understand each other,don't worry about it.
-So how is that rabbit language?
-Well..unfortunately i don't know rabbitISH so i can not give you any examples dear..
-Mom,i do love you very much.
-Me too Son.
-But i am thinking sometimes that you are crazy .
-I think too that i am crazy ,you are right,Son.
-But i still love you,don't concern about it.
-Look,i am getting upset this time ,i am always telling you,why don't you pay attention a bit.Listen to your teacher a little bit. You are looking at here,there, you don't give full attention to your lessons.These are very easy stuff for you
-Moooom,can you please be quiet a little bit,i am trying to concentrate here to read my book..please
(Me,your humble servant, just moved to other corner quietly and got busy with my stuff)
My sister is asking over the phone:
-What happened to your voice sweetie, are you sick? your voice changed a bit.
-No aunt, i am growing up.Thats why my voice is changing ! (He is 6yrs old)
There are a lot examples but these are fresh memories thats why i could write so little.
Sometimes,to look at events with a little child's perspective is like seeing sky so colourful and sparkling instead of seeing it blue,even for couple of minutes,
I love you very much my son...
child conversations,
kid's perspective.Orthodox jews,
Ortodoks yahudiler,
Yeni yil parcasi...benim icin ( :
New year song...for me : )
New year song...for me : )
dream a little dream of me,
mama's papa's
21 Aralık 2011 Çarşamba
20 Aralık 2011 Salı
Umit Yasar Zamani - Time for Umit Yasar...
Gözlerim Gözlerinde
Hep böyle çocuksu mu bakar senin gözlerin?
Hep böyle içinde uzak bir ışık mı yanar?
Bakışlarında beni dinlendiren bir şey var;
Kıyısındaymış gibi en sakin denizlerin...
Bir yelkenliyim şimdi ben senin limanında
Fırtınalardan geldim sende dinleniyorum.
Bu huzur, bu sessizlik hiç bitmesin diyorum;
En eşsiz dakikalar sürsün senin yanında...
Hiç yumma gözlerini, ışığın eksilmesin,
Gündüzüm aydınlığım, ipek böceğim benim!
Güz bahçemde açılmış o son çiçeğim benim!
Yorgun kalbim seninle elem nedir bilmesin;
Ayırma gözlerimden çocuksu gözlerini,
O sakin o yalansız, o kuytu gözlerini
My Eyes are in Your Eyes
Hep böyle çocuksu mu bakar senin gözlerin?
Hep böyle içinde uzak bir ışık mı yanar?
Bakışlarında beni dinlendiren bir şey var;
Kıyısındaymış gibi en sakin denizlerin...
Bir yelkenliyim şimdi ben senin limanında
Fırtınalardan geldim sende dinleniyorum.
Bu huzur, bu sessizlik hiç bitmesin diyorum;
En eşsiz dakikalar sürsün senin yanında...
Hiç yumma gözlerini, ışığın eksilmesin,
Gündüzüm aydınlığım, ipek böceğim benim!
Güz bahçemde açılmış o son çiçeğim benim!
Yorgun kalbim seninle elem nedir bilmesin;
Ayırma gözlerimden çocuksu gözlerini,
O sakin o yalansız, o kuytu gözlerini
My Eyes are in Your Eyes
Do you always look so childlike? Do they always have this fire burning deep inside? There is something in your looks that calms me down; As if I am at the shore of the calmest seas... I am a sailboat now, at your harbor I came from thunderstorms, resting in you. I wish this tranquility, this silence never ends; I wish these matchless moments with you last forever... Never close your eyes, never let your light go away, My day, my light, my silkworm! My last flower alive in my fall garden! I wish my tired heart never sees grief with you; Don't separate your childlike eyese from my eyes, Your pure, honest, secluded eyes |
19 Aralık 2011 Pazartesi
Türkçe algılamada 'beyni zorlayan dil' -Turkish Language is brainstorming for persistance
Dili öğrenmenin, anlamanın ve konuşmanın beyinde çok karmaşık mekanizmalar tarafından gerçekleştirildiğini ifade etti.
Bu mekanizma ve süreçlerin saptanmasının, özellikle sağlıklı insanlarda çok zor olduğuna işaret eden Cedden, beyinde herhangi bir hasar olmadan, beyinle ilgili araştırma yapmanın olağan bir durum olmadığını söyledi.
Ancak kimi teknikler sayesinde artık sağlıklı insanların beyninden ölçümler alınarak dil işlevlerinin tanımlanması ve bu tekniklerle beyindeki bölgelerin saptanmasının mümkün olduğunu anlatan Cedden, gelişmiş ülkelerde yapılan dil çalışmalarında beyin çalışmalarına ağırlık verildiğini aktardı.
Geçen yıl ODTÜ Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi bünyesinde kurulan EEG laboratuvarında sağlıklı insanlar üzerinde çeşitli dil işlemleme ve bilgi öğrenme süreçlerini tespit etmeye çalışan araştırmalar yaptıklarını dile getiren Cedden, bu verileri yorumlayarak anadili Türkçe olanların beyinlerindeki işlemleri ölçen çalışmalar yürüttüklerini anlattı.
Cedden, Türkiye'de ilk kez sağlıklı bireyler üzerinde anadili araştırması yaptıklarını ifade ederek, araştırma sonuçlarına ilişkin şu bilgileri verdi:
''İlk sonuçlarımıza göre, Türkçede bazı potansiyelleri tespit ettik. Bu potansiyelleri daha önce bazı Avrupa dillerindeki potansiyellerle karşılaştırdık. Örneğin İngilizcede normal okumada (anlamsal işlemlenmesinde) meydana gelmeyen bir potansiyel daha bulduk. Bunun yorumu şu olabilir: Türkçenin anadil olarak işlemlenmesi sırasında İngilizceyi anadili olarak konuşanlardan farklı olarak zihinde fazladan bir işlem daha, yani daha büyük bir yük meydana gelmektedir. Bu İngilizce ve Almanca'da görülmeyen bir işlem yüküdür. Türkçeyi anadili olarak konuşanlarda 400. milisaniyede ve 600. milisaniyede bir beyin yanıtı (potansiyel) meydana geliyor. Oysa ki İngilizce ve Almanca gibi dillerde düz cümlelerde sadece 400. milisaniyede bir potansiyel saptanmıştır. Türkçede ise 600. milisaniyede de bir potansiyel ortaya çıktığı saptanmıştır.''
Bu durumun Türkçenin gramer yapısından kaynaklanabildiğini ifade eden Ediboğlu-Cedden, Türkçe'de fiillerin cümlenin sonunda yer alması ve sondan çekimli olması nedeniyle, cümlenin anlaşılması için kişinin cümleyi baştan sona kadar zihninde tuttuğunu ve fiilin okunmasıyla cümleyi zihninde tekrar oluşturduğunu ifade etti.
İngilizcede bu durumun yaşanmadığını belirten Cedden, dışarıdan algılanamayacak kadar milisaniyeler düzeyinde gerçekleşen bu durumun Türkçe ve diğer Avrupa'da konuşulan bazı diller arasında bir fark yarattığının bu araştırmayla ortaya çıktığını söyledi.
Doç. Dr. Cedden, anadili gibi Türkçe konuşan Azeriler üzerine de bir araştırma yaptıklarını ve çok iyi Türkçe konuşabilen bu öğrencilerin anadili olarak Türkçe işlemleme ile yabancı dil olarak Türkçe işlemleme potansiyelleri arasında farklar ortaya koyduklarını bildirdi.
Cedden, Türkçe'yi çok iyi konuşan Azerilerin Türkçeyi algılamaları konusunda dışarıdan fark edilmeyen ancak beyin yanıtlarında gözlemlenen gecikmeler görüldüğünü söyledi.
Ayrıca, Türkiye’de yabancı dil öğretimi yöntemlerine değinen Cedden şunları söyledi:
''Türkiye de artık beynin çalışma şekline uygun dil öğretim yöntemleri geliştirilmesi mümkündür. Anadili Türkçe olan öğrenciler için yabancı dil öğreniminde ve özellikle başlangıç aşamasında olan öğrencilerde Türkçe anadilin kullanılmasının çok gereklidir. Çünkü beynin çalışması bağlantılar kurarak gerçekleşmektedir. Bilgiler arasındaki bağlantıların anlaşılır bir şekilde verilmesiyle, öğrenme çok daha hızlı ve etkin olur.''
Cedden, Türkiye'deki eğitim-öğretim sistemiyle ilgili de, ''Bizim eğitim sistemimizde de maalesef bazı eksiklikler görüyorum. Bilgi sadece test sorularını çözerek ve algoritmalar verilerek aktarılırsa bu bilgi her zaman için eksik kalır. Bilginin hep bir bağlam içinde ve neden-sonuç ilişkileri ile verilmesi öğrenme açısından çok önemlidir'' dedi.
Bu sebeplerle okullardaki test sisteminin de sorgulanması gerektiğini dile getiren Ediboğlu-Cedden, çocuklara bilgi aktarımı sırasında bilginin çocuğun seviyesine uygun, aktarım sırasındaki aşamaların birbiriyle bağlantılı olması, ancak kesinlikle yüklü olmaması gerektiğini söyledi.
Ediboğlu-Cedden, araştırmalarının önemine işaret ederken, sağlıklı insanlarda anadil işlemleme süreçlerini bilmeden bazı hastalıkların teşhisinin güç olduğunu belirtti.
Ediboğlu-Cedden, bu araştırmaların ileride alzeimer, şizofreni gibi bazı hastalıkların erken tanısında sağlıklı insanlardaki Türkçe potansiyellerinin ortaya konmasının önem taşıdığını sözlerine ekledi.
Short story long,my non-Turkish speaker Folks,
Because of the grammer structure of Turkish language,brain's process working double to understand and speak the languague
Compare to for example German or English specially.
It is also explained like this : While a person speaks German or English to create a straight,plain sentence, brain responding (potantial) in 400 millisecond but in Turkish it is in 600 millisecond.
Because of the grammer structure in Turkish :putting verb to end of sentence and conjugable-finalled words, forcing brain to keep words for understanding the whole sentence then creating sentence in brain again for reading verbs.
so it is indeed a good brain exercise :)
Kaynak-Source :MSN haber
beyin egzersizi,
beyin jimnastigi,
Turk dili,
Turkce gramer,
Turkish grammer
18 Aralık 2011 Pazar
Buyukanne - grandma'
Cok degil belki bir ay once 'Galiba buyukannem bu sene cikmadan vefat edecek.' demistim.
Babamin vefatini da olmadan once hissetmistim ...
Ne yazik ki..karbeyazi sacli buyukannemi bugun kaybettik.
Her ne kadar beklenen birseyde olsa cok uzuldum...
Bazen, sevdigin insanlardan uzak olmanin getirisi bu sanirim..hala yasiyorlarmis gibi,gittiginde gorecekmissin gibi hissediyorsun.
Millet parayi pulu guzel seyleri medyumvari hissederken ben niye Olum Melegin'in sekreteri gibi,olecek olanlari hissederim bilmem...
Nur icinde yat Buyukannecigim,...senin kaybettigim icin gercekten cok uzgunum.
Karbeyazi saclarini,gulen cocuk gozlerini komik kahkahani ,gozunden dusen gozluklere sesli gazete okudugun hallerini gercekten ozleyecegim.
Not long time ago maybe a month ago,i said to myself loud - I think i am gonna lose my grandma' before the year is over.I also felt my dad's death before it happened...
Unfortunately. we lost our snow white haired ,sweet grandma.
Even it was expected i am really sorry to lose her.
Sometimes,it's a good thing to live far away from the people you care, you feel like they are still alive and you gonna see them when you go there.
While other people are having visions like a medium about money,stuff or some good things why i feel like a grim reaper's secretay and can guess about people's death time...
Respect in Peace Grandma' ..i am really sorry to lose you
i will really miss your snow white hair,smiling childish eyes, your funny laugh, then remembering you as : glasses're almost falling from your eyes while you were reading a newspaper loud.. ..Kisses
Babamin vefatini da olmadan once hissetmistim ...

Her ne kadar beklenen birseyde olsa cok uzuldum...
Bazen, sevdigin insanlardan uzak olmanin getirisi bu sanirim..hala yasiyorlarmis gibi,gittiginde gorecekmissin gibi hissediyorsun.
Millet parayi pulu guzel seyleri medyumvari hissederken ben niye Olum Melegin'in sekreteri gibi,olecek olanlari hissederim bilmem...
Nur icinde yat Buyukannecigim,...senin kaybettigim icin gercekten cok uzgunum.
Karbeyazi saclarini,gulen cocuk gozlerini komik kahkahani ,gozunden dusen gozluklere sesli gazete okudugun hallerini gercekten ozleyecegim.
Not long time ago maybe a month ago,i said to myself loud - I think i am gonna lose my grandma' before the year is over.I also felt my dad's death before it happened...
Unfortunately. we lost our snow white haired ,sweet grandma.
Even it was expected i am really sorry to lose her.
Sometimes,it's a good thing to live far away from the people you care, you feel like they are still alive and you gonna see them when you go there.
While other people are having visions like a medium about money,stuff or some good things why i feel like a grim reaper's secretay and can guess about people's death time...
Respect in Peace Grandma' ..i am really sorry to lose you
i will really miss your snow white hair,smiling childish eyes, your funny laugh, then remembering you as : glasses're almost falling from your eyes while you were reading a newspaper loud.. ..Kisses
.Hep boyledir zaten... iyiler once gider,,bir boka yaramayan ama isi gucu baskasini uzmek olan insanlik fukarasi tiplerde daha uzuuuuun yillar Dunya nufusunda yerlerini korurlar.
grim reaper's secretary
17 Aralık 2011 Cumartesi
Frekans - Frequency
Bu aksam yine 'Frekans" filmini izledim. Yine diyorum cunku sekiz-on kereden fazla izlemisimdir.
Filmdeki ana karakterlerden John (Jim Caviziel ) firtinali ve 'frekansli' bir gecede ,seneler once kaybettigi babasi Frank (Dennis Quaid) ile iletisim kuruyor.Babasinin yasadigi donem 70'lerde John hala alti yasinda bir cocukken,gelecekte konustugu John 36 yasinda oldukca yalniz bir adam.
John'in yonlendirmesi ile Frank,aslinda ertesi gun hayatini kaybedecegi kazadan kurtulur.Tabi bu olunca olaylarin tum gidisati dramatik bir sekilde degisir.
John,gelecekten kontak kurarak verdigi yonlendirmelerle, isler daha icinden cikilmaz bir hal alir.
Filmin sonu ise gercekten etkileyici.
Bazen soruyorum kendime 'acaba birseyi degistirmek gibi bir sansim olsaydi,neyi degistirirdim 'diye..
Onu cikar,bunu ekle derken,goruyorum ki hersey birbiriyle baglantili.
Kisacasi ,yasadigim ve yaptigim tum guzellikler,salakliklar,hatalar...hepsini seviyorum (yok, sevmek cok buyuk bir kelime oldu ,aptalliklarim icin) hicbirini degistirmek istemem,hepsinin bana kazandirdigi cok sey oldu.
Bu ,gercekten,tum yasadiklarimi sevdigim icin yaptigim bir itiraf mi yoksa..
'Nasilsa gecmisi degistiremeyecegime gore -hepsini seviyorum de gec,bosver' dedigim bir kabullenmis mi...
ya da ikisi de mi..
Buna ben de cevap veremiyorum ( :
I again watched the movie " Frequency ".I say again because i saw more than8-10 times.
In a stormy and 'frequency'night, John ,main character in the movie,contacting to his father Frank whom died many years ago.. In his Father's time.John is still 6yrs old while in present time he is 35yrs old man,misarabley alone.
Next day,where Frank actually dies ,Frank's saves his own life from the accident with John's directions.
Of course when it happens many things changes to some dramatic events.
Getting worse while John gives directions from the future (present day) to his father to fix things.
The end of movie is really impressive.
Sometimes i ask to myself 'if i would like to change anything in my life if i had a chance' ..
Add this, discard another one.. then i see everything is connected to each other.
Upshot, i love all, whatever i lived or things i have done nicely,silly,mistakenly (well,loving is a 'big word' for my stupidities ). I wouldn't change anything,all bring me in something.
This ,is this a confession of feeling good for whatever i have lived or
an acceptance with saying ' Since i cannot change the past just say - i love it all (past) let it slide '
or maybe both cases are valid that i can not even answer ( :
Filmdeki ana karakterlerden John (Jim Caviziel ) firtinali ve 'frekansli' bir gecede ,seneler once kaybettigi babasi Frank (Dennis Quaid) ile iletisim kuruyor.Babasinin yasadigi donem 70'lerde John hala alti yasinda bir cocukken,gelecekte konustugu John 36 yasinda oldukca yalniz bir adam.
John'in yonlendirmesi ile Frank,aslinda ertesi gun hayatini kaybedecegi kazadan kurtulur.Tabi bu olunca olaylarin tum gidisati dramatik bir sekilde degisir.
John,gelecekten kontak kurarak verdigi yonlendirmelerle, isler daha icinden cikilmaz bir hal alir.
Filmin sonu ise gercekten etkileyici.
Bazen soruyorum kendime 'acaba birseyi degistirmek gibi bir sansim olsaydi,neyi degistirirdim 'diye..
Onu cikar,bunu ekle derken,goruyorum ki hersey birbiriyle baglantili.
Kisacasi ,yasadigim ve yaptigim tum guzellikler,salakliklar,hatalar...hepsini seviyorum (yok, sevmek cok buyuk bir kelime oldu ,aptalliklarim icin) hicbirini degistirmek istemem,hepsinin bana kazandirdigi cok sey oldu.
Bu ,gercekten,tum yasadiklarimi sevdigim icin yaptigim bir itiraf mi yoksa..
'Nasilsa gecmisi degistiremeyecegime gore -hepsini seviyorum de gec,bosver' dedigim bir kabullenmis mi...
ya da ikisi de mi..
Buna ben de cevap veremiyorum ( :
I again watched the movie " Frequency ".I say again because i saw more than8-10 times.
In a stormy and 'frequency'night, John ,main character in the movie,contacting to his father Frank whom died many years ago.. In his Father's time.John is still 6yrs old while in present time he is 35yrs old man,misarabley alone.
Next day,where Frank actually dies ,Frank's saves his own life from the accident with John's directions.
Of course when it happens many things changes to some dramatic events.
Getting worse while John gives directions from the future (present day) to his father to fix things.
The end of movie is really impressive.
Sometimes i ask to myself 'if i would like to change anything in my life if i had a chance' ..
Add this, discard another one.. then i see everything is connected to each other.
Upshot, i love all, whatever i lived or things i have done nicely,silly,mistakenly (well,loving is a 'big word' for my stupidities ). I wouldn't change anything,all bring me in something.
This ,is this a confession of feeling good for whatever i have lived or
an acceptance with saying ' Since i cannot change the past just say - i love it all (past) let it slide '
or maybe both cases are valid that i can not even answer ( :
16 Aralık 2011 Cuma
jensen ve digerleri - Jensen and others
Bole agzim acik baktigim adamlardan biri ( Alti yasindaki oglum disinda) Henry Cavill digeri de Josh Duhamel.. guzel adamlar simdi Allah icin.! . (Resim yapiyorum neye bakmam beklenir ki ?)
biri var ki
hani bir adaya yalniz dussem o kadar koymaz ,80 yasinda bu adamla ayni adaya dusersem harbi koyar yani (Seksen yasindakiler kusura bakmasin !)
Ah Jensen Ah : )
Aslinda Akdeniz tiplerini severim ama bu adam bi baska iste ! Alla alla..!
(Yok o olmadi..Josh'da olur hic sorun degil...ada olayinda yani )
I am fascinated with these two guys (besides my 6yrs old)...One is Henry Cavill and the other is Josh Duhamel. They're both beautiful man,to be fair ! (i am an artist,what do you expect me to look at ? )
there is one !
It would be ok. to stay in an island all by myself than staying with him in an island when i am 80yrs old ! (No offense 80yrs old folks ! )
Oh Jensen : )
I actually like Mediterranean looking but his fella is something else ! Gosh ..!
(If he can't be then Josh would be ok too. Np ,i mean..in the island) :))
biri var ki
hani bir adaya yalniz dussem o kadar koymaz ,80 yasinda bu adamla ayni adaya dusersem harbi koyar yani (Seksen yasindakiler kusura bakmasin !)
Ah Jensen Ah : )
Aslinda Akdeniz tiplerini severim ama bu adam bi baska iste ! Alla alla..!
(Yok o olmadi..Josh'da olur hic sorun degil...ada olayinda yani )
I am fascinated with these two guys (besides my 6yrs old)...One is Henry Cavill and the other is Josh Duhamel. They're both beautiful man,to be fair ! (i am an artist,what do you expect me to look at ? )
there is one !
It would be ok. to stay in an island all by myself than staying with him in an island when i am 80yrs old ! (No offense 80yrs old folks ! )
Oh Jensen : )
I actually like Mediterranean looking but his fella is something else ! Gosh ..!
(If he can't be then Josh would be ok too. Np ,i mean..in the island) :))
henry Cavill,
jensen ackles,
josh duhamel
15 Aralık 2011 Perşembe
Alice gariplikler diyarinda- Alice is in Odd land
Oldum olasi sevemedim su Alice harikalar diyarinda klasigini..
Bi kere diyarda pek harika bisiy yok. aksine cidden korkunc :))
Ha mucize diye bakilirsa evet ama mucizeden ziyade gariplikler var.
Yeni versiyonu kesinlikle cocuklara uygun degil zira ben bile korktum :D
Gelgelelim ki Jefferson Airplane i severim.
Sanirim Alice ile ilgili sevdigim tek sey...adi geciyor diye sarkida..
I never liked the classic named 'Alice in Wonderland' .
First of all there is nothing -Wonderful actually its really scary :))
Well if we are talking Wonder ,yes,there are some but more bizarre than wonder.
The new version is definetely not for kids,i even got scared :D
However i love Jefferson airplane.
This is the only thing i like about 'Alice' just her name is in this song...
Bi kere diyarda pek harika bisiy yok. aksine cidden korkunc :))
Ha mucize diye bakilirsa evet ama mucizeden ziyade gariplikler var.
Yeni versiyonu kesinlikle cocuklara uygun degil zira ben bile korktum :D
Gelgelelim ki Jefferson Airplane i severim.
Sanirim Alice ile ilgili sevdigim tek sey...adi geciyor diye sarkida..
I never liked the classic named 'Alice in Wonderland' .
First of all there is nothing -Wonderful actually its really scary :))
Well if we are talking Wonder ,yes,there are some but more bizarre than wonder.
The new version is definetely not for kids,i even got scared :D
However i love Jefferson airplane.
This is the only thing i like about 'Alice' just her name is in this song...
14 Aralık 2011 Çarşamba
Satir arasi..Between the lines
Sessizligim kirildigimdandi,kizgin oldugum icin degil.
Her kirik kalbin bir hikayesi vardir ardinda ama kimi hikayeler vardir ki..ne anlatmak istersin ne de hatirlamak...
Sende bu hikayelerden birisin iste,anlatmak ya da hatirlamak istemedigim..
Bazen,gorunuyorsun bana geceyarisi, bir kabus gibi ,geceligim kan ter icinde ...
O zaman usulca dudaklarimi isiriyorum ,hatirliyorum hala senden ne kadar nefret ettigimi..gecen bunca yila ragmen..ama mumkun mu boylesi..?
Merak etme,sadece birkac dakika suruyor bu huzun hali..sonra donuyorum tatli hayatima.
Seni, soylenmemis bir siirin satir aralarinda birakir gibi ya da bir cocukluk anisinin ' Bosver.. sadece cocuktum' diye soylettigi gibi..
My silence was for being hurted not being upset.
Every broken heart has stories behind to tell but there are some...you don't even wanna tell neither to remember..
You are one of these stories that i don't wanna tell neither i would like to remember.. Sometimes you are showing up like a nightmare at middle of the night,making me sweat in my gown.Then i bite my lips,remembering how i still hate you after all these years...is it really possible.?
But don't worry, it takes just couple of minutes then , i am back to my sweet life.
.Leaving you between the lines of unspoken poem .or like a memory of a child ,making you feel to say that -never mind..i was just a kid..
Her kirik kalbin bir hikayesi vardir ardinda ama kimi hikayeler vardir ki..ne anlatmak istersin ne de hatirlamak...
Sende bu hikayelerden birisin iste,anlatmak ya da hatirlamak istemedigim..
Bazen,gorunuyorsun bana geceyarisi, bir kabus gibi ,geceligim kan ter icinde ...
O zaman usulca dudaklarimi isiriyorum ,hatirliyorum hala senden ne kadar nefret ettigimi..gecen bunca yila ragmen..ama mumkun mu boylesi..?
Merak etme,sadece birkac dakika suruyor bu huzun hali..sonra donuyorum tatli hayatima.
Seni, soylenmemis bir siirin satir aralarinda birakir gibi ya da bir cocukluk anisinin ' Bosver.. sadece cocuktum' diye soylettigi gibi..
My silence was for being hurted not being upset.
Every broken heart has stories behind to tell but there are some...you don't even wanna tell neither to remember..
You are one of these stories that i don't wanna tell neither i would like to remember.. Sometimes you are showing up like a nightmare at middle of the night,making me sweat in my gown.Then i bite my lips,remembering how i still hate you after all these years...is it really possible.?
But don't worry, it takes just couple of minutes then , i am back to my sweet life.
.Leaving you between the lines of unspoken poem .or like a memory of a child ,making you feel to say that -never mind..i was just a kid..
12 Aralık 2011 Pazartesi
Kitap çalmak , stealing a book
Kapidan iceri girdigimde, o gune kadar hic gormedigim kadar cok kitapla karsilastim.
Sekiz yasimda olmama ragmen hala dayimin elini tutuyordum. Kapidan usulca suzulup iceri girdik beraberce.
Kitaplari oldum olasi sevmisimdir,turune gelince iste o konuda biraz maymun istahliyim. O zamanda durum boyleydi..
Universitede ingilizce okutmani olan dayim,hemen kendi alani ile ilgili kitaplarin oldugu kisma dogru yonelmisti. Kucuk,kara gozlerini kitaba dikmis,adeta dunya ile baglantisini kesmisti.Kivircik saclari dusunceli alnindan dokuluyordu.Benim ona baktigimi sezmis olacak ki kafasini yavasca kaldirip,gulumseyerek bana bakti 'Gel yanima , sana birsey soyleyecegim '
Yanina gidince tek elini omzuma koydu,gozlerimin icine bakarak ' Bak simdi , çalmak çok kotu birseydir,ayni zamanda gunahtir ama ,inan bana kitap çalmak gunah degildir' Beraberce kikirdadik.
O, ingilizce kitaplarina, bense mitoloji kitaplarina gomuldum,bilmiyorum kac saat daha kaldik orada.
Ne ben, ne o da kitap calmamistik tabiki.
Bu guzel gunun uzerinden yaklasik sekiz yil gecmisti.Bu sefer baska bir kutuphanedeydim,dayimin kutuphanesinde..! Sadece ingilizce degil,edebiyat,antropoloji, hukuk,Tip, Sosyoloji vs. ne aranirsa bulunabilecek zengin bir kitaplikti sahip oldugu.
Dayim, o gun evde yoktu,benimse onu bekleyecek kadar vaktim yoktu. Birden gozume en sevdigim yazarlardan birinin kitabi ilisti.Hayiflandim,dayimin kacta eve donecegini bilmiyordum.
Senelerce once bana ettigi nasihati (?!) hatirladim ve hic tereddutsuz kitabi cantama koydum.
Yuzumde hinzirca bir gulumse ile hizlica bir not yazip,masasinin uzerine biraktim :
'Dayicigim, nasilsa kitap calmak gunah degildi ya ..xxxx kitabini aldim,bilgin olsun. opuyorum ' :)
Ehh nasihati veren o da olsa, soz konusu olan kendi kitaplari olunca nasihatin gecerliligi kalmadi tabi.
'Kitaplarimi calmana gerek yok,benden istedigin zaman veririm' dedi kitabini elimden alirken ve birkac dakika sonra kitabi bana geri uzatti.Beraberce gulustuk.
Boylesine parlak zekali,humanist,sevgi dolu bir insana psikoz teshisi konulup,okutma hakkinin elinden alinmasina senelerce anlam veremedim,hala da veremiyorum.
Bazen, insanlari saglikli tutan tek seyin ,ellerinden alinmasi, sistemin bozuklugundan mi yoksa 'eskiya dunyaya,hukumdar olmaz' soyleminin canli ornegi mi ,emin olamiyorum... : (
I entered from the door it was the first time for me that i saw soo many books all together.
I was eight years old but i was still holding my uncle's hand. We entered together quietly.
I always love books but what kind? that's it is what i am a bit fickle about ! I was the same by the time.
My uncle who was an English teacher at the university ,just headed forward to section of his interest.
His small, dark colored eyes was staring at the book, he almost looked like disconnected from the world. Curly hairs were touching to his thoughtful forehead. Probably he felt that i was looking at him, so he called me with a smile 'Come over here, i will tell you something' . He put his hand on my shoulder when i was next to him 'Listen, stealing is really bad and biggest sin BUT believe me, stealing a book isn't a sin at all ! ' We giggled together.
Then he was again into his English books while i sunk into myth books. I don't know how many hours more ,we stayed there. And Of course we didn't steal any book ! :)
Eight years passed after that beautiful day. I was then in another library ,in my Uncle's Library !
It was such a rich library he has :not only English books but also Literature, anthropology, Law, Medicine, Sosyology etc. whatever could be found.
My Uncle wasn't at home yet and i didn't have enough to time for waiting. Suddenly ,i noticed one of my favorite author's book was there. I worried because i didn't know what time he was coming back. Then i remembed the advice (!) he told me,many years ago and i put the book into my bag resolutely. I wrote him a note with a wicked smile on my lips :
' My dear uncle, since stealing a book isn't a sin i take your xxx book ,Kisses ' :)
Well, even he was the one give me this advice and since it was his book ,the advice wasn't valid anymore of course. he said ' No need to steal my book,you can ask me then i give you' while he was taking away his book from me and then gave me back the book. We together chuckled.
i was and still unable to understand for years, His diagnose as a psycosis: who is brillant, humanist ,so fond person and taking away his right 'to Teach '.
I am not sure ,is this result of a broken system or is it an example for the statement of ' no sovereign for a bandit world' , taking away the only thing that keep some people healthy... : (
Sekiz yasimda olmama ragmen hala dayimin elini tutuyordum. Kapidan usulca suzulup iceri girdik beraberce.
Kitaplari oldum olasi sevmisimdir,turune gelince iste o konuda biraz maymun istahliyim. O zamanda durum boyleydi..
Universitede ingilizce okutmani olan dayim,hemen kendi alani ile ilgili kitaplarin oldugu kisma dogru yonelmisti. Kucuk,kara gozlerini kitaba dikmis,adeta dunya ile baglantisini kesmisti.Kivircik saclari dusunceli alnindan dokuluyordu.Benim ona baktigimi sezmis olacak ki kafasini yavasca kaldirip,gulumseyerek bana bakti 'Gel yanima , sana birsey soyleyecegim '
Yanina gidince tek elini omzuma koydu,gozlerimin icine bakarak ' Bak simdi , çalmak çok kotu birseydir,ayni zamanda gunahtir ama ,inan bana kitap çalmak gunah degildir' Beraberce kikirdadik.
O, ingilizce kitaplarina, bense mitoloji kitaplarina gomuldum,bilmiyorum kac saat daha kaldik orada.
Ne ben, ne o da kitap calmamistik tabiki.
Bu guzel gunun uzerinden yaklasik sekiz yil gecmisti.Bu sefer baska bir kutuphanedeydim,dayimin kutuphanesinde..! Sadece ingilizce degil,edebiyat,antropoloji, hukuk,Tip, Sosyoloji vs. ne aranirsa bulunabilecek zengin bir kitaplikti sahip oldugu.
Dayim, o gun evde yoktu,benimse onu bekleyecek kadar vaktim yoktu. Birden gozume en sevdigim yazarlardan birinin kitabi ilisti.Hayiflandim,dayimin kacta eve donecegini bilmiyordum.
Senelerce once bana ettigi nasihati (?!) hatirladim ve hic tereddutsuz kitabi cantama koydum.
Yuzumde hinzirca bir gulumse ile hizlica bir not yazip,masasinin uzerine biraktim :
'Dayicigim, nasilsa kitap calmak gunah degildi ya ..xxxx kitabini aldim,bilgin olsun. opuyorum ' :)
Ehh nasihati veren o da olsa, soz konusu olan kendi kitaplari olunca nasihatin gecerliligi kalmadi tabi.
'Kitaplarimi calmana gerek yok,benden istedigin zaman veririm' dedi kitabini elimden alirken ve birkac dakika sonra kitabi bana geri uzatti.Beraberce gulustuk.
Boylesine parlak zekali,humanist,sevgi dolu bir insana psikoz teshisi konulup,okutma hakkinin elinden alinmasina senelerce anlam veremedim,hala da veremiyorum.
Bazen, insanlari saglikli tutan tek seyin ,ellerinden alinmasi, sistemin bozuklugundan mi yoksa 'eskiya dunyaya,hukumdar olmaz' soyleminin canli ornegi mi ,emin olamiyorum... : (
I entered from the door it was the first time for me that i saw soo many books all together.
I was eight years old but i was still holding my uncle's hand. We entered together quietly.
I always love books but what kind? that's it is what i am a bit fickle about ! I was the same by the time.
My uncle who was an English teacher at the university ,just headed forward to section of his interest.
His small, dark colored eyes was staring at the book, he almost looked like disconnected from the world. Curly hairs were touching to his thoughtful forehead. Probably he felt that i was looking at him, so he called me with a smile 'Come over here, i will tell you something' . He put his hand on my shoulder when i was next to him 'Listen, stealing is really bad and biggest sin BUT believe me, stealing a book isn't a sin at all ! ' We giggled together.
Then he was again into his English books while i sunk into myth books. I don't know how many hours more ,we stayed there. And Of course we didn't steal any book ! :)
Eight years passed after that beautiful day. I was then in another library ,in my Uncle's Library !
It was such a rich library he has :not only English books but also Literature, anthropology, Law, Medicine, Sosyology etc. whatever could be found.
My Uncle wasn't at home yet and i didn't have enough to time for waiting. Suddenly ,i noticed one of my favorite author's book was there. I worried because i didn't know what time he was coming back. Then i remembed the advice (!) he told me,many years ago and i put the book into my bag resolutely. I wrote him a note with a wicked smile on my lips :
' My dear uncle, since stealing a book isn't a sin i take your xxx book ,Kisses ' :)
Well, even he was the one give me this advice and since it was his book ,the advice wasn't valid anymore of course. he said ' No need to steal my book,you can ask me then i give you' while he was taking away his book from me and then gave me back the book. We together chuckled.
i was and still unable to understand for years, His diagnose as a psycosis: who is brillant, humanist ,so fond person and taking away his right 'to Teach '.
I am not sure ,is this result of a broken system or is it an example for the statement of ' no sovereign for a bandit world' , taking away the only thing that keep some people healthy... : (
kitap çalmak .psikoz,
stealing a book,
11 Aralık 2011 Pazar
Yasamin gozlerin kadar guzel olsun sevgilim....
Su siralar cok sarki paylastim ama guzellikleri paylasmamak mumkun mu..
Nasil unuturum bu fevkalade parcayi...
I have shared a lot of songs these days but how it is possible not to share beauties...
How can i forget this marvelous song...
Şimdi artık hiçbir şey eskisi gibi değil
Bu sular durgun olmadı dedin gittin
Belki de yaşamının gözlerin kadar
Güzel olmasını dilerim
Yaşamın gözlerin güzel olsun sevgilim
Belki de yaşamının gözlerin kadar
Güzel olmasını dilerim
Yaşamın gözlerin güzel olsun sevgilim
Şimdi artık hiçbir şey eskisi gibi değil
Her gün yeni bir gün olmadı dedin gittin
Belki de yaşamının gözlerin kadar
Güzel olmasını dilerim
Yaşamın gözlerin güzel olsun sevgilim
Belki de yaşamının gözlerin kadar
Güzel olmasını dilerim
Yaşamın gözlerin güzel olsun sevgilim
Nothing is like before, now..
'These quietness didn't work' you said then left
Maybe i would wish that your life to be as beautiful as your eyes
(Indeed) i wish that your life to be as beautiful as your eyes.my dear.
Nothing is same as before,now
Every Day couln't be a new day (4us) you said then left.
Maybe i would wish that your life to be as beautiful as your eyes
(Indeed) i wish that your life to be as beautiful as your eyes.my dear.
Nasil unuturum bu fevkalade parcayi...
I have shared a lot of songs these days but how it is possible not to share beauties...
How can i forget this marvelous song...
Şimdi artık hiçbir şey eskisi gibi değil
Bu sular durgun olmadı dedin gittin
Belki de yaşamının gözlerin kadar
Güzel olmasını dilerim
Yaşamın gözlerin güzel olsun sevgilim
Belki de yaşamının gözlerin kadar
Güzel olmasını dilerim
Yaşamın gözlerin güzel olsun sevgilim
Şimdi artık hiçbir şey eskisi gibi değil
Her gün yeni bir gün olmadı dedin gittin
Belki de yaşamının gözlerin kadar
Güzel olmasını dilerim
Yaşamın gözlerin güzel olsun sevgilim
Belki de yaşamının gözlerin kadar
Güzel olmasını dilerim
Yaşamın gözlerin güzel olsun sevgilim
Nothing is like before, now..
'These quietness didn't work' you said then left
Maybe i would wish that your life to be as beautiful as your eyes
(Indeed) i wish that your life to be as beautiful as your eyes.my dear.
Nothing is same as before,now
Every Day couln't be a new day (4us) you said then left.
Maybe i would wish that your life to be as beautiful as your eyes
(Indeed) i wish that your life to be as beautiful as your eyes.my dear.
Turku Zamani - Time for Folk Songs
Sanirim 15-16 yasimda iken Turkulerden pek hatta hic hoslanmazdim.
Yurt disinda yasamaya basladiktan sonra ,artik kulturumuz kafama daha cok dank mi etti bilmem.Pek sevmeye basladim. şaka bir yana, Turku demek öz demek,ata demek ,kültür demek,öykü demek...
En guzel Turkulerden birkaci.. kanimca tabi.
I think when i was 15-16 yrs old i didn't like folks songs not even a bit.
After,moving out of my country i started to listen, i don't know if it beared in upon smb about our culture. i like it very much since then. Joking aside, Folks song is essence, ancestor, culture even a tale..
Some of most beautiful folk songs are here ,..in my opinion of course.
Yurt disinda yasamaya basladiktan sonra ,artik kulturumuz kafama daha cok dank mi etti bilmem.Pek sevmeye basladim. şaka bir yana, Turku demek öz demek,ata demek ,kültür demek,öykü demek...
En guzel Turkulerden birkaci.. kanimca tabi.
I think when i was 15-16 yrs old i didn't like folks songs not even a bit.
After,moving out of my country i started to listen, i don't know if it beared in upon smb about our culture. i like it very much since then. Joking aside, Folks song is essence, ancestor, culture even a tale..
erkan ogur,
folk song,
kardes turkuler,
8 Aralık 2011 Perşembe
Ruya tabiri kitaplarini kaale almam zira ruyalarin tamamiyle bilincalti ile alakali oldugunu dusunurum.
Buna ragmen...hayatimdaki belli insanlarla resmen ruyalar araciligi ile haberlesirim.Saka gibi ama gercek !
Herkesle olmuyor...velhasil bu kimsenin akrabam ya da cok uzun yillar tanidigim kisi olmasinada gerek yok.
Hayatlarinda gerceklesen iyi ya da kotu bir takim degisiklikler, ruyalarima misafir olmalari icin kafi. :) Bazen ,bahsi gecen degisiklikler olmasada oylesine ruyalarimda gozuktukleri zaman,bilirim ki karsilikli birbirini dusunme soz konusudur.Telepati yani..
Hele bir iki insan var ki hayatimda,ayni anda ayni ruyayi gordugumuzu anlayinca urkmusktuk hakli olarak.
Bir defasinda cok sevgili halacagim beni arayip- neredesin,nisanlin (o zamanlar) geldi yurtdisindan sana ulasamiyoruz hadi eve gel..diye bana ciyak ciyak bagirdigi ruyami yine ayni halamdan gelen telefon bolmustu ve bana aynen soyle demisti. 'Kizim,nisanlinin kardesi geldi yurtdisindan(e azcik hatlar karismis ama habersiz bir ziyaretti yinede )kac gundur sana ulasamiyoruz,hadi gel' deyince,hicbirsey soylemeden telefonu kapamistim.
Seneler once bana ,hafif kacik medyum kilikli bir hatunun 'sende ucuncu goz cikacak,ruyalarina sezgilerine guven' deyisi geldi aklima (Gerci bende ona 'ne ucuncu gozu bana iki goz yetiyor' demistim ama..)
Simdi ne alaka ise..Boks sinifindan bir arkadasim ruyama girdi.Gecen sefer onu ruyamda gordugumde bes senedir beraber yasadigi sevgilisinden ayrilmisti.Ay hayir samimide degilim ki sorayim :))
Bakalim bu sefer neler olmus,kokusu cikar yakinda :)
I never took seriously books about " oneiromancy" because i always thought dreams are subconscious .
Yet i communicate with some people in my life via dreams.Sounds like a joke but true!
It isn't happening with everyone..after all, i don't have to know this person for years neither need to be relative to me . It is enough for me to make'em guests of my dreams when something bad or good is happening in their life . :) Sometimes,even if there are no any changes in their life but still appearing, then i know we are thinking of each other mutually.Telepathy is called.
Especially one or two people in my life ,we even dreamed the same dream together.Of course we freaked out :)
Once, i woke with the call of my dearest aunt was telling me 'daughter,the sister of your fiancee just arrived from blahblah country,we couln't reach you,come home ' i was speechless because i just dreamed about my aunt was telling me the same thing except fiancee instead of the sister (well,lines could be messed up but it was still unexpected visit ).
i remembered ,many years ago a bit insane medium look like lady told me once 'you're going to have the 3rd eye,pay attention to your dreams and intuitions' (despite of me replying as 'what 3rd eye,i have two,it's good enough for me :))
What's it got to do with it but i dreamed about a friend of mine from my previous Boxing Class. Last time i dreamed about him,he broke up with girl friend of five years.I haven't very close with him,so i can not even ask :))
Let's see what happened ,soon to be transpire :)
Buna ragmen...hayatimdaki belli insanlarla resmen ruyalar araciligi ile haberlesirim.Saka gibi ama gercek !
Herkesle olmuyor...velhasil bu kimsenin akrabam ya da cok uzun yillar tanidigim kisi olmasinada gerek yok.
Hayatlarinda gerceklesen iyi ya da kotu bir takim degisiklikler, ruyalarima misafir olmalari icin kafi. :) Bazen ,bahsi gecen degisiklikler olmasada oylesine ruyalarimda gozuktukleri zaman,bilirim ki karsilikli birbirini dusunme soz konusudur.Telepati yani..
Hele bir iki insan var ki hayatimda,ayni anda ayni ruyayi gordugumuzu anlayinca urkmusktuk hakli olarak.
Bir defasinda cok sevgili halacagim beni arayip- neredesin,nisanlin (o zamanlar) geldi yurtdisindan sana ulasamiyoruz hadi eve gel..diye bana ciyak ciyak bagirdigi ruyami yine ayni halamdan gelen telefon bolmustu ve bana aynen soyle demisti. 'Kizim,nisanlinin kardesi geldi yurtdisindan(e azcik hatlar karismis ama habersiz bir ziyaretti yinede )kac gundur sana ulasamiyoruz,hadi gel' deyince,hicbirsey soylemeden telefonu kapamistim.
Seneler once bana ,hafif kacik medyum kilikli bir hatunun 'sende ucuncu goz cikacak,ruyalarina sezgilerine guven' deyisi geldi aklima (Gerci bende ona 'ne ucuncu gozu bana iki goz yetiyor' demistim ama..)
Simdi ne alaka ise..Boks sinifindan bir arkadasim ruyama girdi.Gecen sefer onu ruyamda gordugumde bes senedir beraber yasadigi sevgilisinden ayrilmisti.Ay hayir samimide degilim ki sorayim :))
Bakalim bu sefer neler olmus,kokusu cikar yakinda :)
I never took seriously books about " oneiromancy" because i always thought dreams are subconscious .
Yet i communicate with some people in my life via dreams.Sounds like a joke but true!
It isn't happening with everyone..after all, i don't have to know this person for years neither need to be relative to me . It is enough for me to make'em guests of my dreams when something bad or good is happening in their life . :) Sometimes,even if there are no any changes in their life but still appearing, then i know we are thinking of each other mutually.Telepathy is called.
Especially one or two people in my life ,we even dreamed the same dream together.Of course we freaked out :)
Once, i woke with the call of my dearest aunt was telling me 'daughter,the sister of your fiancee just arrived from blahblah country,we couln't reach you,come home ' i was speechless because i just dreamed about my aunt was telling me the same thing except fiancee instead of the sister (well,lines could be messed up but it was still unexpected visit ).
i remembered ,many years ago a bit insane medium look like lady told me once 'you're going to have the 3rd eye,pay attention to your dreams and intuitions' (despite of me replying as 'what 3rd eye,i have two,it's good enough for me :))
What's it got to do with it but i dreamed about a friend of mine from my previous Boxing Class. Last time i dreamed about him,he broke up with girl friend of five years.I haven't very close with him,so i can not even ask :))
Let's see what happened ,soon to be transpire :)
7 Aralık 2011 Çarşamba
4 Funky Lovers
Almanya'dayken, bu sarkiyi duydugumda nasil deli gibi dans ettigimi hatirladim simdi :))
I remember how i danced like a crazy when i heard this song in Germany :))
Prince'in sadece bu parcasini seviyorum ama James Brown'in butun parcalarini severim desem abartmam :)
I just like this song by Prince but i like all the songs of James Brown.
I remember how i danced like a crazy when i heard this song in Germany :))
Prince'in sadece bu parcasini seviyorum ama James Brown'in butun parcalarini severim desem abartmam :)
I just like this song by Prince but i like all the songs of James Brown.
6 Aralık 2011 Salı
Ruya Ev - My Dream House
Aslinda bu detaylari cok para harcamadan gerceklestirmek mumkun birebir ayni olmasada..
Actually it is possible to decorate these stylies without spending too much even it isn't gonna be exactly the same...

Oturma Odasi (Sag Ust)
YaTak OdAsI

Bahce ya da Giris icin en cicekli ?! alternatifler (Ust)
Merdiven Alti nasil degerlendirilir ------->
Cocuk Odasi
Calisma Kosesi
Camasir Odasi
Calisma Odasi
Fotograflarin hepsini degisik sitelerden derledim ve bircogu Country style dedikleri stilden olusturulmus. Fazla modern olan dekorasyonlar bana soguk geliyor. Cicek bocekli desenli hersey olmazla olmaz listemde.
Most of the pictures i edited from various websites and most of it with the style called "Country Style".
Anything with flowers bugs design is a 'Must' for me.Anyhow i stronly dislike ultramodern designs which seem 'very cold ' to me.
5 Aralık 2011 Pazartesi
Seni düşünmek - Thinking of you
Seni düşünmek güzel şey, ümitli şey,
Dünyanın en güzel sesinden
En güzel şarkıyı dinlemek gibi birşey...
Fakat artık ümit yetmiyor bana,
Ben artık şarkı dinlemek değil,
Şarkı söylemek istiyorum.
Dünyanın en güzel sesinden
En güzel şarkıyı dinlemek gibi birşey...
Fakat artık ümit yetmiyor bana,
Ben artık şarkı dinlemek değil,
Şarkı söylemek istiyorum.
Thinking of you is pretty, hopeful,
It is like listening to the most beautiful song
From the most beautiful voice on earth...
But hope is not enough for me any more,
I don't want to listen to songs any more,
I want to sing.
Ezginin Gunlugu,
nazim hikmet,
Seni dusunmek,
Thinking of you
4 Aralık 2011 Pazar
2012 Doomsday is a 'Marketing Fallacy'
Bir onceki konuya istinaden...

Ever since I wrote my very first "No Doomsday in 2012" article for Universe Today in 2008, I've been repeating the same message over and over again: The Mayans never predicted doomsday in 2012. And I'll say it once more, this time with even more expert endorsement: The Mayans never, EVER predicted doomsday in 2012.
Sadly, science and history has been bent and twisted to suit supporters of this doomsday hoax, and when scientists or archaeologists go on the record to debunk the nonsense, the blame falls on some kind of convenient global conspiracy.
But where did this Mayan doomsday idea come from anyway?
The Long(est) Count
The seed of next year's multitude of "End of the World" theories supposedly occurring on or around Dec. 21, 2012, is that a mesoamerican calendar foretold doom. A particular Mayan calendar is at the center of all the excitement, and due to a numerical fluke, it just so happens the calendar will "run out" next year.
ANALYSIS: 2012 Mayan Calendar 'Doomsday' Date Might Be Wrong
The Mayan civilization existed from 250-900 A.D. in the current geographical location of southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador and some of Honduras. Archaeologists studying this fascinating culture have been able to decipher their many calendars, but their longest period calendar -- the "Long Count" -- is what set alarm bells ringing.
The Long Count calendar was created by the Mayans so that history could be chronicled and future events could be planned -- you know, not too dissimilar to the calendar on your iPhone.
This long-period calendar, that has a cycle of 5,126 years, is a departure from the other calendars the Mayans used at the time. Some calendars lasted less than a year (such as the "Tzolk’in" -- that lasted 260 days), others lasted decades (such as the "Calendar Round" -- charting the approximate time span of a generation -- approximately 52 years). Then, using remarkable ingenuity, the Mayans created the Long Count calendar that had a numerical foundation -- almost like an ancient binary code.
"It's a Marketing Fallacy."
Although the exact end-date of this Long Count cycle has recently been thrown into doubt, one thing most Maya experts and doomsday theorists agree on is that the calendar "ends" next year. The calendar consists of 13 "Baktuns" -- each approximately 394-years long -- and we are coming to the end of the 13th Baktun.
One thing they don't agree on, however, is what this actually means.
Doomsayers will try to convince you that the "end" of the Long Count 13th Baktun is a Mayan prophesy of the "End of the World." Because, like any good snake oil salesman, you need to frighten the crap out of your audience before selling them a book on the subject.
ANALYSIS: Can Science Beat the Doomsday Hype?
But, according to someone who actually knows a thing or two about the Maya culture, the Mayans never made any such prophesy: "We have to be clear about this. There is no prophecy for 2012," said Erik Velasquez, an etchings specialist at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). "It's a marketing fallacy."
The National Institute of Anthropological History in Mexico, no doubt getting fed-up of their inboxes getting filled with panicked emails about fake doomsday theories, issued a statement too: "The West's messianic thinking has distorted the world view of ancient civilizations like the Mayans."
According to the Institute, of the 15,000 glyphic texts found in the ancient ruins of the Mayan empire, only two mention 2012. You'd think that the "End of the World" would hold more significance, wouldn't you? Events after 2012 are also mentioned, so this "End of the World" isn't as definite as the doomsayers make out.
Indiana Jones and the Temple of... Doomsday?
For some reason, modern culture embraces ancient civilizations as having magical powers -- they could somehow predict the future and had conversations with aliens (really). And for some who think the Indiana Jones movies are accurate portrayals of historic events, this probably isn't so surprising.
ANALYSIS: Top 10 Reasons Why the World Won't End in 2012
Experts in Maya culture have a far better perspective as to what the end of the 13th Baktun really means to the descendants of the ancient Maya.
"Because Bolon Yokte was already present at the day of creation ... it just seemed natural for the Mayan that Bolon Yokte will again be present," said Sven Gronemeyer, a researcher of Mayan codes from La Trobe University in Australia.
Bolon Yokte is the Mayan god associated with war and creation; the reappearance of this god is therefore more of a transition from one era to the next, according to Gronemeyer. Indeed, many will be marking the end of the Mayan calendar with celebrations of spiritual "rebirth."
Mayan descendants have many celebrations planned; the countries located where the Maya once thrived will be excited about the increase in tourism revenue. Contrary to what those dodgy websites are telling you, it won't be a scary time at all (in South America, at least).
Really, There's No Doomsday in 2012
As our calendar transitions from 2011 to 2012, we can expect to see more doomsday theories surface, each convincingly portraying the weird and wonderful ways in which the world will be blow-torched in the Fall of 2012.
So long as there is money to be made from people's fear, we'll keep seeing the bookshelves stacked with a disproportionate amount of doom and Google ads linking to websites with doomsayers' warped versions of reality.
But all these theories have a common theme: Whether the purveyor of theorized doom is a killer solar flare, galactic alignment or a brilliantly-timed Planet X (or Nibiru), they are all complete bunk. There is no evidence of 2012 being anything special -- next year will have its fair share of war, death, destruction, calamities and financial meltdowns, but the Maya -- or any other ancient civilization for that matter -- didn't predict it.
Image: An indigenous Mayan participates in an ancient ceremonial game called "juego de pelota" (ball game) during a ceremony by Guatemalan Officials to welcome the upcoming 13th Baktun, an end to the ancient Mayan calendar on December 2012. Mayan Elders disregard some western views that this date is associated with the end of the world. But Guatemala hopes to economize on the forecast boom in tourism for the upcoming year. Credit: J. Emilio Flores/Corbis
Source : Ian O'Neill (DiscoveryNews)
Ever since I wrote my very first "No Doomsday in 2012" article for Universe Today in 2008, I've been repeating the same message over and over again: The Mayans never predicted doomsday in 2012. And I'll say it once more, this time with even more expert endorsement: The Mayans never, EVER predicted doomsday in 2012.
Sadly, science and history has been bent and twisted to suit supporters of this doomsday hoax, and when scientists or archaeologists go on the record to debunk the nonsense, the blame falls on some kind of convenient global conspiracy.
But where did this Mayan doomsday idea come from anyway?
The Long(est) Count
The seed of next year's multitude of "End of the World" theories supposedly occurring on or around Dec. 21, 2012, is that a mesoamerican calendar foretold doom. A particular Mayan calendar is at the center of all the excitement, and due to a numerical fluke, it just so happens the calendar will "run out" next year.
ANALYSIS: 2012 Mayan Calendar 'Doomsday' Date Might Be Wrong
The Mayan civilization existed from 250-900 A.D. in the current geographical location of southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador and some of Honduras. Archaeologists studying this fascinating culture have been able to decipher their many calendars, but their longest period calendar -- the "Long Count" -- is what set alarm bells ringing.
The Long Count calendar was created by the Mayans so that history could be chronicled and future events could be planned -- you know, not too dissimilar to the calendar on your iPhone.
This long-period calendar, that has a cycle of 5,126 years, is a departure from the other calendars the Mayans used at the time. Some calendars lasted less than a year (such as the "Tzolk’in" -- that lasted 260 days), others lasted decades (such as the "Calendar Round" -- charting the approximate time span of a generation -- approximately 52 years). Then, using remarkable ingenuity, the Mayans created the Long Count calendar that had a numerical foundation -- almost like an ancient binary code.
"It's a Marketing Fallacy."
Although the exact end-date of this Long Count cycle has recently been thrown into doubt, one thing most Maya experts and doomsday theorists agree on is that the calendar "ends" next year. The calendar consists of 13 "Baktuns" -- each approximately 394-years long -- and we are coming to the end of the 13th Baktun.
One thing they don't agree on, however, is what this actually means.
Doomsayers will try to convince you that the "end" of the Long Count 13th Baktun is a Mayan prophesy of the "End of the World." Because, like any good snake oil salesman, you need to frighten the crap out of your audience before selling them a book on the subject.
ANALYSIS: Can Science Beat the Doomsday Hype?
But, according to someone who actually knows a thing or two about the Maya culture, the Mayans never made any such prophesy: "We have to be clear about this. There is no prophecy for 2012," said Erik Velasquez, an etchings specialist at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). "It's a marketing fallacy."
The National Institute of Anthropological History in Mexico, no doubt getting fed-up of their inboxes getting filled with panicked emails about fake doomsday theories, issued a statement too: "The West's messianic thinking has distorted the world view of ancient civilizations like the Mayans."
According to the Institute, of the 15,000 glyphic texts found in the ancient ruins of the Mayan empire, only two mention 2012. You'd think that the "End of the World" would hold more significance, wouldn't you? Events after 2012 are also mentioned, so this "End of the World" isn't as definite as the doomsayers make out.
Indiana Jones and the Temple of... Doomsday?
For some reason, modern culture embraces ancient civilizations as having magical powers -- they could somehow predict the future and had conversations with aliens (really). And for some who think the Indiana Jones movies are accurate portrayals of historic events, this probably isn't so surprising.
ANALYSIS: Top 10 Reasons Why the World Won't End in 2012
Experts in Maya culture have a far better perspective as to what the end of the 13th Baktun really means to the descendants of the ancient Maya.
"Because Bolon Yokte was already present at the day of creation ... it just seemed natural for the Mayan that Bolon Yokte will again be present," said Sven Gronemeyer, a researcher of Mayan codes from La Trobe University in Australia.
Bolon Yokte is the Mayan god associated with war and creation; the reappearance of this god is therefore more of a transition from one era to the next, according to Gronemeyer. Indeed, many will be marking the end of the Mayan calendar with celebrations of spiritual "rebirth."
Mayan descendants have many celebrations planned; the countries located where the Maya once thrived will be excited about the increase in tourism revenue. Contrary to what those dodgy websites are telling you, it won't be a scary time at all (in South America, at least).
Really, There's No Doomsday in 2012
As our calendar transitions from 2011 to 2012, we can expect to see more doomsday theories surface, each convincingly portraying the weird and wonderful ways in which the world will be blow-torched in the Fall of 2012.
So long as there is money to be made from people's fear, we'll keep seeing the bookshelves stacked with a disproportionate amount of doom and Google ads linking to websites with doomsayers' warped versions of reality.
But all these theories have a common theme: Whether the purveyor of theorized doom is a killer solar flare, galactic alignment or a brilliantly-timed Planet X (or Nibiru), they are all complete bunk. There is no evidence of 2012 being anything special -- next year will have its fair share of war, death, destruction, calamities and financial meltdowns, but the Maya -- or any other ancient civilization for that matter -- didn't predict it.
Image: An indigenous Mayan participates in an ancient ceremonial game called "juego de pelota" (ball game) during a ceremony by Guatemalan Officials to welcome the upcoming 13th Baktun, an end to the ancient Mayan calendar on December 2012. Mayan Elders disregard some western views that this date is associated with the end of the world. But Guatemala hopes to economize on the forecast boom in tourism for the upcoming year. Credit: J. Emilio Flores/Corbis
Source : Ian O'Neill (DiscoveryNews)
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