28 Eylül 2011 Çarşamba

Tango atesi...henuz sonmedi.. :)

Kaldigimiz  yerden devam..

 Tango dansinin stilleri
Tangonun farkli stilleri Arjantin'in farkli bolgelerinde ve zamanlarinda degismistir,sadece Arjantin'de degil Dunyanin bircok bolgeside bu degisiminden nasibini almistir.Bircok kulturel elemenlere  yanit olarak,hatta kiyafetlerde bile,Tango dans stillerinin kendilerine has,takip edilen net kurallari vardir,yarismalarda dahi.
En cok bilinen Tango stilleri:
  • Arjantin Tango
  • Amerikan stil Tango
  • Enternasyonal stil Tango
Arjantin Tangosu:Bati yerlilerinden kaynak alinmis olan bu Tango stili o zamanlar sadece "Alt tabaka" kesimlere hitap ediyordu.Tango kelimesi,Afrika Tanganya kelimesinden turemistir.Ilk olarak Buenos Aries'in Gaucho sunda  dans edilmis olan Arjantin Tangosu Arrabalero'nun asli olarakta bilinir.

Amerikan Tangosu:
Dakikada 32 olcumluk ve dakikanin 4/4  de, 128-136 lik vuruslarla bu tango stili muzikle sikica yapilandirilmistir.Hem acik hemde kapali pozisyonlarda yapilabilir.

Enternasyonal stil Tango:Cok daha disiplinli ve yapilandirilmis olan bu Tango stili genelde kapali pozisyonlardadir.Bircok Tango yarismalari ve gosterileri bu stile rastlanir.

Diger Tango stillerine gelince.Tango Oryantal (Uruguay),Tango Canyengue, Tango Liso, Tango Salon, Tango Orillero, Tango Milonguero (Tango Apilado),  Tango Nuevo (Yeni  Tango), Show Tango (Fantezi olarakta bilinir), Balo Tango ve  Fin Tangosu . 
Styles Of Tango Dancing

The different styles of Tango dancing developed in different areas and time of Argentina as well as in many other places around the world. Responding to many cultural elements, and even the fashions in clothing, the Tango dancing styles today, have their own rules followed quite strictly at competitions.

Here are some of the most common styles of Tango dancing:

·        Argentine Tango

·        American Style Tango

·         International Style Tango

Argentine Tango
Originating in the West Indies, this Tango dancing style was limited to the ‘lower’ classes. The word ‘Tango’ comes from the African ‘Tanganya’. Coming from the Gauchos of Buenos Aires where it was first danced, the Argentine tango is also known as the Arrabalero origin.

American Tango

Presented at 32 measures per minute and 128-136 beats per minute in the 4/4 time, this style of Tango dancing is structured to music. It can be danced in both the open and closed position.

International Tango

A much stricter and more disciplined, this Tango dancing style is in the usual closed positions. You will come across this tango style at the dance competitions and events.

Some more styles of Tango dancing are:  Tango Oriental (uruguayo), Tango Canyengue, Tango Liso, Tango Salon, Tango Orillero, Tango Milonguero (Tango Apilado),  Tango Nuevo (New Tango), Show Tango (also known as Fantasia), Ballroom Tango and  Finnish Tango. Several types of music is involved for these different styles of Tango dancing, like,  Tango,  Vals,  Milonga,  Tango Electronico etc;

A newer style of Tango dancing - "Tango Nuevo" or "New Tango" has been made popular in recent years by the younger age group of dancers. This style is often related with those who enjoy dancing to jazz- and techno-tinged "alternative Tango" music.