23 Eylül 2011 Cuma

Tango Tango

Bugün bir arkadaşımla konuşurken icimde bir süredir sönmüş olan tango aşkımın külleri yeniden alevlendi.
Hal böyleyken, Tango ve onun güzelliklerini yeniden anlatasım,araştırasım, paylaşasım geldi.
Bulduklarimin cogu ingilizce.Tarihcesini Turkce'ye tercume etmeye baya bir useniyorum dogrusu kisacik bir ozet cikaririm olmazsa..

Tango'nun Tarihcesi - History of Tango:
Tango'nun tarihi 17 yy.a kadar uzaniyor.Amerikan ve Afrika kulturunden aldigi etkilerle,eski kolelerin seramonilerdeki dans formu seklinde gunumuz modern tangosuna seklini vermistir.
Tango'nun asli,gorunen o ki Buenos Aires'in dusuk sinif mahallelerinde ortaya cikmistir,tango muzigi Avrupa'da ki degisik stildeki muziklerden olusmakla beraber.1890'da,Tango kelimesi ilk kez kullanillmaya baslamis.Daha oncesinde ise herhangi bir dans formu iken,kisa bir sure  halk arasinda populer bir hale gelmistir.Mahallelerden,cogunlugu Italyan,Ispanyol ve Fransiz olan Avrupali gocmenlerin olusturdugu isci sinifini olusturan banliyolere yayilmistir.

Tango'nun  ilk zamanlarinda,Buenos Aires'ten danscilar ve orkestralar Avrupa'ya seyahat ederken gorulmuslerdir.Tango'ya ragbet ilk etapta Paris,sonrasinda sirasiyla Londra,Berlin ve dunyanin diger baskentlerine yayilmistir.
1913'un sonlarinda New York ve Finlandiya'yi sarsmistir.Daha onceleri Tango'nun adi basit 2/4 ya da 4/4 ritimlik tek adim gibi, danslarla kullanilmistir.
Terim'in daha moda olmasi,demek degildi ki Tango dans adimlari bir dansta kullanilacak.Bu esnada Tango muzigi bazen calinsada daha  hizli adimlarlaydi.
Bu zamanin Tango'su bazen ,Rio De Le Plata'ya karsit,Kuzey Amerika Tangosu olarak adlandirilmistir.

 1914 ile beraber daha orijinal Tango stilleri gelismeye basladiginin yansimalari gorulmustur.Buyuk Depresyon doneminde Arjantin'de sekteye ugramakla beraber,1950'lerde Juan PEron doneminde tekrar canlanmistir.
Gunumuzde Tango firtinasi halen devam ediyor ve duracagada benzemiyor.

The history of Tango dancing goes back as far as the 17th century. Having influences from Spanish and African culture, the dance forms from the ceremonies of former slaves have a hand in shaping the modern day Tango. The main objective of this page is to look into the Tango dancing history.

The origin of Tango dancing seems to be in lower-class districts of Buenos Aires, while the music for tango was drawn from the fusion of different styles of music from Europe. It was in the 1890s, that the word "Tango" seems to have first been used. Earlier, it was just one of the many forms of dances, but it was soon to gain high popularity throughout society. It spread from the suburbs to the working-class slums, which were crammed with thousands of European immigrants, mostly Italians, Spanish and French.

In the early history of Tango dancing, the dancers and orchestras from Buenos Aires were seen traveling to Europe. The craze for Tango initiating with Paris, was soon to follow to London, Berlin, and other capitals of the world. Hitting New York in the USA, and Finland by the end of 1913, Tango dancing sure had arrived. Earlier, the name "Tango" was applied to dances in a basic 2/4 or 4/4 rhythm such as the one-step. The term being fashionable, did not necessarily mean that the tango dancing steps would be used in the dance. During this time, the Tango music was played sometimes, but at a rather fast pace. The tango dancing of this period was sometimes referred to as a "North American Tango", versus the "Rio de la Plata Tango".

The history of Tango dancing reflects that by 1914, more genuine tango dancing styles were beginning to get developed. With the onset of Great Depression in 1929, in Argentina, certain limitations were introduced. In 1930, after the defeat of the Hipólito Yrigoyen government, there was a decline in Tango. But again in the 1950s, under the government of Juan Perón, the fortunes for tango dancing reversed again and it soared in popularity. Today, Tango dancing has taken the world by storm and there seems to be no stopping it.

devam edecek..(yok yok ..bu cidden devam edecek)