8 Ekim 2011 Cumartesi

En iyi Filmler(im) -My best Movies

Dun gece tekrar  Kick-Ass i izledikten sonra favori filmlerimi hatirlamaya calistim.Mutlaka unuttuklarim olacaktir ama aklima gelenleri yazmak istedim.

Birinci sirada tabiki
  • Yuzuklerin Efendisi (Lord of The Rings) Izmir'de ogrenci iken okumaya baslamistim bu seriyi.O zamanlar bunun filminin cevrilebilecegi bize hayal gibi gelmisti.Defalarca izlesem yine bikmam.Kitaptaki favori karakterim Legolas'ti.Orlando Bloom'a filmde asik olmustum resmen. :)
  • Memento ;Filmin sonunun baslangici olmasi,filmi yeterince ilginc kiliyor.Konusuna girmeyecegim.Izlemek isteyenlere haksizlik olmasin.Zira konusunda azicik  ipucu versem,tum gizemi gidecek.Hatta gitti gibi  : )
  • Mutlu Kazalar (Happy Accidents) Marisa Tomei  ve  Vincent D'Onofrio  kesinlikle favori oyuncularim. Bir de Vincent'in  guzelim ellerini unutmamak lazim :D  Espriler zekice.Hangisine inanacaginizi sasiriyorsunuz ve filmin sonundaki sokak ismi guzel bir  ayrinti olmus. :)
  • Kick- Ass :Hala bellegimde taze oldugundan eklememek mumkun degil :)
  • iluzyonist/ Sihirbaz(The Illusionist) 
  • The Dead Zone  :Stephen  Kingin en iyilerinden bir tanesi.Ha bir de korkmadiklarimdan bir tanesi..!
  • Kizgin Damdaki Kedi (The Cat on a hot tin Roof)  Klasiklerden. Paul Newman ve Liz Taylor in en guzel halleri.Her ne kadar kitabin ozundeki 'gercege' sadik kalinmamis olmasa da, sirf ikisi icin izlenir.
  • Oyun (The Game) M.Douglas ve Sean Penn. Filmin sonu supriz bir sekilde bitiyor.
  • Frida : Frida Kahlo'nun yasam oykusu.  Azmi insani hayrete dusuruyor. Ayrica muzikleri cok guzel."Burn it Blue" parcasi , o sene en iyi film muzigi dalinda Oscar'a aday olmus ve Eminem'in fevkalade?! sarkisi  odulu kucaklamisti. Ve de bu film sayesinde Lila Downs u kesfetmistim.
  • Tabiki S.N.A.T.C.H   !
  • The Royal Tenenbaums.  Nick Drake ve Niko nun harika parcalari ile azcik huzunlu azcik komik bir film.
  • Saatler- (The Hours). Biraz ic karartici bir film olmasina ragmen oyunculuk icin izlenir.
  • Howl'un Yuruyen Kalesi (Howl's Moving Castle) :Bir cizgi film karakteri boylesine seksi olabiliyor demek ki  : )
  • Wall- E 
  • Frekans (frequency)  Yine defalarca izlemekten bikmayacagim filmlerden biri.
  • Sleepy Hollow :En iyi korku filmlerinden bir tanesi.. 
  • Italyan Usulu Evlilik (matrimonio all'italiana) Sophia Loren ve  Marcello Mastroianni,(ki bence Italyan sinemasinin en yakisikli adamiydi kendisi.Raoul Bova'da var tabi) 
  • M. Butterfly  ;Son derece huzunlu bir hikaye ...gercekten yasanmis olmasi da cabasi..
  • Pan'in Labirenti...Masal gibi bir dram. Ispanya'daki ic savasin aci yuzu, yer yer peri masali gibi ama bir o kadar da canininizi yakacak turden...
  • The girl who leapt  through time  : Ask'i cok 'uzakta' aramamak gerektiginin  hem bilim-kurgu hem de anime versiyonu.

Simdilik aklima gelenler bunlar.Hala hatirladigima ve oncelikli yazdigima gore diger hatirlayamadiklarindan daha cok etkilendigim  kesin. ;)

After watching ' Kick Ass' last night,i have tried to remember my favorite movies.
Surely,i will forget most of them but i would like to share whatever i remember so far :

The winner is of course  Lord of the Rings!

  • Lord of the rings: When i was a student in Izmir, i read all the books and  it was like a fantasy or a dream that actually the book will be filmed one day.My boyfriend (then) and i thought like 'it is impossible to make the movie of this book'. My favorite character was 'Legolas' in the book. So,i fell in love with Orlando Bloom in the movie. :)
  • Memento : The movie is interesting enough when  you realize the end is the opening. I wouldn't tell more about the theme because it will be unfair to whoever haven't seen the movie yet and no mystery will be left (or actually it is gone already : )
  • Happy Accidents : Marisa Tomei and Vincent D'Onofrio are my favorite actors, definitely. No need to mention Vincent's incredibly beautiful hands! : ) The jokes are witty. For a moment,you will get confuse what to believe. and the detail with the street name at the end is good one! :) (the video on youtube,created by me :)
  • Kick Ass : Well, it is still fresh in my mind :)
  • (The Illusionist) 
  • The Dead Zone : For Stephen King fans.
  • The Cat on a hot tin roof : Beautiful times of Paul Newman and Liz Taylor.While the movie wasn't faithful to ' the fact'  of the original play by Tennessee Williams, you should watch only for these incredible icons.
  • The Game :Micheal Douglas and Sean Penn . Different ...The end is really surprising !
  • Frida : Frida Kahlo's biography. Her strength for life is makes you feel to cry! The musics are beautiful. I discovered Lila Downs with this movie. The song called 'Burn it Blue ' was nominated for the 'Best film music' in Oscar of that year but lost to Eminem's marvelous?! song.
  • Of course  S.N.A.T.C.H 
  • The Royal Tenenbaums : A bit funny and a bit sad movie with Nico's and Nick Drake's beautiful songs.
  • The Hours : While it is a bit pessimistic movie,worth to watch for acting.
  • Howl's moving Castle : Well,an anime character can be so sexy  ! i got that  :)
  • Wall-E
  • Frequency : One of the movies that i will be never bored of watching for millions times.
  • Sleepy Hollow: Another good  horror movie with Johnny Depp.
  •  (matrimonio all'italiana) Sophia Loren &  Marcello Mastroianni,(he was one of the most handsome actor in the Italian cinema but Let's not forget about Raoul Bova for the present time).
  • M.Butterfly : Very sad movie ,outstanding acting  and  based on a true story.
  • Pan's labyrinth : A drama in a fairy tale tone. Civil war in Spain, it will break your heart ...I don't think any word can describe well, how i felt when i watched that movie.
  • The girl who leapt  through time: Anime and sci-fi version of  'the one might not be that far away from you,sometimes' : )