3 Ekim 2011 Pazartesi

Tango Teknikleri

 Tango Teknigi: Tango,tekrarli muzik stiliyle yapilirMuzigin sayimi ya 16 vurustur ya da 32.Tango yapilirken,bayan dansci erkek danscinin koluna kivrili gibi tutunur.Yine bayan dansci kafasini arkaya dogru eger ve sag elini,erkegin sirtinin asagisinda sol tarafa koyar.Erkek dansci ,bayan partnerine, dans pistinde yeterince iyi kivrilabilmesini mumkun oldugu kadar,alan vermek zorundadir.Tango danscilarinin, muzik ve seyirci ile guclu baglanti kurmasi en esas adimdir. 

  • Ayaklardan baslayalim.Oncelikle, agirliginizi ayak parmaklarinizla korudugunuza emin olun.Bunu yaparak,dansinizi kontrol edebilirsiniz.

  • Her zaman,asagi karin bolgenizi ice cekin (yani poponuz disari ciksin ) ve govdeniz  acik olsun (bunun manasi,  boynunuzda kolye varmis ve o kolyeyi gosteriyormus gibi bir durusta olmaniz demektir).

  • Ust govde ,Tango dansinda cok onemlidir cunku burada,lider ve takipci baglantisi olusturulur.

  • Enerjinizi dökün.Tango oldukca yogun ve tutkulu bir danstir.Paylasilan(sacilan) enerjinin bircogu Danscilar ve kareografi arasinda olusan baglarla oldukca ilintilidir.

  • Adimlarinizi hafifletin:Ayak hareketleri Tango'da fevkalade onemlidir.

  • Mumkun olabildigince az bir sekilde ayaginiz  yuzeye degmeli,boylece ayaginiz kuvvetlice ya da agir ilerlemekten ziyade,kayar gibi hareket edecektir.

  • Her nasilsa, bu kayarcasina ilerlemek,suruklenmek ile kolayca karistirildigi icin adimlar agir ve yorgun gozukebilir. 

  • Kendinizden emin "tutunun " : Yakin kontak Tango'da oldukca onemlidir ve bazi insanlarin buna alisabilmesi icin biraz daha zamana ihtiyaclari vardir.

  • Erkek dansci kolunun alt kismini, ,bayan danscinin belini tamamen kavrayacak sekilde sarmali ve boylelikle bayan dansciyi kendisine dogru cekebilmelidir.Bayan danscinin sag eli  erkegin  sol elini tutmali, sol elini erkek danscinin omuzuna yerlestirmelidir.

   Yukardaki kisa filme istinaden :Boyle ogretmenim olsa bende cok cabuk ogrenirdim herhalde ;)

Tango Techniques:

Tango is danced to a repetitive style of music. The count of the music is either 16 or 32 beats. While dancing the tango, the lady is held in the crook of the man’s arm. She holds her head back and rests her right hand on the man's lower hip. The man must allow the lady to rest in this position while leading her around the floor in a curving pattern. Tango dancers must strive to make a strong connection with the music as well as their audience. 
  • Starting from your feet, make sure you maintain your weight on your toes, as this is what gives you control when you are dancing.
  • Always, think of pulling up from the lower abdomen and keeping your chest open.
  • The chest is very important in tango because this is where the connection is made between the leader and the follower.
  • Get the energy flowing. Tango is an intense and passionate dance. Much of that emotion comes from the energy which flows between the dancers and creates that all important connection.
  • Lighten those Tango steps. The movement of your feet in Tango is extremely important
  • There should be as much contact with the floor as possible, so that the feet skim over it rather than being plodded or being placed.
  • However, skimming should not be confused with dragging which would make the steps heavy and very tiring.
  • Hold with confidence. Close contact is very important in Tango and some people need a little time to get used to it.
  • The man should embrace the woman using the whole of his right forearm across the middle of her back, bringing her closer to him.
  • The lady holds his hand with her right hand and her left is placed on his shoulder.
    if i had a teacher like him, i might learn immediately ;)