24 Kasım 2011 Perşembe

Sevgiyi Olcmek- Measuring love

20 SEC READING: Measuring love

‘I’ve always wanted to know if I was capable of loving my wife as much as you love yours,’ said the journalist Keichiro to my publisher Satoshi Gungi over supper one night.

‘There is nothing else but love,’ came the reply. ‘It is love that keeps the world turning and the stars in their spheres.’

‘I know. But how can I know if my love is big enough?’

‘Ask yourself if you give yourself fully or if you flee from your emotions, but do not ask yourself if your love is big enough, because love is neither big nor small, it is simply love.
‘You cannot measure a feeling the way you measure a road.
‘If you do that, you will start comparing your love with what others tell you of theirs or with your own expectations of love.
‘That way, you will always be listening to some story, rather than pushing your emotions to their limits.’

'Her zaman merak etmisimdir,sevgi dolu karimi ,senin karini sevdigin kadar sevemebilme kapasitesine sahip olup olmadigimi' dedi gazeteci Keichiro yayincim Satoshi Gungi'ye bir gece.

'Hicbirsey ama sevgi' yaniti geldi. 'Sevgidir Dunyayi donduren ve gokkubbede ki yildizlari '

'Biliyorum.Ama nasil bilebilirim Sevgimin yeterince buyuk olup olmadigini?'

'Kendine sor , kendini tamamiyla verebiliyor musun  yoksa duygularindan kaciyor musun, ama sevginin buyuk olup olmadigini sorma kendine cunku Sevgi ne buyuktur ne de kucuk,Sadece sevgidir.
'Sevgini ,bir yolu olcer gibi olcemezsin.
'Eger bunu yaparsan, digerlerinin  ya da senin sevgiyle ilgili beklentilerinle kiyaslamaya baslarsin sevgini.
'Bu şekilde,kendi hislerinin sınırlarini  zorlamaktan cok,hep bir hikayeyi dinliyor olursun.