Dokuz gunluk Sicilya tatilinden,guzel dostlarimizla gecirdigimiz gunlerin anisiyla henuz geri dondum.
Hava cok bekledigim gibi degildi (Sansima..)Buna ragmen,,enfes mutfagi,Siracusa'nin esintili guzel aksamlari ile suslu daracik sokaklari,Catania'yi golgesinde barindiran Etna Yanardagi'nin ihtisami kesinlikle tecrube edinmeye degerdi.Sanirim ,yazin tekrar gidecegiz.
Bu arada Etna'nin kraterini gormek icin serin bir gunden daha kotu secim olamaz.Yukari ciktikca yagmur bastirmasina eslik ede dusuk hava sicakligi yeterince kicimizi dondurdu.Topladigimiz volkanik taslari arkadasimizin evinde unutmus olsamda,ayagimin bastigi yerleri hafifce titreten Etna'nin gurultusu korku ile karisik bir heyecan uyandiriyor.
Just back from Sicily after having nine days of vacation with lovely memories along to our precious friends.Well,the weather wasn't like what i have expected (what a fortune...) After all,worthed to experience Sicily's delicous kitchen,narrow streets of Siracusa with a breezy beautiful nights and Glorious Etna stratovolcano nestling Catania under shadow. I think we will go again in next summer.
By the way,going to see Etna Crater in a fresh day is a bad choice.Not only your ass will be freezing but also rain will be helping to this low degree. Despite of forgetting the volkanic stones at my friend's home,my steps were slightly shaking with the noise of Etna which made me feel excited and scared a bit.