14 Kasım 2011 Pazartesi

Ziyaretciler - Visitors

-Valla abi,aslen Dunya'liyim ama babam ziyaretci  (a.k.a  Visitor - V)  annem insan

Ne alaka simdi?
Bilenler bilir 80'lerin "Ziyaretciler -Visitors " dizisini.Hani su insan kiliginda (kostum niyetine) ama aslinda kertenkele  olan uzaylilar.Azcik korksamda, diziyi hic kacirmazdim ve Brian ile Diana'nin ne hikmetse hastasiydim.
Her ne kadar fare hastasi olup,insanlarin kokusundan tiksinmeleri ve hayli "yesil olmalarina ragmen aralarinda bazi iyi kertenkele ,pardon,ziyaretcilerde mevcuttu. (Yine cok alakasiz olacak ama,seneler once tanistigim Guney Kibris'li bir rum'un, Turk oldugumu ogrenmesinin ardindan yaptigi  yorumu animsadim "Olsun,Dedemin soyledigine gore bazi iyi Turk'lerde varmis !! Bu bir iltifatmiydi  yoksa hakaret miydi emin olamamistim o zaman. :)))

Gecenlerde,biraz gec kesfetmis olmama ragmen "Ziyaretciler" dizisinin gunumuz versiyonunu buldum. Efektler,konu vs kesinlikle daha etkileyici.

Insanlarin, kendilerinden " yabanci " olanlari disladiklari,irkcilik yaptigi gunumuzde bile ,uzayli ziyaretcileri dislamasi kacinilmaz tabi ama kertenkele   cogunlugunun,insan irkinin mevcudiyetini tehdit etmesi, nihayet insanlarin kafalarina : ten rengi,dini,dili farkli olsada hepimizin insan oldugunu  dank ettirmesi bence dizinin en guzel temasi.

Boyle bir durum,farkliliga hosgoruyu ve barisi  Dunya'ya getirecekse,insanin "Keske uzaylilar Dunya'yi bi ziyaret etse " diye ic geciresi geliyor...

-Where are you from?
-Well ..man,i am actually from earth but my dad is a Visitor (a.k.a   V) mom is a human.

What that suppose to mean?
Some may know there was a TV show called  "Visitors " on 80's,
Aliens with a human appearance (using like costumes)  but lizards inside.While i was freaking out of watching this TV Show, i used to like it anyway and i was crazy about Brian & Diana, heaven knows why.

While these V's were crazy about mouses,feeling sick about human smell and being very " green" ,there were some good V's as well. (Again,it would be nonsense to mention but  reminded me a  comment by a Cypriot Greek,after i told him that i am a Turk " So be it. My grandpa told me  there are also some good Turks !!)  I wasn't sure if it was a compliment or an insult..lol  ..

Lately i found a new version of this Show with better visual effects and script.Definitely impressive.

Even today people are against or racist to anyone "foreigner " to'em, so it's an inevitable fact they would be against to Aliens of course .
The best point of this Show in my opinion is humans dawning on  the fact of being "human" despite of having different skin color,religion or language when this Lizard majority start to treat mankind.

If a situation like this, will bring peace and tolerance to the Earth  then i might sigh as "I wish that aliens would visit the earth one day".....