21 Ocak 2012 Cumartesi

Adaletin adaletsizligi- Injustice of Justice

Hran Dink'i oldurenlere verilen ve verilmeyen cezalar,yargi sistemimizin ne kadar boktan oldugunu birkez daha gozonune serdi.
"Hepimiz Hrant Dink'iz"  "Hepimiz Ermeni'yiz" pankartlari ile olumunu birkez daha prostesto eden kisilere -Hepimiz su'yuz bu'yuz' niye demiyorsunuz" diye naralar atan kisiler ,bu soylemin Ermeni soykirimini veya ulkemize karsi yapimis her turlu adiligi destelemek oldugunu dusunuyorlar (kısaca).

Soykirim olmus ya da olmamis,bunu dusunen ve beyan eden bir INSAN'i oldurmek,bana gore serefsizligin daniskasidir.
Bahsi gecen pankarlardaki yazimin acilimi bu'dur darkafali faşolar :
Ama pardon, siz bununda anlamini bilmesiniz ki .!!!

Adalet yine yerini bulmadigi icin uzgunum...
Nur icinde yat Hrant...

Hepimiz Ermeni'yiz,
Hepimiz Hrant'iz,
Hepimiz Turk'uz..bunun sonu yok..lafin kisasi :

"HEPIMIZ INSANIZ" !  Baskalarindan Ne kadar farkli dunursek dusunelim!!

Penalties given or not given to the killers of Hrant Dink,showed us again how our Justice?! system sucks.
While protestors carried  banners with the motto " We are all Hrant Dink "
  " We are all Armenians" written on it ,Some opposite minded people took  this motto as underneat the idea of supporting anything against to our country  or supporting Armenian Genocide( briefly).

Genocide either happened or didn't happen, Killing the people whoever thinks this way (or another way)  and stating it, is thoroughgoing of being dishonourable.

Dear narrow minded fascistic idiots,here is the thing about the motto :
Freedom of Opinion !
But sorry,how could you know what does it mean!!!

I am sorry that justice didn't justify once more.
R.I.P Hrant ...

We are all Armenians,
We are all Hrant,
We are all Turks..whatever,there is not end of it but long story short  :

"WE are ALL HUMAN BEING " no matter how   we THINK different than others !