27 Ocak 2012 Cuma

loto cilginligi- craziness of lotto

Bugun yine piyango icin yeni birgun!
Birkac defa oynama girisimlerim 10 ve 12 euro luk kazanclarla ! vuku buldu.

Her piyango alisimda yavas yavas hayal kurmaya basliyorum. ilk once kucuk odulle basliyorum ;
Tamam ,5000 euro olsun. 1000'i karen millen icin, 2000'i kardesimin evlilik hazirliklari,geriye kalanlada ev tasirim..
E hesap yapinca ev tasimaya yetmiyor para,bu sefer hadi 10.000 olsun diyorum.Tamam bu sefer yetiyor ama hadi ev alayim diyorum, Piyango bu sefer oluyor  ikiyuzbin euro..e kendime almisken annemede alayim diyorum,bir sonraki piyango ucretin kati  besyuzbin..onunlada hem anneme hem kendime ev aliyorum. Yok anacim,o da yetmiyor bu sefer buyuk ikramiyeyi aliyorum ki o da 1 milyon euro civari.. kendime,anneme,kardeslerime ev aliyorum,kardesime alasindan bir dugun yapiyorum,erkek kardesime dugun hediyesi sevdigi arabadan aliyorum.evini yeniliyorum. balayina gonderiyorum. e geriye kalanida (birsey kaldiysa) hayir islerine harciyorum.KAlan hayir islerine yetmedigi icin, En buyuk ikramiyeyi hayal etmek zorunda kaliyorum ki o da 25 milyon euro. aynen dedigim tum islemleri gerceklestiriyorum. Bunlara ek olarak.Istanbul'da en tesekkullusunden bir Isitme engelliler okulu aciyorum.Bir tanede dogu bolgesinde...
Bu da yetmemis gibi,10 cocugu okutma karari aliyorum.E aileleri ile mulakat yapmak lazim,gercekten cocuklarin egitimi icin mi harciyorlar parayi ( sanirim ebeveyni olmayan cocuklara yaparim yardimi). Tum bu egitim yardimi fantezim sirasinda  konusmam hazir!: "Egitiminin gelecegine yapilan yatirim en iyi yatirimdir" diyorum..neyse bu esnada para kazandigimi ogrenen yerlerden kisilerden yardim etmem icin istek geliyor..e tabi  ben hayir diyemiyorum. Para bitsin umrumda degil de (benimle mezarami goturecegim!,) yetmiyor yardima mardima,daha afrika'daki cocuklara yardim edecektim.

Yok anacim bu  kadar para benim harcim degil,bak yinede istedigim yerlere yardim edemedim.Zaten bu iyi niyetle beni fena sömürurler ,iyisi mi bana bu para cikmasin, diyerek daha cikmamis parayi elimin tersiyle itiyorum..fani dunya faniiii : P

Yok yok benim ikinci bir okula daha yazilmam gerekiyorki bunlari dusunmeye vaktim olmasin :)

Simdilik gelen bir eposta yok,demek ki herkes icerikten memnun ya da si...ne takan yok :)

Ben gidip bi bilet alayim ...ne me lazim :)

Today is another day for a new lotto!
My attempts  to win, occured to get some profits ! as ten and twelve euro.
Everytime i buy a lotto ticket,i start to build castle in Spain :°) 
First i start with a small gain as 5000 euro.;
Ok that would be enough for me.i would spend 1000 euro shopping in Karen Millen,then sending 2000 euro to my mom then the rest i can spend for moving,u know.
Well,when i am counting that i see it isn't enough.Then i raise to 10.000 euro ! Ok this time it is enough but then i would like to buy a house.So i raise the gain up to 200.000.00-i buy a house for myself and for my mother.No,dear it isn't enough either.So i raise to bigger gain which is about 1 million euro ! So again i buy the houses for me,for my mother,for my siblings.then i am organizing  one of the best wedding for my brother.buying a car for him as a wedding gift,sending him and the wife to honeymoon.The rest i a spending for charitable work (if there is anything left)Well since one of my target is charity then i must raise the win up to 25 million euro ! I do everything again as mentioned above ,plus i am building (or ordering to build) one of the best school for deaf people in Istanbul and another one is in east of Turkey...to top it all i also decide to support 10 children to make'em study. Of course i should make interview with families to make it sure that they will spend money for their kids education (i think i am gonna support orphans anyway !)While i am fantasying about my education support ,my motto is ready ! :The best investments are investment for future's education ! of course while it is all occurring i am receiving other requests for helps. which of course i wouldn't say no. I don't care if the money is finished ( what am i suppose to do,bringing to the tomb with me when i die ?)
Well, again it seems it isn't enough.i still suppose to help to the kids in Africa.

Then i decide that too much money is not my "thing" . Look,i still couldn't help where i wanted to help.As a matter of fact my intentions are too good that people would  use me,so it's better if i don't win anything at all  i  said and refusing the unreal money ( it might call like that in psychology : console oneself for feeling better !)
We live in a mortal world ,u know   ... :P

Seriously i should get into another school to keep me busy,so i won't have a time to think bullshit like that :))

SO far, i received no email for the content of my blog.This means either that everyone is happy and no one gives a fuck  :)))

anyway,i am going to get another lotto ticket..just in case,u know :)