30 Mart 2012 Cuma

Bir Sana Bir De Bana

Bahar, artik iyice kendini  hissettirmeye basladi.

Bugunden itibaren, onbes gunluk Paskalya tatiline giriyoruz.\
Bu  hafta gitmeyi planlamama ragmen , mayis ayinda  kardesimin dugunu icin Istanbul da olacagim.
Yine , bol yolculuklu birkac ay beni bekliyor anlasilan ki bundan sikayetci de degilim yanlis anlasilmasin. : )

Bundan daha ala parca olamaz su an icin.

Hosgeldin ilkBahar.

27 Mart 2012 Salı

Hep yasin 19

Ne güzel şeysin sen,
Hep yaşın 19 .
Gel yanıma sar beni ,
Bugün var yarın yokuz.


23 Mart 2012 Cuma

Ghetto Love

Hey now, there now,
It’s a game to be played out
Amongst thieves of the heart
And the whores of the ego

Hey now, there now
Kiss everyone’s ailments
See them rise up,
Exalt and illuminate

Humanity is a deer in the headlights
The road is covered in blood
Free yourself with a dagger from above
A crossbow of faith

You sold your heart for the primal experience
Gave up on love for a medal malevolent
You fill yourself with the fire of innocence
A karmic stain will bring back through the gates again

Oh how I wonder what will become, of us
I’m just a girl out looking for love
Oh how I wonder what will become, of us
I’m just a girl out looking for love

You want in me what you see is a testament
You never know when you love what you’ll manifest
I’m Joan of Arc on a mission avenge loves death
I’m gonna win I’ll never give in

Oh how I wonder what will become, of us
I’m just a girl out looking for love
I’m just a girl out looking for love
I’m just a girl out looking for love
I’m just a girl out looking for love
I’m just a girl out looking for love

22 Mart 2012 Perşembe


Cevap veriyorum Zamanla herşey geçer diyen akıllılara; "Geçen tek şey zamandır anlayan, anlatsın anlamayanlara.

21 Mart 2012 Çarşamba

Kendimi bir yere ait hissedemiyorum.Ruhum göçebe. ..
I don't feel that i belong to anywhere,my soul is a nomad ... 

20 Mart 2012 Salı

Ben gene sana Vurgunum

Ben gene sana vurgunum...evet...yalniz,ne itilip kakilmam ne de dogdugum gun yanmam gibi birsey soz konusu degil  : )

Bu arada Nukhet Duru ne kadar guzel bir kadinmis.Estetigin insani mahvedebileceginin bir baska ornegi...

17 Mart 2012 Cumartesi

Ne Gözümü Alabildim, Ne Göze Alabildim- I couldn't take my eyes away neither i could take a chance

Hayat bir garip...
 Hani  bazen ne ileri, ne geri tek bir adım atamazsin ya.

Birini yanında tutmayı bilmezsin ama onun yokluğunu da istemezsin.

Kaybetmeyi göze alamazsin
  ama kazanmak için mücadele de etmezsin

'Bağlanmaya cesaret edemezsin ama ondan tamamen kopmayı da beceremezsin'.

Ne sevilmekten vazgeçersin, ne sevmeyi bilirsin.
Life is weird...
You know,sometimes you can not make a single step forward neither  back. 
You don't know how to keep someone next to you but you would want someone's absence either.
You can not take a chance to lose  but you don't struggle to win either.
You can not dare to attach yourself  but you can't manage to be apart completely either'.
You can not give up to be loved but you don't know how to love either..

15 Mart 2012 Perşembe

Cave Fossil Find: New Human Species or "Nothing Extraordinary"?

An illustration of a newly discovered species of hominid.
Artist's conception of a so-called Red Deer Cave human.
Illustration courtesy Peter Schouten
The skull of a hominid.
The most complete Red Deer Cave human skull (pictured) was found locked in rock in Longlin, China. Photograph courtesy Darren Curnoe.
James Owen
Published March 14, 2012
A previously unknown type of human—jut-jawed, heavy-browed, deer-eating cave dwellers—may have been identified via Stone Age bones from southern China, according to a controversial new study.
The "mystery human fossils" might even represent an entirely new species that existed alongside our own as recently as 11,500 years ago, according to a team of Chinese and Australian researchers.
Or the fossils might represent an especially early migration of so-called modern humans out of Africa and into East Asia, the team suggests.
Or—as some critical scientists have said—the evidence may tell us something we already know: People come in all shapes and sizes.
(Related: "New Type of Ancient Human Found—Descendants Live Today?")
Primitive Humans Held On Past Heyday?
"We have discovered a new population of prehistoric humans whose skulls are an unusual mosaic of primitive features, like those seen in our ancestors hundreds of thousands of years ago," evolutionary biologist Darren Curnoe of the University of New South Wales, said via email.
"In short, they're anatomically unique among all members of the human evolutionary tree," added Curnoe, a co-author of the new study of the "Red Deer Cave people," published online today in the journal PLoS ONE.
The study was principally based on the remains of at least three individuals from Maludong (or Red Deer Cave) in Yunnan Province (map)—fossils that had been excavated in 1989 but hadn't been studied until now.
Among the human remains was an abundance of bones from an extinct species of giant deer—suggesting the cave people were hunters with a taste for venison.
Stone and antler tools were also found, some of which were likely used to prepare the deer for dinner, researchers say.
The team also analyzed a partial skeleton found in 1979 in neighboring Guangxi Province. That human specimen had been encased in stone until the study team removed and reconstructed it.
(Read "Malapa Fossils: Part Ape, Part Human" in National Geographic magazine.)
The Red Deer Cave Look
The Red Deer Cave dwellers' unusual features included a flat face, a broad nose, a jutting jaw that lacked a chin, large molar teeth, a rounded braincase with prominent brow ridges, and thick skull bones, the researchers say.
Their brains were "moderate in size," Curnoe added.
Despite this seemingly primitive human design, radiocarbon dating of charcoal from the fossil deposits suggests the Red Deer Cave people lived just 14,500 to 11,500 years ago, the team says—a time by which all other human species, such as Neanderthals, are thought to have died out.
That date would make the Red Deer humans even more recent than the famous Homo floresiensis from the Indonesian island of Flores—itself a disputed potential human species. Discovered in 2003, the Flores "hobbits" are dated to no later than 13,000 years ago.
(Read "The People Time Forgot: Flores Find" from National Geographic magazine.)
Potential New Human Species?
The study team is so far reluctant to call their find a new human species.
"One of the major ongoing questions for scientists studying human evolution is the lack of a satisfactory biological definition of our own species, Homo sapiens," Curnoe said.
"This is one of the main reasons why we have been cautious about classifying the Red Deer Cave people at this time," he said.
Even so, Curnoe thinks "the evidence is slightly weighted towards the Red Deer Cave people representing a new evolutionary line.
"Their skulls are anatomically unique. They look very different to all modern humans, whether alive today or in Africa 150,000 years ago," the anthropologist said.
"Second, the very fact they persisted until almost 11,000 years ago—when we know that very modern-looking people lived at the same time immediately to the east and south—suggests they must have been isolated from them," Curnoe added.
"We might infer from this isolation that they either didn't interbreed or did so in a limited way," which would have staved off their "absorption" into the mainstream human lineage.
Alternatively, if these people were members of the wider Stone Age population in East Asia, they may represent an early and unknown dispersal of modern humans from Africa, the study team argues.
(See "Oldest Modern Human Outside of Africa Found.")
"The Red Deer Cave people might then sample an early migration to East Asia: people who interacted in a limited way, perhaps didn't contribute at all, to the founding populations of living East Asians," Curnoe said. (Also see "New Type of Human Discovered via Single Pinky Finger.")
"Nothing Extraordinary" About Mystery Humans
The team's suggestion that the Red Deer Cave people are somehow evolutionarily unique is receiving a skeptical reception from other scientists.
Physical anthropologist Erik Trinkaus described the findings as "an unfortunate overinterpretation and misinterpretation of robust early modern humans, probably with affinities to modern Melanesians"—indigenous peoples of Pacific islands stretching from New Guinea to Fiji (map).
"There is nothing extraordinary" about the newly announced fossil human, added Trinkaus, of Washington University in St. Louis, via email.
Philipp Gunz, of Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany, isn't convinced by the study team's interpretation either.
"I would be surprised if it really was a new human group that was previously undiscovered," said, Gunz, also a physical anthropologist.
Responding to the criticism, study co-author Curnoe said, "That's fine. I would expect a mixture of comments."
It Takes All Kinds
The odd appearance of the Red Deer Cave people probably "just tells us that modern humans are a very diverse species," Max Planck's Gunz suggested.
"Modern humans are exceptionally variable, especially if you compare modern humans to our closest fossil relatives, the Neanderthals," who seem to have had a comparatively narrow range of appearances, he said.
While unusual, the skull features detailed in the new study "plot very close, or even within, the modern human range of variation," Gunz added.
"I would say it's not completely unexpected for a modern human at that age, so my gut feeling is that this is not a new species."
Gunz does, however, think the Chinese fossils might be evidence of multiple migration waves out of Africa that involved different populations of modern humans.
(Related: "China's Earliest Modern Human Found.")
Missing Code
To make a convincing case for their new human, the study team will need genetic evidence, Gunz said.
"It should be fairly easy to extract DNA from these fossils, and then we will know for sure how related they are to us as a modern human species," he said.
Attempts to obtain DNA from the Red Deer Cave remains haven't been successful to date, however.
New attempts are under way, "involving three of the world's major ancient DNA laboratories and cutting-edge techniques," according to study co-author Curnoe.
"We'll just have to wait and see."

14 Mart 2012 Çarşamba

Kalpsizsin ! diyemem. Nefes alabildiğine göre mutlaka bir kalbin var. Zaten bu ruhsuzluğunla o kalp; ancak nefes almaya yarar.

12 Mart 2012 Pazartesi

Las putas insistimos que los politicos no son hijos nuestros.
Orospular,politikacilarin onlarin cocuklari olmadigi konusunda israrlilar. :D

10 Mart 2012 Cumartesi

Original Cast

Kimin deli yasi ne zamandir nasil olur bilmiyorum ama 35'ine merdiven dayamis bir kadin icin bu yas,kesinlikle deli bir yastir.  :)

Tanidigim bircok kadin arkadasim (bu yaslarda ki ) eger evli ve çocuklu iseler - Kariyer olmamasina hayiflanirlar. Bekar olup,kariyeri olanlar ise  çocuk yapma yaslari geciyor diye paniklerler.Her ikisine de sahip olanlar mi ? Onlarda bisiy buluyorlar mutlaka,merak etmeyin.

34-35 yaslarinda bir kadina tav oluyorsaniz,20'li yaslarda ki çıtır kızlar gibi kolay yiyeceginiz bir cerez olmayacagini da aklinizin bir kösesinde bulundurun ,ara baslik olarak  :)

Gelelim baska konuya ;
Kimileri ,dürüst olacagim derken neden bir cuval inciri berbat ederler?
Neden?Cunku,  dürüst gozukmeye calisip,baska seyin hesabini yaptiklari icin..
Yalniz ,soyleyeyim :Dürüst gözukecegim derken resmen salak gözukuyorsunuz,iyi degil tabi..

Bugün birinden ilginc bir laf duydum :Dünya gözüyle gormedigim XX icin...
Ya dünyasi ne gözü o'lumm ?! Dünya gözuyle gorünce hata katsayin mi azaliyor ?
Dunya gözunden ziyade sen şu kalbinde ki gözü devreye sok derim.Zira kör olmuş..
Kalp  chakra'nin ayari bozulmus : P
Sen otur ,onu tamir et Dünya gözünü devreye sokmadan önce.

Kalbinle goremedigin şeyi dünyanin  kaşıyla gözüyle hiç göremezsin,bilmem anlatabildin mi !

9 Mart 2012 Cuma

kirmizi kart - red card

Birisi icin ikinci bir secenek iseniz ; asla o kisiyi ilk seceneginiz yapmayin...
If you are the second option for someone ; never choose this person as your first choice...

ekleme : ikinci ucuncu seceneginiz de yapmayin . Tek kirmizi kart ,oyun disi :P
p.s        : don't choose as your second neither third choice. Just single " red card ' ,out of the game :P

7 Mart 2012 Çarşamba

: )

 - I want a man who'll sweep  off my  feet.
 -He is about to arrive ...

5 Mart 2012 Pazartesi

ibneler mibneler ,uzak dursun benden ibreler :P

 Iste yine karsinizdayim Dostlar,
Birkac gundur fazlasiyla duygusal modumdaymisim gorunun o ki ama normal seviyeme donmus durumdayim,merak etmeyiniz  :)

Bakalim, Başka...  Hala,  su siralar gay olmus eski sevgilimin fantezilerini dinliyorum.
Gay'lere kesinlikle karsi degilim ve her nasilsa tanidigim butun gay'ler hayli yakisikli (eski sevgilim dahil ) ,iyi giyinmesini  bilen, etkileyici tipler  ama gordugum bir baska sey ise,birilerine takti mi kafayi tam takiyorlar,yani iyiden iyiye yapisiyorlar.
Bir gay hayraniniz olmamasi icin parmaklarinizi capraz yapin  (Eger istiyorsaniz,o baska hikaye tabi )

Insanlarin  "eskiye nazaran simdi daha cok gay olduguna " dair yorumlarina sasiyorum dogrusu. Farkinda misiniz bilmem ama degisen birsey yok,sadece insanlar  cinsel tercihlerini belirtmek konusunda daha rahatlar.

Konu gay'lerden acilmisken,bir hikayemi paylasayim bari (ama bu gercekten oldu ).

 New York City'de yasarken,calistigim yere sikca gelen bir musteri vardi
Gürcü asilli oldugumu ogrenince benimle daha cok ilgilenmeye baslamisti.
Uzun boylu (yine) ,duru mavi gozlu , dalgali siyah sacli mukemmel bir cilde sahip, yakisikli genc bir adamdi.Ustelik ,hayli prestijli bir universitede "Tarih " uzerine master yapiyordu.Her nasilsa ?! hayli anlasmistik .
Gel zaman git zaman, muhabbetimiz artti ve bir gece beni aksam yemegi  icin  evine davet etti. Kabul ettim tabiki.
Gunler oncesinden hazirlanmaya basladim. Cok hos bir kiyafet ve iç gıcıklayıcı  bir ic camasiri aldim (hehehe).
Vakit gelince,   bir kot pantolon ve üzerine  siyah dantel bluz giymis olarak evine vardim.Arkadaslarimin deyimiyle " Bomba " gibi olmustum . :)
Cok sicak karsiladi beni ve iceri davet etti.
Los mum isikli  , enfes  Manhattan gorunumlu bir balkonun eslik ettigi salonda caz muzik caliyordu.
Elimizde kirmizi saraplar,sofaya uzandik,,saatlerce  nerdeyse herseyden konustuk.
Hersey mukemmel gozukuyordu ,ortam, caz ,  hemen yani basimdaki bu seksi adam : ))
Sonra, banyoya gitmek icin izin istedim.
Banyoya girdigimde şok oldum ,Tanri'm ! Icinde bir erkegin yaşadigi  ev icin fevkalade temizdi !
Lavaboda bir tane kıl,sac teli yok,su gibi temiz  ayna (aslinda bu kadari bile huylanmak icin kafi )  yuz kremleri mukemmel  bir sekilde  ardi ardina dizilmis,mukemmel katlanmis havl..-bi dakka... mukemmel sekilde ardi ardinda dizilmis kremler ? Burada bir yanlislik var ..
Bu adam ya bir psikopat ve ben ilk kurbanı olacagım ya da bir ibnelik vakasiyla karsi karsiyayim.. Alla'm bana yardim et !
Birkac dakika sonra , iceri  gidip yanina oturdum ama .hafif derece de tirsmis olarak.
" Sana eski sevgilim resmini gostermiys miydim " dedi fotograf albumunu getirirken.
Kucagima konmus albumu actim  "Hani nerede ? "
 Sadece,  iri kiyim ve  yakisikli hatlara sahip bir adamdi gordugum (Ne supriz !)
Kikirdayarak ,  parmagiyla o'nu isaret etti  (tadaaaaa).

Bir yandan ,oldurulmeyecegim  (!? ) icin mutluydum ama ote yandan kadinlar klubu bir yakisikli elemana daha "elveda " diyordu  : ) Gecenin geri kalaninda sıkıntıdan mayısmıs bir sekilde onun hikayelerini ve detayli olarak  butun ask hayatını dinledim.
Ertesi gun, " gecen gece " ile ilgili sorular soran arkadaslarima  sadece " Bu konuda konusmak istemiyorum hanımlar  ,Hayal gucunuzu kullanın zira benim ki ( hayal gucu ) baya saglam calisti ! "  dedim.   :D

Her neyse,
Kimsenin cinsel tercihine  karsi degilim ,hatta bazi gay'ler tarafindan Leyla'lastirilmaya  bile  :)) Amaaaa , "Ulan o'lum madem ibnesin , ne bok yemeye mum isiklari caz ve o tatlilikla beni ayartiyorsun ,otur adam gibi namuslu namuslu ?! " :D

Yarin  Pazartesi,yapacak cok is var.
Benim icin harika bir hafta olacak, full time boks antremanlarima geri donuyorum ve harika bir enerji ile sayfalarimi yeniliyorum  ( silmiyorum,sadece baska bir sayfaya geciyorum ).

Herkese harika bir Pazartesi diliyorum Dostlar ! : )

  Here i am again Folks,

  I see that i was overly  emotional  for the   last couple of days but i am back to my normal-levels,don't you worry about me : )

  Well... what else.. While i am writing :
I am still listening to my ex boyfriend- now turned to gay 's fantasies.
I am also not against to gays and  whoever (gay) i met, most of them were   good looking (including my ex) ,knows how to dress ,charming etc. but i also saw that when they are stuck  on someone, they stuck !  I mean,really sticky stuck ! Cross your fingers not get a gay admirer (if you like , it is another  story) .

I am still surprised when people are mentioning  about  " having  gays around  more  than before" .
Helloo Peopleee, gays are existing for a long long time but  now , people are just more confident about  indicating  their sexual choice.

Let me tell you one of my stories ( but it really happened ).
By the time i was living in NYC ,there was a customer who was shopping frequently where i was working. He showed me closer attention when he learn about my Georgian background.
Tall ( again ), he has pure blue eyes  with wavy black hair and perfect skin,very  good looking young  man. Furthermore ,he was studying his master degree about " History " in a prestigious university. Anyhow ?! we get along.As time goes on we became more and more chatty together.

One night, he invited me over to his place for dinner . I of course accepted.
Started to prepare days before,bought nice cloths  and seductive underwear (hehehe).
Due course of time , i arrived to his apartment .  I had a nice pair of jeans and black lace top on me. I looked like "a bomb " as my friends said :P
He met me in a loving manner and  invited me inside. Jazz music was playing in the living room with a perfect Manhattan  view from the balcony and  candle lights. We were laying down with red wines on our hands and maybe spoke about everything for hours.Everything seemed perfect ; the atmosphere ,jazz, this hot fella next to me. : )

then i asked a permission to go to bathroom.

When i entered..God ! i was shocked..So clean  for a man living inside ! :) 
no hair in the sink..mirror as clean as water (even those could be enough to be suspecious actually )  and perfectly  lined skin creams ,perfectly folded towe- ..wait a minut ! perfectly lined up skin creams..Something is wrong here i thought .
I am either going to be the first victim of a psycho or it is a gay "issue " i am facing  with ....God,help me.
 After couple of minutes i was back to the living room ,sat next to him but i was seriously freaked out . Then he  asked me  "did i ever show you my ex's picture ? " while he was bringing me the photo album.
 I opened  the album left on my lap
 "Where ?Which one ? " 
  i was just seeing  an  enormous man with a handsome structure  ( what a surprise ) in the album. He pointed him while he giggled. On the one hand  i was happy that   i was not going to be killed (!? ) but  on the other hand, Women's society said " Farewell "  to another marvelous man :P
(kidding). I listened to his stories and detailed love life for the rest of  nite.
Next day , when my friends asked about  " last night "   i just said " i don't wanna talk about it  ladies, just use your imagination because mine worked very hard ".  lol

Once again, i am not against to anyone's sexual choice  nor feeling dizzy for their charm  neither  : ))) But Man , if you were gay why the fuck you aroused my desire with all these jazz,candle light and  sweetness ! Be quiet with an average  manner : P

Monday is  arriving, i have  a lot to do.
 It is going to be great week for me,i am back to my boxing training full time and renewed some pages (i am not erasing but opening a new page ) with a great energy.

Have a great Monday folks ! : )

4 Mart 2012 Pazar

Rusya'dan sevgiler - from Russia with love : °

Ey Rusya'dan beni takip eden arkadas (lar),
Bana bir yaziniz,merak ettim ne dusundugunuzu  :D

Dear  Follower(s) from Russia,
would you mind to write to me, i am curious what do you think :D


Itiraf - Confession

 " But I'm in so deep. You know I'm such a fool for you.
You got me wrapped around your finger,
Do you have to let it linger? "

On iki yil onceydi..

Oylesine birseydi bizim aramizda ki, birbirimizin yüzünü senelerce görmeden,yine senelerce beraber olmanin planlarini yapiyorduk.
Saatlerce süren telefon konusmalarimiz,gülüsmelerimiz,mektuplarimiz, kirmizi guller : )

Ona verdigim sozleri tutmadim.Kalbini kirdim . Hayatimda belki de ilk defa ( yok ,ikinci defa  ) bir erkegin nasil bir çocuk gibi aglayabilecegine şahit oldum , üstelik  sadece bana  - Lütfen beni bekle ..diye yalvariyordu .

O güzel gözlerine ,ictenligine, sabrina...ona nasil kiydim, bilmiyorum..
Korkularima yenik dustum,bencilce davrandim.
Ve Biliyorum,dönüsü yok.

Bazi seylerden kaçmanin sadece "bazi seyleri " daha da  güçlendirdigini ögrendim.
Ve  "Bir korkak gibi defalarca   ölmektense ,  bir defa ölmenin daha cesurca oldugunu " ..


 " But I'm in so deep. You know I'm such a fool for you.
You got me wrapped around your finger,
Do you have to let it linger? "

It was twelve years ago ...

It was such a thing btwn us  that we planned to be together  for years without even seeing each other for years.
Talking for hours on the phone ,   giggling  together ,our letters , red roses  : )

I was  witness to a man crying like a child  for the first time in my life  ( or  it was second time ) Moreover he was begging me and saying "Please wait for me  "

I don't know how i could do this to him .. to his  beautiful eyes..  to his sincerity ..to his patience..
I  was defeated by my cravenness and  acted so  selfish.
And i know there is no way to go back.

I have learned that running away from something just make " something " stronger
and  " it is better to die only once than dying everyday like a coward. "
: *

3 Mart 2012 Cumartesi

 Efendim, bu hafta da Akdeniz  taraflarindan gelen aşk haberleri ile sarsilmis durumdayim  :))

Olayin kahramani, sevdigim bir arkadasim ,40 yaslarinda (rivayete gore ) ,sempatik ,iyi bir insan. En son gordugumde inanilmaz kilo vermis oldugunu gordum.Yakismisti dogrusu.Bir hosluk,bir tazelik uzerinde. Simdi anlasiliyor , aşık olmanin yan etkilerini gosteriyormus arkadas.

Buraya kadar  iyi hos ama aşık oldugu adam,pisligin teki ! Hangi kotu ozelliginden baslamak lazim bilmiyorum o yuzden baslamamayi tercih ediyorum.

Arkadasimi elestiriyor muyum? Kesinlikle hayir. Yadirgiyor muyum ? Ona da hayir ama
nasil bir kimyadir ki bu askin kimyasi,boylesine insanin beynini uyusturabiliyor ve  " Asla yapmam"  dedigi seyleri bile yaptirabiliyor.

Hiç  it kopuk birine aşık olmadim : ) o yuzden , bu konuda askin kimyasi zarti zurtu diye konusmali miyim  emin degilim.

Hani bir zamanlar "insanin yasi ilerledikce daha garantici oluyor,ayaklari yere saglam basiyor " diye  birseyler zirvalardim.O da degilmis : )

Benden gecti galiba bu ask isleri , cidden anlamiyorum  bir insanin nasil kontrolden cikabilecegini.

Daha onceki yazimda  " aşkın  yakasindan tutun birakmayin " demistim ya ,hani askin diger kahramani  "esas oglan " boyle it kopuk biriyse ,tutmayin yakasini filan... birakin gitsin  :)

Tanri  insana  "aşk'in da " hayirlisini nasip etsin bence  , baska da birsey diyemiyorum

Well,this week i am a bit shocked with the " love news "  from  Mediterranean.

Main character of the situation is a dear friend of mine, on her 40's (rumour has it that) , likable ,nice person.

Last time i saw her  ,she lost a lot  of weight , was looking good. She had a freshness on her. Now i see that she had side effects of love.

Up to now ,everything is fine but the guy she is  in love, is a total jerk ! I don't know where to start to tell how jerk he is,so i prefer not even to start.

Am i criticizing her ? Absolutely no  ! am i judging her ?  no again.

What kind of chemistry is this can make one's brain narcotize ?  and make us  do  whatever we say "never " before.

I never fell in  love  with  jerk  in  my  life : ) For this reason i am not sure if i should still talk about love's chemistry blah blah.
I had  a statement  by saying  " while we get older,we are more looking for stability or being more down to earth. Is not that either  that i see  : )

I guess ,i  get through  about love issues because it is really difficult for me to understand how a person can lose the control totally .

In my previous post,i mentioned something like  " get hold of love's collar- don't let it go "  but if the other main character  is a jerk , you  had better let it go... : )

I can not say anything else but just Let's hope for the best  about "love " issue as well.

2 Mart 2012 Cuma

Bu arada Tibet  testinin  aciklamasi su sekilde:

Birinci soru  onceliklerinizi belirtiyordu,buna gore ;
At :Aile  Kaplan :Gurur   Koyun :Ask  Domuz :Para   Inek : Kariyer

At'in asaleti aileyi temsil ediyor olsa gerek, ona diyecegim yok.
Kaplan: Aslan'i cakarlar diye kaplan denilmis bence : P
Inek gibi calismaya atifta bulunulmus ve de Ask cidden insani azcik koyun gibi yapiyor, dogru  : P   ama bizim gibi cogunlugunu Muslumanlarin olusturdugu bir ulkede  "Domuz " her zaman en sonda yer alir muhtemelen  : ))

ikinci sorunun aciklamasi ise :
Kopek (Kendinizi nasil tanimladiginiz ) ,Kedi (Partnerinizi nasil tanimladiginiz ) ,Kahve (Seksi nasil tanimladiginiz) ,Fare (Dusmaninizi nasil tanimladiginiz  ,Deniz  (Hayatinizi nasil tanimladiginiz ).

bi dakka simdi.. Ben Deniz dedim , ciplaklik  ozgurluk dedim..ortalikta  Diyojen gibi gezinen  bir imaj biraktim..bu olmadi  : D
Neyse ki   kahve ile ilgili  dusundugumu yazmamisim ...

Renklere gelince :
Kirmizi ; Aslinda asik oldugunuz ya da sevdiginiz bir kisi
Beyaz : Ruh esiniz
Sari :Asla unutamayacaginiz biri
Turuncu :Gercek dostunuz olarak kabul ettiginiz biri
Yesil :Hayatinizin geri kalaninda hatirlayacaginiz biri

 Benimkilerin  hepsi   Peeeehhh  :))

Demek  ki neymis ,   Dalai Lama oturup buna kafa yormamis,  nitekim  kendisine bu  hususla ilgili kesinlikle Tweet atacagim  ; )

Neyse, onu bunu gecelim. Bana gore ,  buram buram New York  ve asik oldugum gunler kokan enfes bir parcayi buraciga ekleyelim !

 Meanwhile here is the explaining  for the Tibetan test :

The  first question was about your priorities ,according to this ;
Horse :Family  Tiger : Pride  Sheep : Love  Pig : Money    Cow : Career

Nobility  of the horse might symbolize the family,i have nothing to say about it,fine.. 
 the Reason behind picking the Tiger is that Lion could be too obvious : P
Cow is an attribution to work like a " cow " and love actually makes the people feel like a sheep when we are in love , correct   BUT  Pig will be always at the end of the list in a country like mine because of high Muslim population.

Explanation   of the second question is here :
Dog (how you describe yourself) Cat  ( how you describe your partner ) , Coffee  (How you describe  sex ) , Mouse ( How you describe your enemy)  Sea ( How you describe your life )

Wait a minute... i picked the Sea then i said something about being nude,freedom ..i draw myself like half naked  Diogenes  walking around . ..it isn't cool  :D
Thank God  that i didn't tell  what i was thinking about Coffee ..lol

And here are the colors
Red :Someone you really  love or in love
White :Your soul mate
Yellow : Someone you will never forget
ORange : Someone that you see as real buddy
Green   : You will always remember about this person

Well..mine ,results were totally bullshit   :D

Which means Dalai Lama really didn't waste his time for this bullshit,as a matter of fact i will tweet him for this  ; )

Whatever , let 's forget  about  all  and  let's share a song right here, this song is making me perceive  New York  and my days in love  ( sigh... ) over there .. !

zafere giden yolu;
diger yarisi

bir yanda
her seyi
öte yanda

bir sekilde
ikisini de

bu yüzden
bir sorununuz varsa

1 Mart 2012 Perşembe

siktir git - Fuck off

   Gecen haftasonu Almanya'daydim ,dostlarla vakit gecirmek icin.

 Bilenler bilir çok uzun zamandir Tarot ve kahve fali baktigimi .
Hatunlar ,yakin arkadaslarim oldugu için sorma geregi duymaksizin kahvelerini içip,kapamislar  (Emri vaki - hiç ama hiç sevmem).
Nitekim kibarca reddettim
 - Canim istemiyor,baska zaman diye..(Beni tanidiklari için israr da etmediler )
Bu esnada yan masada bir kadin  ki  arkadaslarim taniyor ben tanimiyorum ;
-E bana da bakiver.
- Kimseye bakmiyorum.
-Onlar niye kapamislar fincanlarini ?
-Valla ben de bilmiyorum kendi kendilerine gelin güvey olmuslar.
-E canim araya sıkıştırıver bizi de..?!

Bu baglamda, yanit bile vermedim ,sadece güldüm ve kahvemi içmeye devam ettim.
Hatun bozuldu.

Bazen oyle insanlarla karşilasiyorum ki -yok istemiyorum ya da basitçe - Hayir demek yerine  -siktir git diye çemkirmek  geliyor icimden .Ne bok yemeye israr ediyorsun ?! ,
 Sadece israr eden insanlar degil ,saçma sapan seylerin hesabini yapip kinayeli konusan insanlara da çemkiresim  geliyor ki demesem de konusmayarak gosteriyorum bunu.

Bir zamanlar dostum olduguna  inandigim ama  IStanbul'a  her gelişim ve gidişimde duzenli ve aksatmadan onu aramami talep eden bir kisi.Bir de piskin piskin
 " Evinizinden onünden geciyorduk,SXXXX  -gel ziyaret edelim dedi bende -bosver o haber vermedi bizde gitmeyelim o zaman " diye konuşabilen bir insan. 30 yillik geçmişimin oldugu bir insan..

ya da fesat tipler...
Babam vefat ettiginde, 15 km'lik bir yolu katetmek geregi duymayip birde üstüne sacma sapan bahanelerle bana açiklama yapan,bir zamanlar  candan  sevdigim kuzenim.

içtenlikten yoksun kimseler...
 " Kem küm sevmem net yanit vermek lazim " deyip ardindan basit bir  soruya -evet ya da hayir diye yanit vermemek icin binbir dereden su getiren , bir zamanlar hoşuma giden bir kimse.

 cifte standartlara sahip kimseler...
"Arkadaslikta ince dusunmek " lazim deyip ardindan baska arkadaşlarin yaninda haldur huldur konuşup  bazi şeyleri deşifre edip, resmen sacmalayan baska bir dost ?!

Icip icip  ( ki icilebilir,adabinda ) gittigimiz barda resmen beni rezil eden (daha once de olmustu,kurunun yaninda yasta yanar misali ) sacma salak şeylerin hesabini yapip , üc kuruşu benden cikarmaya calişan insan  sandigim  ,senelerdir tanidigim bir arkadaş.

 Sırıksız, sırıkla atlayanlar...
"Sunu istiyorum,bunu istemiyorum,bunu yaparim şunu yaparim " deyip iş eyleme dokmeye geldi mi  topuk olan kisiler..

Türünüzün son ornegimisiniz yoksa cidden benim sabrimi yoklamak icin mi gonderildiniz bilmiyorum ama sizin gibilere gosterecek sabrim yok benim.

Bu tavirlarinda israr  ederlerse ,hayatim da hicbir şekilde yokluklarini hissetmeyecegim bu insanlarin..

Ya adam olun,dürüst olun, net olun ya da  siktirin gidin !