18 Ocak 2013 Cuma

ruh esi,ruh ikizi,ruh okuzu ya da belki 3 in 1 :)

Ruh ikizi ,ruh öküzü derken  insanlar bunun ne manaya geldigine aldirmaz oldular.

Aslina bakarsaniz,artik ben bile buna  inandigimdan emin degilim
ya da en azindan
'Happily ever After' olayina inanmiyorum.

Ruh esi ile ruh ikizi farkli kavramlar:
Ruh ikizi sizi tamamlar,
ruh esi size yeni bir bakis acisi getirir,misyonunuzu tamamlamaniza yardimci olur (ki bu aci da olabilir,dikkat!).

Ruh ikizi, yin yang gibidir:Birbirinizi tamamliyor olmaniz,birbirinize benzediginiz ya da harika anlasacaginiz anlamina gelmez.
Bildigim kadariyla,bir insan ruh ikiziniz degilse,bir araya gelememeniz normal o yuzden 'ruh esiniz ' olduguna inandiginiz ama bir turlu bir araya gelemediginiz bir insan varsa,hic kendinizi kandirip eziyet etmeyin derim :)

Ruh esine gelince ,iste bu biraz karisik bir konu.
Illa sevgili ya da asik olarak algilanmamali ruh esi...bu kisi  kardes,anne,baba,ogretmen,dost rolunde   olabilir ve hayattaki misyonunuz da bir adim ilerlemenizi saglayabilir.
Bu tecrube her zaman 'smooth' olmayabilir hatta aci verebilir 
ama,  ne  ya da nasil ders aldiginizi anladiginiz zaman,
icinizde hissettiginiz  bilge gulumseme 
sonunda dudaklariniza yerlesir,
deneyim aci da olsa...

Ne guzel soylemis bu sarkida Madonna... (sigh)

Yok anasini satayim boyle bir ask hayatimda ama 'ah ah  niye yok,ne zaman olacak ya da olacak mi' diye hayiflamaktan cooook zaman once vazgectim ben...
Belki de  G.G.Marquez'in 'guzel seyler hep,hic beklemedigin zamanlarda olur' teorisini umuyorum icten ice,kim bilir :))

Ha bir de Ruh okuzleri vardir ki..bunlarla bir 'karmik' baglantiniz olmasi olasidir ama baya bir ugrasmaniz,yontmaniz ve otculluklarina karsin baya bir sabirli olmaniz lazim.
Butun bu cabalar sonucu,basariya ulasmaniz mumkun.

Artik ,ruhu olan bir okuz sizi ne derecede tatmin ederse...!

the-soulmate-site.com da ki aciklamalara gore:

ldest soul mate theory? Osiris and Isis

The legend of the Egyptian Gods Osiris and Isis dates back 5,000 years. They're definitely soul mates. Myth takes it deeper.
Essentially, these two began their connection in the womb, where they are born as twins. They're also very much in love. Later in life, Osiris is kidnapped and killed by his jealous brother, Set.
In grief, Isis merges with Oriris' spirit, and they conceive a god-like child, Horus.Angered, Set has his brother's body cut up into fourteen pieces. In response, Isis shows her eternal love by gathering the pieces of her husband's body, until he eventually comes back to life.
This one has some interesting elements. It talks about the origin of connection (what I call soul family — in this case, also a literal family) and how eternal love transcends death, something that feels right to me.
A limitation is that it doesn't leave room for healing grief, or finding similar connections with others. Yes: I do believe that we have more than one soul mate!

Soul mate theory: Plato

Another theory on soul mates is presented by comic playwright Aristophanes inPlato's Symposium.
The Symposium is a philosophical text by Greek Philosopher Plato dated c. 385–380 BC. It examines love in a series of speeches by men attending a symposium or drinking party (a boy's night out!).
Well, these boys were deep thinkers. The play concerns itself at one level with the genesis, purpose and nature of love (the soul mate theory) and, at another, with the nature of knowledge: How do we know what we know?
In this soul mate myth, there were three different kinds of human creatures: men, woman and individuals with both sexes. humans originally each had four arms, four legs, two faces, four ears and two sets of genitalia. Got the visual?
Apparently, we humans became arrogant and began to question whether we might take the place of the gods. The gods, of course, were horrified. Finally, after some debate, Zeus split them (us) in half, rendering them (us) less powerful and condemning us to spend our lives yearning for the other half to complete us. 
To provide comfort, Zeus allowed us to have sexual intercourse with another half.The creatures who had been only male, sought out another male. The females, sought out a female. The creatures with both sexes, sought out the opposite sex half.
I think it's great that this soul mate theory encompasses homosexuality (I do believe that love is love). But! These are old ideas, based on fear.
Perhaps we can forgive ancient writers with ancient ideas (probably quite modern for their time) but 2,300 years later, it's time to wise up! I mean, really. Some of us think that our parents have outdated ideas. Why do we listen to two thousand year old dead men, instead of ourselves?