3 Şubat 2012 Cuma

Fetih 1453, fikrimin ince gülü -conquest 1453

Fetih 1453 filmi, daha gosterime girmeden ses getirmeye basladi. Mizmizlanip- propaganda yapiyorsunuz diyen ,hala bazi gercekleri kabullenemeyenlerde oldu tabi ( Yunanlar tahmin ettiginiz gibi).
Adamlar tarihsel gerceklere "propaganda", savas esnasinda olenlere,oldurulenlere "katliam"  (yakinda bunlarda filmden yola cikarak soykirim oldu derlerse -Oha derim) Onlari korkak gibi gosterdigi icin medyamizida "şovenist" olarak ilan ediyorlarlar (şovenist diyenlere bak ! ) :)))

Savas oldugu vakit,insanlar ölür ! Yasadigimiz 21.yy da bile,hala savaslarda insanlar vahsice  ölüyor,öldürülüyor.
"Propaganda" derken tam olarak ne demek istediklerini anlayabilmis degilim.
Ne  olacakti yani ! Fatih Sultan Mehmed kapilarini calacak ve- Ya cocuklar pardon,kimsenin cani yanmasin,verin bakim su sehri bana.Hadi yavrum,hadi abisi..
XI. Konstantin 'de diyecek ki :Ohh Can düsmanim, ne demek,mi casa es tu casa gelin gelin ..! 
 anlatabildim mi?

Ulan oglum, ne propagandasindan bahsediyorsunuz?
Ortada  "veni,vidi,vici" nin tarihsel gercekleri var bizim gordugumuz (ya da ogrendigimiz) acidan.

Bana bir  tarihi yunan filmi gosterin icinde Barbar Turk'u olmayan ya da bazi barbar Turkler olsa bile bazi 'iyi' Turklerinde oldugu..(siir gibi oldu heheh) Ben daha gormedimde.

Uzun lafin kisasi, ister propaganda densin ister baska birsey;Daha guclu olan bizdik,stratejik olarak  daha akilli olanda bizdik,ee noldu,fethettik...var mi otesi !

The movie called "The Conquest 1453" already started to get some "attention".
Some were whining around and mentioned the movie is a total propaganda.or some get issues to accept the facts (Greeks,as you can guess).
Historical facts are called as "propaganda" ,people killed or get killed is called "massacre " by these Folks ( i won't be surprised if they also start to talk about genocide after this movie then i am gonna say WTF) They even call our media as Chauvinist (look who is talking!) because of showing them as cowards (in their opinion).

When there is a war,people're dying! Even in 21st century, people're killing or getting killed in wild wars, got it?
I am not sure what is their point by using the word "propaganda".
How it is suppose to be ? Mehmed II  suppose to knock the door and say : Excuse me guys,I wouldn't hurt anyone,so just   give me the city,come on folks,easy !..
then XI. Konstantin replies : Ohh my dearest Enemy,sure ! mi casa es tu casa..go on folks!get whatever u like... 
Got my point?
What is the propaganda about ? Historical fact of "Veni, vidi, vici" with the way we are seeing (or learned).
Show me at least one movie (greek) not showing Turks as Barbarians or while showing the Turks barbarian,there may be some "good Turks" as well.
I haven't seen any.

Long story short,whether it is a propaganda or not ,the fact is ; we were stronger,strategically smarter,so we conquered (oppss). What else ?