Test sonucuna gore Disiplinli,Soyut ,Uzlasmaci ,Disadonuk ve Nevrotik (Hadi caniimmmm ) ciktim. : )
If you like this kind of Psychological test,i suggest you to try this link below.
According to test that i have Disciplined,Abstract,Cooperative , Extraverted and Neurotic (no way ! ) bubbles :)
Tibet testi (Sadece eglenmek icin)
Sorulari ilk yanitlayisiniz onemli sonradan degistirmeniz hicbir ise yaramaz.
Yanitlarimi yon gostermek maksadiyla yazacagim Kopya cekmeyiniz :P
ilk soru : Asagidaki 5 hayvani dilediginiz gibi siralayin
Bnm siralamam; Kaplan,At,Koyun,Inek,Domuz
2.soru :Asagidaki kelimelerden birini secerek tanimlayin
Sabahin korunde, tertemiz,carsaf gibi dumduz bir denizde cirilciplak yuzmek geldi icimden :)
Deniz :Sakin ve kumlu olani tercihim,ciplaklik,ozgurluk,cok fazla acilmamak kaydiyla ;)
3.Soru :ASagidaki Renklerle ozdeslestirebileceginiz ,sizi taniyan ve sizin icin onemli olan birini dusunun .Cevabi tekrarlamayin ve her renk icin sadece tek bir kisiyi isimlendirin
Here is another one just to have fun
1st question ;Put in order however you like these animals written below
Second one Pick one these words written below and describe it
Dog,Cat,Coffee , Mouse ,Sea
3rd question : Think about a person for each color written below .The person must know you and someone important to you.Do not repeat the answer and only one person for each color
- Red
- Yellow
- Orange
- White
- Green
Sorularin ne manaya geldigini yarin yazacagim o yuzden yanitlarinizi bir kosede tutun : )
I will post the meanings tomorrow.So,keep your answers on one side : )