Yedi sene once bugun,gorebilecegim en guzel canliyi kollarima aldim.
Boylesine kirilgan,minik,tapilasi,guzel varligi aylarca nasil da karnimda tasimisim,nasil beslemisim...ben bile kendime inanamamistim.
Sana olan sevgimi kelimelerle tarif etmem mumkun bile degil...
Guzel gozlerini,kucuk disli agzini,kestirmedigin tirnaklarini,yumuk gamzeli ellerini,kirmizi yanaklarini,dugme gibi minicik burnunu,inatci saclarini,kollarini,bacaklarini her yerini tek tek opmeye doyamiyorum.Her gecen gun beni daha cok sasirtiyorsun,beni buyuluyorsun...
Seni cok cok cok ama cok seviyorum Oglum..
Dogum gunun kutlu olsun yavrularin en guzeli,bi'tanem benim.
Seven yrs ago today, i took into my arms the most beautiful baby i have ever seen in my life.
I couldn't even believe to myself that how i could feed and carry in my belly this beautiful,fragile,so little and adorable baby for months.
It is not possible to describe with words how much i love you...
I can not get enough kissing your beautiful eyes,your mouth with small teeth,your nails that you don't let me cut,your red cheeks,chubby dimpled hands, your small pointy nose,your stubborn hair,your arms,your legs...You are amazing me everyday more and bewitching me as well...
I love you very very very much my son...
Happy birthday the most beautiful nestling,my dearest one.