- -Annen cok tatli bir kadina benziyor (Daha yeni tanismissiniz, belli...)
- -Kiskanc adamdan hic hoslanmam (Hoslanir,hoslanir..tadinda tabi)
- -Asla evlenmeyi dusunmuyorum (Kadinlardaki bu domestik kedi olma arzusunu anlamiyorum,ben bile anlamiyorum bir kadin olarak,siz hic kurcalamayin..)
- -Cok iyiydin ! (Orgazm olan bir kadinin cogu zaman yorum yapmaya bile takâtı olmaz.Sizin guvensizliginizi hissetmis olmali ki bunu soylemis, : P
- -Hmmm,... (Basiniz bela da !)
- -Demek isin vardi,tamam canim sorun degil (Bu size daha sonra yol, su, baraj, olarak geri donecektir ya da girecektir).
- -Peki canim ..(Sakinlesmeniz icin soylendiyse..Bu da size geri donecektir,bekleyin ve gorun).
- -Oral sekse bayilirim,tabiki kendini cekmene gerek yok (Yalaaaaaaan,hosuna giden tek sey size zevk vermesi olabilir,oral seks degil ).
- -Yok birsey ! ...(Neyin var diye sorulan sorunun cevabi ise . Senaryo kurma asamasi,kokusu cikar yakinda..)
- -Ustume dusulmesinden hic hoslanmam (Abartilmamasi suretiyle...bundan da hoslanir).
- -Elimi sallasam ellisi (E birakin sallasin o zaman.. : )
Whatever stated down here isn't always a lie but it is easy to lie about these subjects.
I am sure you've heard these a lot of times,so here we go:
- -Your mom seems like a sweet person (You have just met,i can tell..).
- -I don't like jealous men (Surely she would like but not too much).
- -I would never get married AGAIN (As a woman myself, I even don't understand this domestic cat side of the women, so , don't bother to dig into this case).
- -You were very good ! (Usually, a woman is exhausted after having an orgasm but, probably she felt your self-confidence is down: that's why she thought that she must make a comment to make you feel better : P )
- -Hmmm ( You are in trouble ! ).
- -You were busy, i see ,no problem dear ( it will be returning into your ass like a tax-return) .
- -Alright my dear...(If it is said to make you calmer, you will probably receive something back soon.Wait and see).
- -I love blowjob,you don't need to ejaculate outside (A big fat lie ! the only thing we might like is giving you a pleasure ,not ejaculating into our mouth! :))) If it happened couple of times,don't push for more : P
- -Nothing ! ( If it is an answer for -what is wrong . Early stage of creating a a scenario ,it later will be transpire ).
- -I don't like anyone dote on me ( not too much but she will like that one too).
- -I can have anyone i like ( then let her do it : )
- Nothing ( When this answer from a man for the question-What are u thinking about?...this is not a lie,ladies...! )