27 Şubat 2012 Pazartesi

Postaci kapiyi iki kere calar peki ya ask ? The Postman knock the door twice but love ?

   Fevkalâde deger verdigim bir dostum, âlâ bir âskin kollarina kendini birakmis vaziyette.
Sevgilisi de kendi gibi cok degerli bir insan,tencere yuvarlanmis kapagini bulmus durumu yani.
Hani oylesine yogun yasiyorlar ki , ask mesk sozleri bizi bile dinlerken kendimizden geciriyor. Hatta bazen o kadar abartiyorlarki,daha dun kendimi "Yeter ulan anladik,anladiik " diye bar bar bagirirken buldum.Tabiki sakalasiyoruz (Her zamanki gibi).

Velhasil dostum adina  inanilmaz derecede mutluyum.Guzel bir ask yasadigi ve adam gibi bir adamla beraber oldugu icin .
Lakin  "Hersey bu kadar guzel olamaz sonunda bir bokluk cikacak. Kinder yumurtasindan : ) cikar gibi bir supriz cikacak (kotu bir supriz),Temkinli olmakta fayda var "  diye bir  yorum yapti dun gece .Ilk etapta itiraz etmedim ama daha sonra fikrimi beyan etmekten geri duramadim:

 "Ya neden kotu birsey olsun,aman su olacak bu olacak diye dusunup,kendini yorma,tadini cikar.Boyle mukemmel devam etmez sonuna kadar orasi kesin ama illa sonunda kotu birsey olacak diye bir kaide yok " vs vs diye parcaladim birseyler o'nu rahatlatmak icin.

Tanidigim bircok arkadasim , hersey cok guzel giderken kotu birseyler olacagina dair acayip bir inanisa sahiptir ki buna bende dahil-dim. Resmen belaya , kotu suprizlere  taahhutlu mektup gonderirler ve sonunda cagirdiklari bu "kotu sey" gelir,hemde tam vaktinde.

Niye mutlulugun  bedelinin  agir olacagina inanariz ki ? Neden icten ice bu mutlulugu haketmedigimize  inandiririz kendimizi ve mutlu oldugumuzda da sucluluk duymaya baslariz,anlamiyorum.

Halbuki Hayat, ask konusunda her insana ayni comertligi gostermez,cimri davranir bazen .
Ya da ucundan gosterir ama vermez : )
 Eger ki bu aski yakaladiysaniz ,kinder supriz yumurta senaryolari ile  icinizi karartacaginiza ,asilin askin yakasina...
Kimbilir bir daha ne zaman calar kapinizi bu ask denilen hayirsiz  : )

One of my best friend is very much in love these days.Her lover is also a nice person just like herself , they are so for each other.
They are so ardently in love and even we are feeling dizzy with the love words they use together.In fact,yesterday  i found myself screaming  by saying " that is enough you two,i got it i got it "  . Of course we were   joking (as usual ) .

After all, i am incredibly  happy for my friend, not only because of the great love she is in but also she is finally with someone  who is really nice person.

However , she was talking to me yesterday like " Everything is too perfect .I am sure something is gonna come out bad like a little surprises comes out of Kinder Chocolate. I better be careful ".  First i didn't say anything but later on i couldn't help to comment something about it to make her a bit relax " Why something bad must come out and why are you making yourself tired with this kind of bad expectations.Just enjoy it. Surely it won't continue till the end as perfect as now but  it doesn't mean that -something bad must happen".

Most of my friends have a belief as something bad always comes out after a great happiness. I was the same before. It was like sending a registered mail to bad luck to call and at the end that "bad thing" always arrives on time !

Why we always believe a price must be paid for happiness? Why we are forcing ourselves to believe that we don't deserve the happiness and feel guilty when we're happy,i really don't get it.

Whereas  the life  is parsimonious sometimes  and not always generous to everyone about love. Or shows a bit something but never gives itself completely : ) 

When you find the love , instead of making yourself sad with  kinder chocolate surprise scenarios,just get hold of love's collar (don't let it go).

Who knows when this ,ungrateful Love will knock your door again : )