29 Şubat 2012 Çarşamba

HomeSick : /

 Anvers'te serin bir gun..
Evimizin kocaman penceresinden bakinca, kafalarinda siyah sapkalariyla caddede gezinen ortodoks yahudiler goze carpiyor.Soguk,kasvetli bir hava disarida ki, rüzgardan cok,bu sehrin soguklugu insanin icini üşütüyor...

Annem'in memleketi diye mi artik gozume ilisti  bilmiyorum ama Selda Bagcan'in "Sivas ellerinde -" parcasini dinliyorum  bugun ardi ardina .Zaten severim  Selda Bagcan'nin sesini  ama bu parca ve " Gesi Baglari" parcasini dinlerken tuylerim diken diken oluyor.

Sehrimi ozledim (ki bu Sivas degil) : )
Martilarin cigliklarini,deniz kokulu yokuslu sokaklarini,kaosunu ozledim.

Evimizin kosesindeki pastaneden yayilan sicak pogaca kokusunu, annemin eli degdiginde tadi bir baska olan taze fasulye yemegini , kardeslerimle  birbirimizin gozunun icine bakarak,soluksuz dinledigimiz ya da anlattiklarimizi  , ust kattaki komsu ile  karsilastigimizda ayak ustu ettigimiz merdiven başi sohbetlerini , alt kattaki emekli albayin raki kokulu balkon muhabbetini , gittigimde anneannem olmayacak olmasina ragmen kuzenlerimle bir arada ninemin evinde gecen bol kahkahali geceleri , sahil yolunda yururken bana eşlik eden martilarin cigliklarini ,ozlemem dedigim şeyleri bile ozledim.

Daha fazla kafiyeli sozlere gerek yok ,ozledim işte..

Bu ozlemle ben , Paskalya tatilinde yedi tepeli sehri kucakliyor olurum muhtemelen...

A chilly day in Antwerpen.

Looking down from our huge window,orthodox jews with their black hats are easily seen on the avenue.
Cold and gloomy is the outside but more than a wind, aloofness  of this city makes one feel cold .

My eyes catch Selda Bagcan's song  called in "Sivas ellerinde " then i started to listen. it is because my mom's hometown the song talks about (Sivas) ,i don't know.
I always liked her voice but this song and other one called " Gesi Baglari " makes me get goose bumps.

I miss my city (Which isn't Sivas ) : )
I miss the chaos over there, sloppy streets with sea smell,seagulls screams...

and i miss..
Hot Pogaca smells from the bakery on the corner of our house , String beans dish  gets more tasty when my mom's hands are touching , listening  or talking to my siblings when we gaze each other's eyes . Hurryup Chats with our upper floor neighbor when we meet on the stairs ,or conversation with the retired Colonel on ground floor's balcony along with some raki smell , laughing  whole night with my cousins at  my grandma's while i know she is not going to be there anymore , walking on the sea side with seagulls  screams, i even miss the things that i said i won't  miss .

No more  rhymed words needed ,i miss there,that's it...

With the way i am missing, most likely  i will be hugging the city with seven hills on this easter  vacation.




Psikolojik testlere merakliysaniz,asagida ki linki  bir deneyin derim.
Test sonucuna  gore  Disiplinli,Soyut ,Uzlasmaci ,Disadonuk ve Nevrotik (Hadi caniimmmm ) ciktim. : )

If you like this kind of  Psychological test,i suggest you to try this link below.
According to test that i have Disciplined,Abstract,Cooperative , Extraverted and Neurotic (no way  ! ) bubbles  :)


Tibet testi (Sadece eglenmek icin)
Sorulari ilk yanitlayisiniz onemli sonradan degistirmeniz hicbir ise yaramaz.
Yanitlarimi yon gostermek maksadiyla yazacagim  Kopya cekmeyiniz :P 

ilk soru : Asagidaki 5 hayvani  dilediginiz gibi siralayin 
  Bnm siralamam;  Kaplan,At,Koyun,Inek,Domuz

2.soru  :Asagidaki kelimelerden birini secerek tanimlayin
 Sabahin korunde, tertemiz,carsaf gibi dumduz bir denizde cirilciplak yuzmek geldi icimden :) 
 Deniz :Sakin ve kumlu olani tercihim,ciplaklik,ozgurluk,cok fazla acilmamak kaydiyla ;)
3.Soru  :ASagidaki Renklerle ozdeslestirebileceginiz ,sizi taniyan ve sizin icin onemli olan birini dusunun .Cevabi tekrarlamayin ve her renk icin sadece tek bir kisiyi isimlendirin
  •  KIRMIZI   
  • SARI
  • BEYAZ    
  • YESIL           

Here is another one just to have fun

1st question ;Put in order however you like  these animals  written below

Second one  Pick one these words written below and describe it
 Dog,Cat,Coffee , Mouse ,Sea

3rd question : Think about a person for each color written below .The person must know you and someone important to you.Do not repeat the answer and only one person for each color

  • Red
  • Yellow
  • Orange
  • White
  • Green

Sorularin ne manaya geldigini yarin yazacagim o yuzden yanitlarinizi bir kosede tutun : )

I will post the meanings tomorrow.So,keep your answers on one side : )

28 Şubat 2012 Salı


     Bugun saydim, tam elli cift ayakkabim var !
 "Cok" demeden once bunlarin yazlik , kislik  ve spor ayakkabilarin toplami  oldugunu gozonunde bulundurunuz  : )
Bir de annemin evinde unuttugum uc-bes cift topuklu ayakkabi var,onlari eklemedim nasilsa geri  iade edilmeyecekler .

 Ayakkabi tutkusu genelde kadinlar da asikardir ama ayakkabi seciminden bir insanin sadece zevkini degil ana  hatlariyla  karakterini de analiz edebilirsiniz, iddia ediyorum : )

Dolabimdan birkac ayakkabi ve gelecekte  ayakkabi ailemize katilmasi planlanan ayakkabilari paylasalim bakalim  ayakkabi tutkunlari ile : )

 Ayrica bana yazan arkadaslara tesekkur ediyorum.
Acil durum halinde ?!  yine ayni epostadan bana ulasabilirsiniz.

I have counted today that i have fifty pair of shoes.

But these are mix of summer,winter shoes along with sneakers ,please consider this fact   : ) 
I didn't count  the shoes  i' ve  forgot  in my mom's place because i know  these won't be returned.

Shoe passion is usually more apparent in women but i would insist  that  with  shoes you can analyse someone' s character , you also can find about  person's taste.
I would like to share some shoes from my wardrobe and the shoes,planned to buy soon to make part of our shoe family .

I also would like to thank to the folks who wrote to me.
You can reach me again with the same email  in any urgent situation  ; P   ( See;  gmail account given  in previous post ).

Ve Ailemize katilacak olan  sister shoes  : )

Poetic License

UykusUza MaSaLLaR

Dostlarimin bir tanesiyle beraber, Adana'nin urettigi en guzel sahislardan bir tanesi Feridun Duzagac.   : )

One of the most beautiful people created  in Adana ,is Feridun Duzagac and other is  one of my best friend  : )
Ve en sevdigim parcalari...
and my favorite songs by him..

Bir cok sarkisina bakilirsa F.Duzagac'ta benim gibi El fetisi  !?   : )
According to most of his songs,F.Duzagac is a Hand fetish ?! Like me : )

27 Şubat 2012 Pazartesi

Postaci kapiyi iki kere calar peki ya ask ? The Postman knock the door twice but love ?

   Fevkalâde deger verdigim bir dostum, âlâ bir âskin kollarina kendini birakmis vaziyette.
Sevgilisi de kendi gibi cok degerli bir insan,tencere yuvarlanmis kapagini bulmus durumu yani.
Hani oylesine yogun yasiyorlar ki , ask mesk sozleri bizi bile dinlerken kendimizden geciriyor. Hatta bazen o kadar abartiyorlarki,daha dun kendimi "Yeter ulan anladik,anladiik " diye bar bar bagirirken buldum.Tabiki sakalasiyoruz (Her zamanki gibi).

Velhasil dostum adina  inanilmaz derecede mutluyum.Guzel bir ask yasadigi ve adam gibi bir adamla beraber oldugu icin .
Lakin  "Hersey bu kadar guzel olamaz sonunda bir bokluk cikacak. Kinder yumurtasindan : ) cikar gibi bir supriz cikacak (kotu bir supriz),Temkinli olmakta fayda var "  diye bir  yorum yapti dun gece .Ilk etapta itiraz etmedim ama daha sonra fikrimi beyan etmekten geri duramadim:

 "Ya neden kotu birsey olsun,aman su olacak bu olacak diye dusunup,kendini yorma,tadini cikar.Boyle mukemmel devam etmez sonuna kadar orasi kesin ama illa sonunda kotu birsey olacak diye bir kaide yok " vs vs diye parcaladim birseyler o'nu rahatlatmak icin.

Tanidigim bircok arkadasim , hersey cok guzel giderken kotu birseyler olacagina dair acayip bir inanisa sahiptir ki buna bende dahil-dim. Resmen belaya , kotu suprizlere  taahhutlu mektup gonderirler ve sonunda cagirdiklari bu "kotu sey" gelir,hemde tam vaktinde.

Niye mutlulugun  bedelinin  agir olacagina inanariz ki ? Neden icten ice bu mutlulugu haketmedigimize  inandiririz kendimizi ve mutlu oldugumuzda da sucluluk duymaya baslariz,anlamiyorum.

Halbuki Hayat, ask konusunda her insana ayni comertligi gostermez,cimri davranir bazen .
Ya da ucundan gosterir ama vermez : )
 Eger ki bu aski yakaladiysaniz ,kinder supriz yumurta senaryolari ile  icinizi karartacaginiza ,asilin askin yakasina...
Kimbilir bir daha ne zaman calar kapinizi bu ask denilen hayirsiz  : )

One of my best friend is very much in love these days.Her lover is also a nice person just like herself , they are so for each other.
They are so ardently in love and even we are feeling dizzy with the love words they use together.In fact,yesterday  i found myself screaming  by saying " that is enough you two,i got it i got it "  . Of course we were   joking (as usual ) .

After all, i am incredibly  happy for my friend, not only because of the great love she is in but also she is finally with someone  who is really nice person.

However , she was talking to me yesterday like " Everything is too perfect .I am sure something is gonna come out bad like a little surprises comes out of Kinder Chocolate. I better be careful ".  First i didn't say anything but later on i couldn't help to comment something about it to make her a bit relax " Why something bad must come out and why are you making yourself tired with this kind of bad expectations.Just enjoy it. Surely it won't continue till the end as perfect as now but  it doesn't mean that -something bad must happen".

Most of my friends have a belief as something bad always comes out after a great happiness. I was the same before. It was like sending a registered mail to bad luck to call and at the end that "bad thing" always arrives on time !

Why we always believe a price must be paid for happiness? Why we are forcing ourselves to believe that we don't deserve the happiness and feel guilty when we're happy,i really don't get it.

Whereas  the life  is parsimonious sometimes  and not always generous to everyone about love. Or shows a bit something but never gives itself completely : ) 

When you find the love , instead of making yourself sad with  kinder chocolate surprise scenarios,just get hold of love's collar (don't let it go).

Who knows when this ,ungrateful Love will knock your door again : )

25 Şubat 2012 Cumartesi

Külliyen yalan-lar ° Big Fat Lies

Asagida beyan edilenler her zaman yalan olmasa da cogu zaman kolayca yalan soylenebilecek konulardir.Eminim bircogunu duymussunuzdur ama yazalim bakalim:

  • -Annen cok tatli bir kadina benziyor (Daha yeni tanismissiniz, belli...)
  • -Kiskanc adamdan hic hoslanmam  (Hoslanir,hoslanir..tadinda tabi)
  • -Asla evlenmeyi dusunmuyorum     (Kadinlardaki bu domestik kedi olma arzusunu anlamiyorum,ben bile anlamiyorum bir kadin olarak,siz hic kurcalamayin..)
  •  -Cok iyiydin ! (Orgazm olan bir kadinin cogu zaman yorum yapmaya bile takâtı olmaz.Sizin guvensizliginizi hissetmis olmali ki bunu soylemis, : P
  • -Hmmm,... (Basiniz bela da !)
  • -Demek isin vardi,tamam canim sorun degil (Bu size daha sonra yol, su, baraj, olarak geri  donecektir ya da girecektir).
  • -Peki canim ..(Sakinlesmeniz icin soylendiyse..Bu da size geri donecektir,bekleyin ve gorun).
  • -Oral sekse bayilirim,tabiki kendini cekmene gerek yok (Yalaaaaaaan,hosuna giden tek sey size zevk vermesi olabilir,oral seks degil ).
  •  -Yok birsey ! ...(Neyin var diye sorulan sorunun cevabi ise . Senaryo kurma asamasi,kokusu cikar yakinda..)
  • -Ustume dusulmesinden hic hoslanmam (Abartilmamasi suretiyle...bundan da hoslanir).
  • -Elimi sallasam ellisi (E birakin sallasin  o zaman.. : )

  Whatever stated down here isn't   always a lie but it is easy to lie about these subjects.
I am  sure you've heard  these a lot of times,so here we go:
  • -Your mom seems like a sweet person (You have just met,i can tell..).
  • -I don't like jealous men (Surely she would like but not too much).
  • -I would never get married AGAIN (As a woman myself, I even don't understand this domestic cat side of the women, so , don't  bother to dig into this case).
  • -You were very good ! (Usually, a woman is exhausted after having an orgasm but, probably she felt your self-confidence is down: that's why she thought that she must make a comment to make you feel better  : P )
  • -Hmmm ( You are in trouble ! ).
  • -You were busy, i see ,no problem dear ( it will be returning into your ass like a tax-return) .
  • -Alright my dear...(If it is said to make you calmer, you will probably receive something back soon.Wait and see).
  • -I love blowjob,you don't need to ejaculate outside (A big fat lie !  the only thing we might like is giving you a pleasure ,not ejaculating into our mouth!  :))) If it happened couple of times,don't push for more  : P
  • -Nothing ! ( If it is  an answer  for  -what is wrong . Early stage of creating a a scenario ,it later will be transpire ).
  • -I don't like anyone dote on me ( not too much but she will like that one too).
  • -I can have anyone  i like ( then let her do it : )
  • Nothing  ( When this answer from  a man for the question-What are u thinking about?...this is not a lie,ladies...! )

24 Şubat 2012 Cuma


car crash

  Artik bu yas ile mi alakali yoksa tecrube ile mi bilemiyorum ama artik bircok sey beni sasirtmamaya basladi (Belki de olabilirlik paydasina kendimi de dahil ediyorum,kim bilir).

Mesela ; Son derece cekici bir erkegin kadin gibi giyinmek istemesi beni sasirtmiyor
Bir kadinin kendisine tapan kocasini ya da bir erkegin kendisine tapan karisini aldatmasi da beni sasirtmiyor.Erkek gibi giyinmek isteyen bir kadin,bana asilan lezbiyenler,Turk'um deyince -aa ama sen kapali degilsin diyenler de beni hiiic sasirtmiyor.
Listeye ekleyebilecegim o kadar cok sey var ki,uzun uzun yazmayacagim.

Ama gelin gorun ki ,baska hatunlarla tanisabilmek icin benim facebook  arkadas listemi kullanan yavsaklar; uslubun ne kadar onemli oldugundan  bahsedip ardindan basit bir  "gitmeden  bi haber verseydin talebine " --elektrik zarti zurtunun bilmemne raporunu da sunayim, istersen diye car car oten uslupsuzluk;  " Hadi dur bu sefer  altan alalim kirmayalim " gayesiyle icra ettigim kibarlikla karisik espri yapma zanaatini, adina gazel  sanan gotu kalkik zihniyetinin tavrina , soyledigim her lafin altinda alinacak birsey bulabilen kisilere sasiriyorum arkadas !

Velhasil  bu olayi,  yuz şiltenin altindaki bezelye tanesini hisseden  hatun kisi ile (prenses demiyorum bakiniz) bir hödügun ( ya da hödüklerin)  talihsiz bir araba kazasina benzetiyorum . Bunu okusa ,kesin  -kendini prenses beni de hoduk yapmissin  ya yuh derdi

Kaza oncesi ve sonrasi olusan cam kiriklari caninizi yakabilir,hatta kaza anini bile ozleyebilirsiniz ama   baska bir can yanmasina mahal vermeden kaza yerinden hizla uzaklasiniz.
-Size iyi gunler hödük  kardes!

I don't know if it is about the age or experience  but i am not surprised  with many facts as i used to ( or maybe i am trying to keep the possibilities circle as expanded as  i can for myself  too ,who knows).
For example i am not surprised with a handsome  man who would like to dress like a woman, or a woman cheating on a loving husband or a man who is cheating on a loving wife.A woman who would like to dress like a man,lesbians hitting on me or the people telling me -oh but you are not using a scarf when i am telling them i am a Turk.Nothing surprised me as much as before.
There are a lot of facts i can add to the list but i wouldn't make it too long.

However my friend, i am surprised with a fag who is using my facebook account to add ladies from my list ; or a boor who is talking about  manner but ignoring it when i say politely -why not letting me know before getting offline and answering to me - shall i rapport to you electrical  blahblah with a rude manner ; Or when i am telling to myself to be patient and nice "this time "  then this fag takes a nice gesture to himself / herself as a poet  ; or digging to all the words i am saying to be  offended.

But i am considering this situation as an unfortunate car crash  happened btwn the lady (not a princess) who feels  a single pea under hundred mattress  and a boor (or boors) .
Broken glasses before and after the accident,might hurt you a bit. You might even miss the the accident moment but leave the scene of the accident before it hurts you again.

-Have a good day dear boor bro !

23 Şubat 2012 Perşembe

i love you - Je T'aime

Cat Power versiyonu insanin icini titretiyor...

Serge gainsbourg versiyonu yani parcanin orijinali hmmm...kesinlikle seksi   :)
Tabi bu yine de Jane Birkin gibi bir hatunun Serge gibi  adam da ne buldugunu anlamama yardim etmiyor ( ey seks sen nelere kadirsin...)

Aslinda Serge Gainsbourg parcayi Brigitte Bardot icin yazmis.
Zamanin Fransa'sinda bu parcanin hayli skandal yarattigini belirtelim.Sadece sozlerinden dolayi degil,sarki da hem Serge'nin hem de Jane'in ara ara inlemeleriyle suslenmis nagmeleri.
Kisacasi yatakta Bardot'u nasil becerdigini kibarca yazmis Serge Gainsbourg (E sanatci adamin ifade edisi farkli oluyor tabi). :D

Cat Power version of this song takes great care...

Original version which sung by Serge Gainsbourg is  definitely hot ! :)
Of course this case still doesn't help me to understand a stunning woman like Jane Birkin what actually found in a man like Serge ( Dear sex,what you are capable of ...)

Serge wrote this song for Brigitte Bardot actually.
The song was a bit scandalous by the time it came out in France.Not only lyrics but also Serge's and Jane's moans were  mixing within the  melody.
Long story short he tells how he was fucking Bardot but in a polite way (well an artist's expression would be of course different) : D

Je t'aime
oh, oui je t'aime!
moi non plus
oh, mon amour
comme la vague irrйsolu
je vais je vais et je viens
entre tes reins
et je
me retiens-je t'aime je t'aime
oh, oui je t'aime!
moi non plus
oh mon amour
tu es la vague, moi l'оle nue
tu va et tu viens
entre mes reins
tu vas et tu viens
entre mes reins
et je
te rejoins- je t'aime je t'aime
moi non plus
oh, mon amour
comme la vague irrйsolu
je vais je vais et je viens
entre tes reins
et je
me retiens
tu va et tu viens
entre mes reins
tu vas et tu viens
entre mes reins
et je
te rejoins- je t'aime je t'aime
oh, oui je t'aime!
moi non plus
oh mon amour
l'amour physique est sans issue
je vais et je viens
entre tes reins
je vais et je viens
et je me retiens
non ! maintenant

21 Şubat 2012 Salı

Yavrum icin,For my little one..

Yedi sene once bugun,gorebilecegim en guzel canliyi kollarima aldim.
Boylesine kirilgan,minik,tapilasi,guzel varligi aylarca nasil da karnimda tasimisim,nasil beslemisim...ben bile kendime inanamamistim.

Sana olan sevgimi kelimelerle tarif etmem mumkun bile degil...

Guzel gozlerini,kucuk disli agzini,kestirmedigin tirnaklarini,yumuk gamzeli  ellerini,kirmizi yanaklarini,dugme gibi minicik burnunu,inatci saclarini,kollarini,bacaklarini her yerini tek tek opmeye doyamiyorum.Her gecen gun beni daha cok sasirtiyorsun,beni buyuluyorsun...

Seni cok cok cok ama cok seviyorum Oglum..

Dogum gunun kutlu olsun yavrularin en guzeli,bi'tanem benim.

Seven yrs ago today, i took into my arms  the most beautiful baby  i have ever seen in my life.
I couldn't even believe to myself that how i could feed and  carry in my belly   this beautiful,fragile,so little and adorable baby for  months.

It is not possible to describe with words  how much i love you...

I can not  get enough kissing your beautiful eyes,your mouth with small teeth,your nails that you don't let me cut,your red cheeks,chubby dimpled hands, your small pointy nose,your stubborn hair,your arms,your legs...You are amazing me everyday more and bewitching me as well...

I love you very very very much my son...

Happy birthday  the most beautiful nestling,my dearest one.

20 Şubat 2012 Pazartesi

Demir Leydi- Iron Lady

The  Iron Lady is on the mission, keep watching :) 

 Demir Leydi gorevde,izlemeye devam edin  :)

18 Şubat 2012 Cumartesi

Yol - The Road

Yolun sonu sana ürkütücü geliyorsa, degiştirmemek icin ısrar etmene hiç gerek yok. Sert bir "U" dönüşü yapip, seni  yormayacak,ürkütmeyecek yolu kullan...

No need to insist for not changing the direction, If  end of the road seems scary to you. Make a sudden "U Turn " and use the one is not gonna make you tired nor scare...

17 Şubat 2012 Cuma

Jung's Archetypes

Jung's Archetypes

Psychologist Carl Gustav Jung described several archetypes that are based in the observation of differing but repeating patterns of thought and action that re-appear time and again across people, countries and continents. Jung's main archetypes are not 'types' in the way that each person may be classified as one or the other. Rather, we each have all basic archetypes within us. He listed four main forms of archetypes:

The Shadow

The Shadow is a very common archetype that reflects deeper elements of our psyche, where 'latent dispositions' which are common to us all arise. It also reflects something that was once split from us in early management of the objects in our lives.
It is, by its name, dark, shadowy, unknown and potentially troubling. It embodies chaos and wildness of character. The shadow thus tends not to obey rules, and in doing so may discover new lands or plunge things into chaos and battle. It has a sense of the exotic and can be disturbingly fascinating. In myth, it appears as the wild man, spider-people, mysterious fighters and dark enemies.
We may see the shadow in others and, if we dare, know it in ourselves. Mostly, however, we deny it in ourselves and project it onto others. It can also have a life of its own, as the Other. A powerful goal that some undertake is to re-integrate the shadow, the dark side, and the light of the 'real' self. If this can be done effectively, then we can become 'whole' once again, bringing together that which was once split from us.
Our shadow may appear in dreams, hallucinations and musings, often as something or someone who is bad, fearsome or despicable in some way. It may seduce through false friendship or threaten with callous disregard. Encounters with it, as an aspect of the subconscious, may reveal deeper thoughts and fears. It may also take over direct physical action when the person is confused, dazed or drugged.

The Anima and Animus

The second most prevalent pattern is that of the Anima (male), Animus (female), or, more simply, the Soul, and is the route to communication with the collective unconscious. The anima/animus represents our true self, as opposed to the masks we wear every day and is the source of our creativity.
The anima/animus may appear as someone exotic or unusual in some way, perhaps with amazing skills and powers. In fiction, heroes, super-heroes and gods may represent these powerful beings and awaken in us the sense of omnipotence that we knew in that very early neonatal phase.
Anima and animus are male and female principles that represent this deep difference. Whilst men have an fundamental anima and women an animus, each may also have the other, just as men have a feminine side and women a masculine. Jung saw men as having one dominant anima, contributed to by female members of his family, whilst women have a more complex, variable animus, perhaps made of several parts.
Jung theorized the development of the anima/animus as beginning with infant projection onto the mother, then projecting onto prospective partners until a lasting relationship can be found.

The Syzygy (the divine couple)

In combination, the anima and animus are known as syzygy (a word also used to denote alignment of planets), representing wholeness and completion. This combining brings great power and can be found in religious combinations such as the Christian Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy ghost).
A perfect partnership between man and woman can occur when not only are our physical forms compatible but also the anima and animus. Thus you might find your soul-mate. Finding our matching other half is a lifetime of search for many of us, and few of us succeed in this quest. Love of another indicates an actual, perceived or hoped-for close match.

The Self

For Jung, the self is not just 'me' but God. It is the spirit that connects and is part of the universe. It is the coherent whole that unifies both consciousness and unconsciousness. It may be found elsewhere in such principles as nirvana and ecstatic harmony. It is perhaps what Jaques Lacan called 'the real'.
Jung described creation of the self as a process of individuation, where all aspects are brought together as one. Thus 're-birth' is returning to the wholeness of birth, before we start to split our selves into many parts.

Other archetypes

Jung said that there are a large number of archetypes. These are often linked to the main archetypes and may represent aspects of them. They also overlap and many can appear in the same person. For example:
  • Family archetypes
    • The father: Stern, powerful, controlling
    • The mother: Feeding, nurturing, soothing
    • The child: Birth, beginnings, salvation
  • Story archetypes
    • The hero: Rescuer, champion
    • The maiden: Purity, desire
    • The wise old man: Knowledge, guidance
    • The magician: Mysterious, powerful
    • The earth mother: Nature
    • The witch or sorceress: Dangerous
    • The trickster: Deceiving, hidden
  • Animal archetypes
    • The faithful dog: Unquestioning loyalty
    • The enduring horse: Never giving up
    • The devious cat: Self-serving

Deep origins

A notable characteristic of Jung's archetypes is that we recognize them in image and emotion. This gives a profound effects on us and implies that they have deep and primitive origins. They thus have a particular potential for significance and may be feared or revered as mysterious signifiers of things beyond our complete understanding.
In earlier work, Jung linked the archetypes to heredity and considered them as instinctual. Yet wherever he looked across cultures, he found the same archetypes and thus came to conceptualize them as fundamental forces that somehow exist beyond us. They have existed in ancient myths as elemental spirits and Jung sought to link with this deep and old experience.

16 Şubat 2012 Perşembe


Asparagus'un asparagas haberi..

-Iyi gunler,Asparagus var mi?
-Buyir ? (Buyur degil)
-Asparagus,hani su uzun yesil bitki...
-Bacim ben duymadim oyle birsey hic

Annem'e donerek,
-Ya Anne nasil bilmezsiniz,ya yesil  ince uzun bir bitki iste ...,deli olacagim!
-Valla kizim Asparagas haber i duydum ama... Asparagus diye birsey duymadim
-Ya Anne ya, ne haberi  ya...

New york'tan dondugum vakit done done asparagus ariyordum,hatta " asparagas" i bile denedim . Sonra Turkce'sinin  Kuskonmaz oldugunu ogrendim.
N'oldu? Asparagus versiyonu da Kuskonmaz versiyonu da bulunamadi.
Nitekim Turkiye'de cok yetismedigini de ogrenmis oldum.

Bir otcul olarak bunu esefle karsilamistim o zaman... 

Hayir,hani yurtdisinda yasiyorsaniz Turkiye'de taze kuskonmaz bulmak icin cabalamayin diye yaziyorum
.Ve bugun gelen bir bilgiye gore ise  konservesi mevcutmus,haberiniz olsun.

Iste burada,bu asparagas haberimi noktaliyorum.

 -Good day,Do you have " Asparagus" ?
- Say it again ?!
- ...

-Thats green long veggie called Asparagus you know
-Sister never heard anything like that before

I turned to my mom
-Mom, how home you guys don't know  that long green damn veggie,i am gonna be crazy !
-Well dear,i heard about asparagas news (yellow news) but never heard about Asparagus
-What  is suppose to do with news  Ma' ...

When i was back from NYC i was looking for " asparagus" like a crazy. I even tried to search as asparagas  (which means bullshit news in Turkish). Then i found out that Asparagus called " Kuskonmaz" in Turkish.So what happened  ? Couldn't be  find either as "Kuskonmaz "nor as " Asparagus". Thus i have found this veggie is not really common in Turkey.

I received this information regretfully as a Herbivorous myself.

I mean,if you live out of Turkey, when you are here don't kill yourself to find fresh asparagus. The new information i have received today informed  me that there are asparagus  in canes.Just FYI.

At that moment,i conclude my " Asparagas " ( a.k.a Yellow journalism in Eng.) news right here,right now.

13 Şubat 2012 Pazartesi

Handwriting analysis of serial killers

A diary that was found in Liverpool, signed by Jack the Ripper, which I was called upon to examine its authenticity, had instigated the analysis of serial killers.
A visit to the Public Record House and a direct and unmediated review of about 400 handwriting samples of imposters, who claimed to be Jack the Ripper, has started a study of the subject.
The handwritings of serial killers have been examined in different languages.
Several groups of serial killers were identified as having ideological motivation as well as other handwriting characteristics, which differentiates them from other serial killers whose motivation to kill was out of spontaneous and random selection of the victim.
In a closed article, I must point out that the above mentioned diary, the letters and a few other handwriting examples were, in fact, the only original ones. Once I had set out to investigate the subject, I had realized that my chances of working with original samples would be few and far between, if at all. Therefor, an accurate analysis of such vital charectaristics such as pressure or size would be difficult to determin.
Despite the challenge, I had taken it upon myself to try and comprehend what motivates the serial killer.
The Serial Murderer, Mass Murderer, or as he is commenly called - The Serial Killer does not act on impulse. His brain must be extremely orgenized and his plans well thought out in order for him to be able to commit his henous crimes time & time again, as well as cover up all evidence of his actions.
I found it to be inconceivable that Serial Killers do not share some sort of common groung. I had then reflected on that fact that the human soul is so complex, diverse and consists within itself many elaborate fasets. Furtheremore - I found that the motives differ. Apparently there is great difficulty in trying to construct a serial killers profile. Nevertheless, I had managed to find some reoccuring phanomenons in the handwriting samples:
In many cases, these killers posess a high level of intelligence, Ted Bundy, and in some cases even guinius, Carlton Gary.
Many of the serial killers had suffered seperation or abandonment from either one or both of their parents. In many cases we hear of friends and neighbours who cannot believe their friend / neighbour was in fact the notorious serial killer terrorising the area.
Prior to his capture, John Wayne Gacy, was very much involved in his community and volenteered to entertain children in hospitals. At the same time he had murdered his victims and bauried them in the foundations of the house he was building.
It seems these killers posess within themselves multiple personalities, much like the story of Dr. Jeckel & Mr. Hyde, based on the story of a life saving physician during the day and an infamouse murderer by night.
An additianal similarity which further proves the connection between serial killers and the Schizoid personality is the fact that many of these killers initialy seduce their victims in verious fashions. Take for example an article written on Ted Bundy, found in:
"His method of operations (MO) included: luring young women to his aid with a fake cast, posing as a police officer or security guard, or just introducing himself to women who were interested in handsome, charming men.
After 33 innocent women were murdered, Bundy was imprisoned until January 24, 1989, the day he was executed.
One of Bundy's most remarkable features is that he could change his appearance almost at will. I have set up the Faces of Ted gallery to demonstrate this ability. "
The largest gaps in handwriting characteristics and personalities were found in leaders such as Stalin, Hitler, Aichman, Himler, Mangale, Saddam Hussein and Musolini. Apart from the difficulty to feel empathy and a need to dominate at all cost, as well as feelings of omnipotence and difficulty to accept boundaries, their common denominator is limited and there is no distinct resemblance, which can account for their murderous actions.
Serial killers tend to prey on women and children of their own race. Prostitutes, drifters and hitchhikers are a preferable choice of prey. Some homosexual killers enjoy hunting young boys and gay men. Female serial killers tend to be "black widows" who kill a succession of husbands, lovers, or other family members. They can also be nurses or other medical professionals who become self-appointed "angels of death" murdering babies, elderly, or the desperately ill in a misguided effort to relieve their suffering. Most serial killers grew up in violent households. As youngsters they enjoyed torturing animals, setting fires and were chronic bed-wetters. As adults, many serial have some type of brain damage and are addicted to alcohol and/or drugs.
Taking into account Stanley Milgram`s 1974 experiment, which proved that 92% of people, randomly selected out of the general population, were capable of commiting acts of torture when the environment encouraged it and assumed responsibility for the actions. (The subjects were instructed to administer electrical shocks to individuals who answered questions incorrectly. The individuals cooperated with the experimenters and pretended not to know the answers to the questions and to act and make sounds as if they were being electrocuted. The subjects kept administering electrical shocks disregarding (for the most part) the cries of pain that intensified with every missed question.
With respect to killers who have killed without having any relation to the victim and without any apparent reason, although their background is different, research indicate that many sociopaths have experienced severe abuse during their childhood and developed self-hatred.
At the same time, among the killers there are also many individuals with narcissistic tendencies, which may cause feelings of omnipotence that can produce evil acts. Such individuals often take the role of God and are convinced they have the right to choose who may live and who may die.
Biological psychologists found that abuse leaves behind it physical tracks on the brain. A "screen" of hormones is created which prevents an abused child from feeling certain emotions. The child may lose a sense of empathy or the ability to assume the emotional role of others. One of the surprising findings in a biological research of violence was that many sadists and killers do not respond to stress. They lack the typical characteristics of elevated heartbeat, increased perspiration, or increased levels of adrenaline.
Each serial killer has a different life story and varied motives. The similarities between them are not necessarily in their handwriting; the overwhelming majority is diagnosed with an acute schizoid personality.

What is serial murder?

Ed Mitchell, in his thesis, University of Cambridge, UK. The aetiology of serial murder: towards an integrated model. Said:
"Definitions of serial murder / homicide differ between authors, but most agree that to qualify as a serial killer / murderer an offender must kill at least two victims in temporally unrelated incidents This temporal criterion is usually satisfied by a "cooling off" or "refractory" period between killings, ranging from hours to years. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) defines serial murder as the killing of several victims in three or more separate incidents over weeks or an extended period. Others argue for a higher number of victims (Dietz [1986] requires a minimum of 5 victims), but such a distinction is rarely useful and merely serves to further a "body-count" mentality. Indeed, the only difference between an offender who kills 1 victim (but who might have killed 100 if he had been able) and another who kills 30 may be the latter's good fortune in evading detection. Therefore, distinguishing motive from opportunity may be difficult. "
Based on the typology of "The Schizoid Personality"* , we have profounded the prophile of the schizoid murderer.

The Schizoid Murderer

Out of tens of handwritings of murderers which I have examined so far, more than 80% were schizoids at the highest level. It is important to state that I only related to murderers who murdered in cold blood and who planned their action in advance and not to those who murdered passionately due to either a love affair gone sour, a sudden fit of rage or an unbearable insult. I had mainly examined assassination style serial murderers.
Unfortunately, or perhaps I should say fortunately, I had never met a murderer, certainly not a serial murderer. I truly regret having seen only a few original handwritings belonging to murderers, as well as not having the chance to see the original handwriting of a serial murderer and therefore will not be able to relate to this type thoroughly.
The obvious element would be the total separatation between intellect and emotion and between "ego" and super-"ego", otherwise they would not have been capable of commiting such crimes. Most of them show lack of judgement and yet possess well developed planning skills and good self-control.
All the schizoid murderers share something in common with the rest of the schizoid types.
  1. The charming type - they usually have personal charm through which they manage to contact their victims and gain trust.
  2. The ambitious type - They have strong ambitions otherwise they would not risk their lives and freedom.
  3. The security man - They have the ability to keep their secret to themselves, often they follow their victim, plan the murder or the assault almost always on their own without sharing it with others.
  4. The obsessive - All the serial murderers obsessively repeat their horrible crimes.
  5. The criminal - They have a captivating charm and an ability to pretend and conceal their true intentions. They can lie without even a blink and completely lack conscience.
  6. The destructive type - Their destructive instinct causes them to murder and by killing they destroy their victims and in most cases themselves as well.
  7. We can conclude that the murderer share characteristics with all the types. Their characteristics are at a high leveled and extremely twisted.

Graphic signs of the Schizoid

  • Vigilant and tense handwriting
  • Extremely strong pressure
  • Angels
  • Arcades
  • Separation
  • Narrowness
  • Extremely wide spaces between words or identical to the spaces between letters
  • Covering strokes
  • Emphasized upper zone
  • Left of upright slant
  • Frozen
  • Tense strokes
  • High upper zone
  • Large or extreme height differentials
  • At times - a weak stroke
  • Secondary narrowness
  • Angular connections
  • Similar to the "autistic type" by Odem
  • Emphasize of the beginning
  • Rhythmic writing
  • Covering the whole page
  • Strange ending of letters
  • "Invented" letters
  • Twisted letters
  • Broken letters
  • Corrections, especially "artistic corrections"
  • Abundance of punctuation marks or lack of them
  • Slow writing
  • Peculiarities and exaggeration
  • Printed letters
Between 3 April 1988 and 13 February 1891, the East End of London became the staging place for a series of sickening murders that caused outrage through the entire nation. Although the killer's identity has been wildly speculated upon, to this day the murderer is known only as Jack the Ripper?
Jack the Ripper was not the first serial killer, and more than likely not the one that killed the most. He was, however, the first to probably commit his crimes in a large city and receive the largest press cover.
The name "Jack the Ripper" appeared on many letters which were mailed to the police and to newspapaers.
Some of these letters where printed in the newspapers, with the hope of someone recognizing the handwriting, and at the same time vastly increasing the Ripper's fame.
The press was indeed partly responsible for creating many myths surrounding the Ripper. Millions of Dollars are still being spent in order to solve this mystery. The Ripper was never caught and it is the mysterious effect surrounding this killer that both adds to the romance of the story as well as creating an intellectual challege for many people who are investigating the case to this date.
Much of the evidence was lost over the years, but the letters were kept safely at the Public record house in Que, where I had seen them
During the Autumn of Terror around 400 letters were sent to the police and local press purporting to be written by the Ripper. Many Ripperologists believe them all to be hoaxes. Other experts believe some of them, especifically the Dear Boss letter, Saucy Jacky postcard, and From Hell letter are genuine. The problem is that they do not seem to be written by the same writer, therefor, there are 3 options:
  1. They ware not written by the same person.
  2. The person how wrote it suffered form multiple personality.
  3. There was more than 1 Ripper, ( the chances of that are slim to none).
Many books have been written on the subject. Some concern individual suspects, whilst others are aimed more for the student and researcher, and contain most of the facts available, thus avoiding expensive and time-consuming research.
However, a serious historian would be directed to the primary Metropolitan Police (MEPO) sources listed above, as well as the Home Office files which are also available at the Record Office.
Let's first take a look at the handwritings of a few known serial killers.

Gerald Eugene Stano

Pudgy, short, and not what one would categorize as a looker. In his mind, he most definitely felt the opposite, referring to himself as a,"real itallion stallion". In realityt , he was a cold blooded psychopath.
He confessed to 33 gruesome murders. The number has ascended to 41. Twenty-two of the bodies were found and identified.
Note the sharp, needle point like lines which cut through the lower part like a knife, as well as loops, complicating the shapes and creating strange looking letters, much like stranege, unconventional behavior.
Handwriting analysis of serial killers

Albert DeSalvo

Violent and abusive home. At the age of 31 killed first several elderly women, then younger women. In 1973 he was stabbed to death in prison.
Notice the extremely narrow letters and the long horizontal bars which are written with greatre pressure than the rest.
Handwriting analysis of serial killers

Kevin Haley

Two-man team with his brother, consisting rapes, sodomy, oral copulation, sexual assaults and kidnapping. In 1979 committed eight murders of elderly and young women over a five-year period.
An example of a strange and deformed handwriting. The writter invents his own original letters with complete disregard of the norm.
Handwriting analysis of serial killers

William Heirens

The only child of affluent parents, heard from his mother that "all sex is dirty". During his adolescence used to dress up in women's garments while looking at photos of Hitler and the Nazis. at 16 he started killing, (3 women, one 6 years old).
Handwriting analysis of serial killers Handwriting analysis of serial killers
This is yet another example of a frozen, deformed, compulsively separated and tense handwriting. There are some originally invented letters as well.

David Berkowitz - "Son Of Sam"

Began his murdering rampage at the age of 23. Murdered 6 and injured 7 in one year. Ended up beingsentenced to 365 years.
Berkowiz was given up for adoption and subsequently adopted by Nathan and Pearl Bekowitz. Despite the fact that the couple reportedly adored him, Berkowitz grew up feeling abandoned and rejected due to the fact that his birth motehr had abandoned him. His adoptive parents did not help matters when they falsely told him that his mother had died giving birth to him, leaving Berkowitz with feelings of intense guilt as a child. After a troubled childhood and a disasterous stint in the Army, he found out his birth mother was still alive.
Handwriting analysis of serial killers
His mother wanted little to do with him. It wasn't long after this that he began his murders that until his arrest would be attributed to the fearsome "Son of Sam".
The handwriting is strange in the beginnings and endings, as well as an abundant amount of strange letters and covering strokes. It is also slow and tense.

Lawrence Bittaker And Roy Norris

Brutally raped and murdered 6 young girls (13-18 years old).
Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris were both habitual criminals when they first met in a California prison. The two sociopaths instantly "hit it off" and upon their releases, reunited and bought a van, nicknaming it "Murder Mac". Their intentions for the van were simple. They needed room to carry out their plans of kidnapping and murdering young girls.
Handwriting analysis of serial killers Handwriting analysis of serial killers

Roy Norris handwriting -

Handwriting analysis of serial killers
Roy's handwriting is extremely narrow and strange with its compulsive punctuation marks, frozen motion and left slant. There is simply no movement, resembling a computer format.

Ted Bundy

Brutally raped and murdered more then 30 women.
One of the most famous killers of all time, Ted Bundy vented his rage on women, mostly college girls, all the while maintaining the facade of a perfectly normal, intelligent, model citizen. His traveling ways, clever tactics, and thorough body disposal methods make it difficult to even say how many women Bundy killed during his reign, but he was definitely one of the most prolific and frightening serial killers of all time.
Note the emphasized lower zone and the deformed letters.
Handwriting analysis of serial killers

Jeffrey Dahmer

After his parents divorced at the age of 18, he began to murder. The trial was stock full of gruesome details of cannabalism and necrophilia, with police and the defense attorney telling of how Dahmer drilled holes in some of his victims heads and poured acid into their skulls while they were still alive. He wanted zombies that could not resist and could not leave him. Murdered 17 people. The son of a chemist, Dahmer should have had a normal life. But his childhood in Bath, Ohio, where he and his family moved in 1968, was marked by a growing obsession with severe cruelty to animals, bizarre behavior, and alcoholism.
Handwriting analysis of serial killers Handwriting analysis of serial killers
Most Schezoid charectaristics appear in Dohmer's handwriting.

Wayne Williams - The "Atlanta Child Murders"

Murdered over 25 children.
The killings of young black children, mostly males, almost immediately became a nationwide media frenzy as Atlanta police struggled to keep up with
an ever-mounting number of victims.
An example of a high level Schizoid type handwriting. Strange beginnings, very narrow.
Handwriting analysis of serial killers

Randy Woodfield

In addition to a suspected sixty or more sexual assaults, it is estimated that Woodfield committed as many as eighteen murders of women along Interstate 5 in the late 1970's and early 1980's.
Handwriting analysis of serial killers
Strange letters, angles, tension and compulsion.

Douglas Clark - "The Sunset Strip Slayer"

Preying on blonde prostitutes and hunting primarily on the well-known Sunset Strip. Murdered 6 people. Douglas Clark coerced his girlfriend Carol Bundy to pick up the women and bring them to him. He then would strike a deal for oral sex and during the act shoot them through the head and engage in sexual acts with their dead bodies.
Handwriting analysis of serial killers
Another example odd strange beginnings & endings, deformed lower zone, sharp angles, covering strokes and a signature that looks as if two people had written it.

Paul John Knowles

Killed brutally at least 15 people in a 4 months period in 1975. Was shot dead while trying to escape.
Handwriting analysis of serial killers
There is an abundance of Schezoid charectaristics as well as invented letters.

Charles Manson

Leader of a brutal killers-family together with 3 girls.
Was tried for 7 murders in 1969.
Manson's handwriting possesses only a few schezoid signs, however, there are strange unecessary lines. His signature is buried underneath covering lines and it looks like a signatures.
Handwriting analysis of serial killers

The Zodiac Murder

The anonymous murderer sent letters to newspapers with a zodiac cross, until 1974. During a 9 months period in 1969, 5 murders, amongst them 2 teenagers.
Handwriting analysis of serial killers
This handwriting also possesses most of the Schizoid characteristics.

John Wayne Gacy

John Wayne Gacy was married twice, had a job, and was involved and respected in the community. 29 bodies of men in age between 9 and mid-twenties , endured savage sexual torture were found in his crawlspace. Gacy was sentenced to death and executed.
Handwriting analysis of serial killers

Gerald Gallego

Gerald Gallego was seriously lacking in a positive father figure. His dad was executed in 1955 for the murder of a prison guard. At this writing his son is quite possibly following in his footsteps.
His wife enticed the girls into their car and there he raped and shot them.
Murdered only girls 16 - 21 years old.
Handwriting analysis of serial killers

Carlton Gary

Carlton Gary was a high intelligent child, malnourished and abused, became a criminal teen.
Killed at least 7 elderly women , left always stockings knotted tightly around their necks.
Was sentenced to death.
Handwriting analysis of serial killers

Hubert Geralds

Hubert Geralds was charged with six homicides of prostitutes or drug-addicted women. His convictions are pending a new trial.
Handwriting analysis of serial killers

Eric Elliott & Lewis Gilbert

Handwriting analysis of serial killers
Eric Elliott & Lewis Gilbert were charged with 4 killings.

Richard Cottingham

Richard Cottingham was a nearsighted, father of three, worked as a computer operator.
Turtured, raped and murdered, was sentenced to hundreds of years for dozens of crimes, one of which was a multiple murder.
Handwriting analysis of serial killers

Danny Harold Rolling

Daniel Harold Rolling suffered physical and emotional abuse by his father, shot him but he did survived. At fourty he was found guilty for five first degree murders and was sentenced to death.
Handwriting analysis of serial killers

Harrison Graham

Harrison Graham was a mentally-retarded drug abuser.
He was convicted on seven first-degree murders and 7 abusing a corpse and sentenced to life imprisonment.
Handwriting analysis of serial killers
Despite the apparent mental challenge in the handwriting, the schizoid characteristics can be detected as well.

George Putt

George Putt, physically and emotionally abused was one of 7 children, emotionally abused beaten by his drunk father, sustained permanent brain damage due to a game accident. He got married.
Putt was found guilty of 5 killings and given death penalty.
Handwriting analysis of serial killers
Gregg Putt is a high-leveled schizoid. However, weakness can be detected in the apparent under developed, narrow handwriting.

William Suff

(1984-1993), aka "the Riverside Prostitute Killer" or "The Lake Elsinore Killer" was a 41-year old government stock clerk from Riverside County, California who liked to impersonate police officers, write books, drive fancy cars, and do community service work. His neighbors described him as "a friendly nerd who was always doing things to help people". He had, however, spent some time in prison during the 1970s in Texas for beating his 2-month-old daughter to death along with his wife. In the orange groves of Riverside County, he dumped the bodies of 13 victims, all prostitutes, and authorities suspected he may have been responsible for as many as 22 deaths in the local area.
Handwriting analysis of serial killers
Another schezoid with an emphasis on the lower part, strange shapes and cover strokes. Narrow, frozen and tense handwrititng. Notice the difference between the upper and lower zone. That may explain the difference between his demeanour at work and as a serial killer.
When examining this collection of handwritings, one can clearly see they are most connected to the schezoid personality. Let us return to "Jack the Ripper".

Jack The Ripper

Handwriting analysis of serial killersHandwriting analysis of serial killers
Handwriting analysis of serial killers
Handwriting analysis of serial killers
Now that we had gotten to know the serial killers, let us try and determin which of the handwritings received by the London police, were in "fact Jack the Ripper's". Out of 400 samples, "Jack the Ripper's" identity may never be determined. There is no gaurentee he is even included in the collection. As someone who has seen the collection, I must say that those who had declared themselves to be "Jack the Ripper", indeed posesses serial killer signs in their handwriting. Assuming they had no way of knowing what serial killers signs were and therefor uncapable of forging their handwriting in accordance, I must return to the basic, well known assumption that if someone were to believe they are "Jack the ripper" for whatever twisted reason, there handwritings will have the sign of a murderer.
Handwriting = Brainwriting.


  • Mitchell, E. W. (1997). The aetiology of serial murder: towards an integrated model. Unpublished M.Phil. thesis, University of Cambridge, UK.
  • Essays in History, volume 35, 1993, published by the Corcoran Department of History at the University of Virginia.
  • Jack the Ripper.A-Z, by Paul Begg, Martin Fido, and Keith Skinner, published by Headline, 1996. (Still in print).
  • The Complete History of Jack the Ripper, by Philip Sugden, published by Robinson, 1995.
  • Signature Killers, Robert D. Keppel, Ph.D, with William J. Birnes, published by Pocket books, 1997.
  • The Criminal Hand, An Analysis of Criminal Handwriting, Patricia Marne, published by Sphere books limited, 1991.
  • The serial Killer Letters, a Penetrating Look Inside the Minds of Murderers, Jennifer Furio, The charles Press, Publishers, 1998.
  • Serial Killers, the face of evil, Sheila R. Lowe, CG, 1993.
  • Eritten In Crime, An Overview of Criminal Handwriting, Reed Hayes, 1997.
  • Anna Koren, B.I.G Symposium, Oxford, 1999, Proceedings of the sixth symposium on graphology. The schizoid personality.*

9 Şubat 2012 Perşembe

Zaman zaman,time to time

Zaman Zaman

Bir gün olsun unutunca
Dışımda kalıyorsun
Oysa seni düşününce
İçime sığmıyorsun
Zaman zaman o zaman
Zaman zaman o zaman

Gözlerimi kapatınca
Yanımda oluyorsun
Seni öpsem seni okşasam
Farkına varmıyorsun
Zaman zaman o zaman
Zaman zaman o zaman

Her gün akşam oluşunda
Kadehime doluyorsun
Yudum yudum, damla damla
Düşüncem oluyorsun
Zaman zaman o zaman
Zaman zaman o zaman

Sigaramın dumanında
Dudağıma konuyorsun
Her nefeste derin derin
İçime doluyorsun
Zaman zaman o zaman
Zaman zaman o zaman 

Time to Time

When forgetting only a day
You are left outside me
But when thinking of you
You don't fit inside me
Time to time, that time
Time to time, that time

When I close my eyes
You are next to me
You don't notice it
When I kiss you, when I huge you
Time to time, that time
Time to time, that time

Every day at sunset
You fill into my wineglass
Sip by sip, drop by drop
You become my thought
Time to time, that time
Time to time, that time

On my cigarette's smoke
You land on my lips
Each breath deeper and deeper
You fill inside me
Time to time, that time
Time to time, that time 

Konuşarak anlatılmaz herşey, bazen susmak yeter aslında.
Konuşmak bir ihtiyaç olabilir, ama susmak cevaptır anlayana.
You can tell everything by speaking, it is enough to be quiet sometimes.
Speaking might be a need,but to be quiet is an answer to who is capable to understand. 
Cok alakali degil ama bana bu parcayi animsatti :)
Not really  related but reminded me this song :)